Watch the video recording (YouTube)
Download the slides:
Sheryl Hann (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Shirleyanne Brown (PDF, 2.4 MB)
This seminar was held on 19 August 2015 at Tāmaki Innovation Campus, University of Auckland.
Community mobilisation is an approach to preventing violence which enables and builds local community ownership. Principles of community mobilisation include social change, whole community engagement, collaboration, community leadership and a vision for a better world. Community mobilisation is an emerging approach to addressing family violence, however there are international examples that show a reduction in violence in relatively short periods of time. Come along to learn more about the world-leading example SASA! and promising Aotearoa New Zealand initiatives.
This seminar highlighted the key messages from NZFVC Issues Paper 8, Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence by Sheryl Hann and Cristy Trewartha (May 2015).
Lori Michau (by video), Co-founder and Co-director of Raising Voices, a non-profit organisation working toward the prevention of violence against women and children in Uganda. Raising Voices developed SASA!, a community mobilisation initiative that works to prevent violence against women and HIV by addressing gender inequality. SASA! is one of the few community mobilisation initiatives worldwide that has done comprehensive research and evaluation. This found that the initiative lead to decreased rates of intimate partner violence, and a wide range of positive changes in people's relationships and the community. Lori will talk about what SASA! has achieved and how they measure change. SASA! is an acronym for the four phases of action (Start, Awareness, Support and Action) and also means "now" in Kiswahili.
Involved in all aspects of work at Raising Voices, Lori spends her days supporting staff and strategy development, developing ideas and programmes, learning from experiences on the ground, and discovering new ways to promote violence prevention. Lori received her Masters in Human Rights at Makerere University, Uganda and has lived in the region since 1995. Before co-founding Raising Voices, she worked at Kuleana Center for Children's Rights and Jijenge! Women's Center for Sexual Health. Lori is the author of several groundbreaking violence prevention methodologies, various articles (including for the United Nations and The Lancet) and serves on many advisory boards.
Sheryl Hann, Family Violence: It's not OK Campaign
Shirleyanne Brown, E Tū Whānau
Sheryl Hann and Shirleyanne Brown discussed community mobilisation to prevent family and whānau violence in Auckland.
Additional material
including It's not OK Campaign Community Evaluation Project (2105)
SASA! (Raising Voices) website
SASA! (Raising Voices) on YouTube
Prevention of violence against women and girls: Lessons from practice
by Lori Michau, Jessica Horn, Amy Bank, Mallika Dutt and Cathy Zimmerman
The Lancet, 2015
Community mobilization: Preventing partner violence by changing social norms
by Lori Michau
UN Women in cooperation with ESCAP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO, 2012