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This seminar was held on 30 November 2016 in Auckland at Tāmaki Campus, University of Auckland, and on 2 December 2016 in Wellington, hosted by Superu. The video recording is from the Wellington seminar.
In this seminar, Dr Devon Polaschek provides an overview of research on achieving positive change with people perpetrating family violence. She outlines the need for integrated safety-oriented system responses, including the range of long-term supports needed for perpetrators to achieve and maintain non-violence. The presentation concludes with suggestions for ways forward.
This presentation is based on the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse Issues Paper, Responding to perpetrators of family violence by Devon Polaschek (November 2016).
Devon Polaschek, PhD DipClinPsyc, is a clinical psychologist and professor of criminal justice psychology at Victoria University of Wellington.