Family Violence Networks

Information on the Family Violence Networks

There are approximately 43 regional Family Violence Networks in New Zealand. Formerly known as the Te Rito Networks, they are made up of a range of government and community agencies who work in family violence and sexual violence. The Networks support the delivery of community-based violence prevention initiatives, recognising that halting violence requires effective collaboration and strengthening communities' capacity to work together. Activities that Family Violence Networks undertake include:

  • Coordinating local agency responses and services – e.g. interagency case referral (Family Violence Interagency Response System (FVIARS) or similar)
  • Improving practice of organisations – e.g. training; developing good practice; collaborative policies; monitoring & research
  • Supporting projects that help survivors and perpetrators, children, family and whanau – e.g identifying service gaps, developing new collaborative services
  • Promotion – e.g. engaging with media; promoting available help and services
  • Working to mobilise communities and prevent family violence (primary prevention) – e.g. activities to increase understanding of family violence, encourage people to ask for help and ensure community members take it seriously and offer help to others. This includes campaigns; community education; and working with businesses, churches, marae, sports groups, schools, ethnic community groups to prevent family violence
  • Building relationships inside and outside the sector – building the network and encouraging new members, as well as working with people who are not family violence service providers to ensure they can provide effective support to people experiencing family violence, and contribute to preventing violence.

This list of activities is taken from About Family Violence Networks in New Zealand (June 2013). The paper was developed for family violence network members, and summarises some of the material that informs the 'Coordinated community action' workshops run by the It’s not OK family violence prevention campaign.

Family Violence Networks – background and key messages (March 2012)
This two page document provides brief background information on the Family Violence Networks.

Download contact details for the Family Violence Networks (as at June 2024).

Research and reports related to the Family Violence Networks

Review of Te Rito

This review found the that the Family Violence Networks had contributed to greater leadership, more effective services, enhanced safety and accountability, changing attitudes and behaviours and sustained collaborations.

Download the Review of Te Rito (2009)

Building collaborations to eliminate family violence

This NZFVC Issues Paper paper provides a broad perspective on best-practice principles and challenges relating to coordinated collaborative initiatives generally and as they relate to family violence specifically. It explores the current state of collaborative work on family violence in New Zealand. It is informed by a literature review and discussions with key informants: people with long experience of community-based family violence networks. The funding for the preparation of this Issues Paper was provided by the Families Commission.

Building collaborations to eliminate family violence: facilitators, barriers and good practice. New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, March 2012.
Download PDF (297 KB)   Download Word DOC (1.16 MB)

Tools to support multi-agency collaboration. New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, May 2012.
Download PDF (155.95 KB)   Download Word DOC (386 KB)

Expert Advisory Group report

The Report of the Expert Advisory Group on Family Violence (2013) made recommendations about the Family Violence Networks.

Media on the Family Violence Networks


Family violence coordination gets support, Media release: Paula Bennett, 24.05.13


Family violence agency applauds Bennett for funding change delay, NZ Herald, 28.05.12

Family Violence Co-ordination, Ministry of Social Development, 25.05.12

Anti-violence workers fear funding cuts, Voxy, 08.05.12

Family violence fear as funding cut-off nears, NZ Herald, 15.03.12


Family Violence Networks Scramble to Fight Cash Cuts, NZ Herald, 19.03.11

Fears Family Violence will Rise if Funding Recedes, Dominion Post 01.04.11

Focus Must be on Helping the Families, Dominion Post, 06.04.11

Family Violence Aid Cuts Attacked, Nelson Mail, 06.04.11

Te Rito Coordinators Worth Their Weight in Gold, Age Concern, 21.03.11

Cuts to Family Violence Funding No Good says WAVES, WAVES, 30.03.11

Taking From Te Rito a Questionable Move, Nelson Mail, 08.04.11

Funding Cuts Could Stall Downturn in Violence, Radio Waatea, 28.04.11

Bishops and Commission Support Family Violence Work, Anglican Church 25.03.11

Jigsaw Warns Re: Funding Cuts, Jigsaw, 21.03.11

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