The Clearinghouse hosts seminars which showcase New Zealand and international research on family violence
Recognising and responding to coercive control and systemic entrapment
Denise Wilson, Heather Douglas, Rachel Smith, Julia Tolmie
"Parental alienation” and family courts: A conversation on research and practice
Elizabeth Sheehy, Deborah Mackenzie and Catriona MacLennan
Intimate partner violence: Understanding research on risk and protective factors
Janet Fanslow and Pauline Gulliver
Creating change: Mobilising communities to prevent family and whānau violence
Lori Michau, Sheryl Hann, Shirleyanne Brown
Other NZFVC events
NZFVC celebrates 10 years: 2005 - 2015
Upcoming events
The Clearinghouse also lists upcoming events offered by NZFVC and other organisations. Information is as provided by the organiser.