Kaupapa Māori

Information and research relating to family violence and sexual violence for kaimahi Māori is available in various places on our website.

Hei Oranga mō Tātou

Hei Oranga mō Tātou pānui is a quarterly pānui focused on work and information we think will be particularly useful for kaimahi Māori. We published the first Hei Oranga mō Tātou pānui in Kōanga | Spring 2023.

Find the latest Hei Oranga mō Tātou pānui


You can search our library using Te Reo Māori Quick Topic Search.

Find out more about Te Reo Māori topic terms in the Clearinghouse library.

You can also search the Clearinghouse library for research and other information relating to Māori from the English Quick Topic Search page: select Māori (you can refine your search results further from there).


A library search for Rauemi mo Māori or Resources for Māori brings up resources for whānau.

Recommended reading

We have collated a list of key research, reports, conceptual frameworks, tools and other resources that have been influential and useful in developing understandings of family and whānau violence over time.

Relevant sections include Conceptual models - Tangata whenua and Intervention by population group - Tangata whenua.


See Understanding family violence: Māori in New Zealand (Te Puni Kōkiri, 2017)

Search Tatauranga to find publications that include statistics for Māori in our library.

See also our Statistics page - many of these reports provide family violence statistics broken down by ethnicity.


We have produced a Timeline documenting progress and setbacks on the journey towards the prevention and elimination of family, whānau and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Timeline can be searched by various categories including Māori.


We publish News articles highlighting new research, policy, legislation, funding opportunities, government consultations and community initiatives.

To search the News, enter your keywords (e.g. Māori or other terms) in the search box, select to search 'Website,' then filter your results to 'News.'


We list Events such as upcoming training, seminars, workshops, conferences and community activities offered by various organisations. 

To search Events, enter your keywords (e.g. Māori or other terms) in the search box, select to search 'Website,' then filter your results to 'Events.'