Timeline - Community
Let's Talk videos providing information in many languages (Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Malayalam, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi, Sinhala, Spanish/Español, Tagalog, Tamil and Vietnamese) for people in New Zealand about how to prevent and respond to sexual violence launched by Shama Ethnic Women's Trust
Ethnic Communities Network launched
Moui Olaola : National Niue Wellbeing Plan 2023 - 2025 (Pasefika Proud) launched
First National Pacific Practitioners’ Fono held
Transgender community report: Seeking help for sexual violence or family violence (2023) published
Reducing risk and harm when going to Family Court: An information guide for victim-survivors (The Backbone Collective, 2023) published
Tamaiti ole Moana 2033: Towards 2033 – a 10-year action plan (Moana Connect, 2023) published
Mauri Oho (Te Puna Oranga) - a kaupapa Māori website to educate and prevent sexual violence launched
Aro ki te Hā (InsideOUT & RainbowYouth), a youth programme designed to support rainbow rangatahi to have safe, respectful, nurturing relationships with themselves and others piloted
Rainbow Safe online training for family and sexual violence specialists, developed by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence in collaboration with MEDSAC (Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa), launched
Kāiga Tokelau Wellbeing: National Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026 (Pasefika Proud, 2022) launched
Tiakina Te Pā Harakeke: Ancestral knowledge and tamariki wellbeing (Lee-Morgan & Pihama, 2022) and Poipoia ngā tamariki: Māori proverbial sayings related to nurturing children (Pihama, et al, 2022) published
Boys will be… the men we teach them to be, White Ribbon campaign launched
Le Va Upstander Programme launched
Lalawa Ni Tiko Vinaka: National Fijian Wellbeing Plan 2022 - 2025 (Pasefika Proud, 2022) launched
Shining Light on the Shadow: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on abuser behaviour (Backbone Collective, 2022) published
Healthy relationships and consent: Through the eyes of Rainbow identifying youth (Dickson, Fraser & Bramwell, 2021) published
Kids and gender: A toolbox for parents (Dickson & Hohou te Rongo Kahukura – Outing Violence, 2021) launched by White Ribbon
Te Ira Tangata: Mō Tau 9 & 10 (Te Whāriki Takapou, 2020) – relationships and sexuality programme for kura launched
Doing better by our rangatahi: Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC) Youth Service Co-design Project (Aviva, 2021) developed
Victim-survivor perspectives on longer-term support after experiencing violence and abuse (The Backbone Collective, 2020) published
Shama launches videos to help ethnic communities talk about sexual violence
Two reports by the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency published: Ko te wā whakawhiti - It's time for change and Te mura o te ahi, fighting for our tamariki a collection of whānau stories for the Māori-led inquiry into Oranga Tamariki
Caring for our tamaiti mokopuna: Voices of Ngāti Porou tamaiti mokopuna and whānau (Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou, 2019) published
Te Olaga Ola Filemu - A life embarked with peace and wellbeing: Tuvalu Family Violence Prevention Plan (Pasefika Proud, 2019) published
Māori-led Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki launched
Rainbow Violence Prevention Network formed
HEY BRO helpline launched in 2018 by He Waka Tapu (ceased operation 2023)
Symposium on inquiry into abuse in state care held February 2018
Stand by me: The story of Te Whakaruruhau Waikato Women's Refuge published
Media breaks story that law interns sexually harassed, assaulted, sparking attention on #metoo in NZ
Te Ira Tangata: Sexuality education programme for Kura Kaupapa Māori (Te Whāriki Takapou, 2018) published
ACC contract with NZUSA cancelled
Seen and not heard: Children in the New Zealand Family Court. Part two - Lawyer for the child? (The Backbone Collective, 2018) published
Te Aitanga a Tiki: Te reo Māori resources on sexual and reproductive health (Te Whāriki Takapou, 2018) launched
The Backbone Collective for survivors of violence against women launched
Pasefika Proud Nga Vaka Family Violence Training Programmes commence
Pasefika Proud online Pacific service directory launched
Tū Pono: Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau launched
New Zealand Rugby Respect and responsibility review (Cockburn & Atkinson, 2017) published
Gender Equal NZ launched
Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa (MEDSAC, formerly DSAC), launches SAATS-Link, an online network for people working in sexual assault clinics around New Zealand.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire: Women's experiences of the New Zealand Family Court (The Backbone Collective, 2017) published
All eyes on the Family Court: A watchdog report from The Backbone Collective (2017) published
"Don't tell me your problems": The Family Court complaints and appeals landscape (The Backbone Collective, 2017) published
'Break Free' handbook (Shakti Youth, 2017) for migrant and refugee youth experiencing family violence published
Growing up takatāpui: Whānau journeys (Kerekere, Rainbow Youth & Tīwhanawhana Trust) published
Seen and not heard: Children in the Family Court. Part one - force (The Backbone Collective, 2017) published
VOYCE - Whakarongo Mai (Voice of the Young and Care Experienced - Listen to me) launched 1 April 2017
DVFREE™ Tick developed by Shine to recognise organisations taking steps to ensure their workplace is safe and supportive for staff experiencing domestic violence launched
Shine becomes a service division of Presbyterian Support Northern (PSN) (1 July 2016)
Women's Refuge online tool for victims to access information safety launched in partnership with The Warehouse
- Inner City Women's Group - 1 in 3 Be Free phone app launched
First E Tū Whānau Song Competition held
Tū Mai Awa, a community-based social change project launched
NZ Rugby Respect and Responsibility Project Manager appointed
Lifeline merges with Presbyterian Support Northern (announced December 2016) with PSN committed to funding Lifeline for 18 months
Em, a website designed to embrace, empower and provide empathy for young women in relation to sexual harm in any form launched
A Covenant for our Nation's Children - He Ōati mō ngā Taitamariki ō tō tātou Whenua signed by iwi leaders at the Iwi Leaders Forum (5 August 2016)
White Ribbon Respectful Relationships campaign with a Toolbox for dads launched
Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors (round two): Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence (Wharewera-Mika & McPhillips, 2016) published, updating the Good Practice Guidelines published in 2009
Pacific Island Safety and Prevention Project closed
Relationships Aotearoa closes
Social Change Toolkit for community projects launched by Think Differently
Women's Refuge awarded contract for National Home Safety Service
You, Me / Us a resource for sexuality and gender diverse communities updated
Shakti Youth launches campaign on migrant and refugee children witnessing violence at home
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence launched
White Ribbon Campaign Trust established
Manuals on delivering stopping violence programmes for Māori men published
Culture: No excuse for abuse booklet published by Shakti and It's not OK Campaign
E Tū Whānau Charter of Commitment launched
- National sexual violence survivor helpline launched by Rape Crisis
- The Harbour, a website providing sexual abuse information, resources and support launched
- TOAH-NNEST, Te Ohaakii a Hine - National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together website launched
Pasefika Proud campaign - building violence free families - launched
PSA commenced negotiations for special clauses to support workers experiencing family violence
- ‘Loves me not' dating violence prevention pilot programme begins in nine secondary schools
- Shakti Migrant & Refugee Women’s Support Group established in Melbourne, Australia
- Relationships in Later Life, an online resource developed by Relationships Aotearoa and Age Concern New Zealand
- Christchurch Women's Refuge men's community outreach service piloted
- Auckland Council's 30 year plan includes targets for the reduction of family, whānau and sexual violence
- Owen Glenn pledges $80 million towards ending child abuse and domestic violence and Glenn Inquiry launched
- Primary prevention projects for Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri (tikanga Māori) and Tauiwi Caucus of Te Ohaakii a Hine - National Network of Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) established
- Domestic violence and disabled people, a booklet for disabled people and their carers developed by the Auckland-based Domestic Violence and Disability group (DVD, 2011) published
Purple dandelion: a Muslim woman's struggle against violence and oppression (Sultana & Nair. Exisle, 2011) published. Documents the history of Shakti
- You, Me, Us – Our People, Our Relationships, an initiative by OUTLINE NZ and Rainbow Youth launched
- Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence launched in West Auckland. Takes over from the Waitakere City Council Mayoral Taskforce, established in 2007
Tauawhi Men's Centre opens in Gisborne
- Sophie Elliott Foundation launched
- Department of Internal Affairs in partnership with ECPAT New Zealand launches hotline for reporting child pornography – images of child sex abuse
- Aroha in Action (Grenell. Amokura, S.K.I.P. & Campaign for Action on Family Violence, 2009) published
- Amokura awarded annual Alumni Human Rights Prize by Leitner Centre for International Law and Justice at Fordham Law School
- Disability Coalition Against Violence (DCAV) formed
- Shakti opens Wellington office
safe@home initiative developed by Shine
E Tu whānau - a Māori response to violence in te Ao Māori began with the Hopuhopu Summit in April 2008
- Mana Ririki established as an outcome of the Māori Child Abuse Summit
- Women's Refuge launched Te Kōwhai – New Zealand Family Violence Training & Research Institute
- Child and Young Person's Advocate positions (45 full-time) established nationwide
Māori Child Abuse Summit held in Auckland (see also Mana Ririki)
TOAH-NNEST (Te Ohaakii a Hine-National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together) formed
Women's Refuge Hau Purea Māori Unit (Women's Refuge, 2015) established
- Report on elder abuse & neglect prevention service (Age Concern, 2005)
Tīwhanawhana Trust established
- Child Abuse Prevention Service NZ establishes a national office in Wellington
- Men for Non-Violence changes to Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga/National Network of Stopping Violence Services, becomes a co-gendered and bicultural organisaton and commits to a focus on women's and children's safety
- Waitakere Anti Violence Essential Services (WAVES) formed – co-ordination of local response to family violence in West Auckland
Nga Maia Maori Midwives Assocation formed
- Domestic Violence Education Intervention Project (DOVE) opened in Hawke’s Bay, based on HAIPP model
Women's Refuge adopts model of parallel development (Women's Refuge, 2015)
First Lesbian/Wāhine Takatāpui Refuge Advocates Hui (Women's Refuge, 2015) held
Tangata Pasifika Women's Refuge (Women's Refuge, 2015) established
- Telethon on violence prevention held, managed by the Home & Neighbourhood Trust
- Men of Aotearoa formed – a national grouping of men’s groups working on domestic violence. Became Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patenga National Network of Stopping Violence Services.
- Hutt Family Violence Network established – first community-based inter-agency co-ordinating body
- Mental Health Foundation conference on family violence held
Te Whare Rokiroki in Wellington, the second Māori Women's Refuge established (Women's Refuge, 2015)
Te Whakaruruhau, the first Māori Women’s Refuge established
Family Violence Conference organised by Police and National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges (NCIWR) (see Carswell, 2006, Ch.2) held
- First edition of Fresh Start: A Self Help Book for New Zealand Women in Abusive Relationships published (NCIWR, 1985)
- National Collective of Rape Crisis and Related Groups of Aotearoa formed
Te Kākano o Te Whānau groups established, offering sexual abuse counselling services to Māori
- Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) NZ founded. Became Jigsaw in 2006.
For Men Support begins in West Auckland. First group working with men who use violence
- First National Symposium on Child Abuse Prevention (Abbott. Mental Health Foundation, 1983) held in Palmerston North
Te Kōhanga Reo established
National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges established (Women's Refuge, 2015)
- New Zealand Committee for Children (c1980-1987) founded
- Women’s Refuge opened in Dunedin
First Rape Crisis group established in Auckland
First Women’s Refuge opened in Christchurch
Society for the Promotion of the Health of Women and Children, which became known as the Plunket Society, established in Dunedin (see Te Ara page on Postnatal and and baby care)