Timeline - Older people
Elder Abuse in Aotearoa: The proposed future strategy for Elder Abuse Response Services (Ministry of Social Development) published
Elder abuse in Aotearoa : the proposed future strategy for Elder Abuse Response Services (Ministry of Social Development, 2020) published
What counts as consent? Sexuality and ethical deliberation in residential aged care (Henrickson, Cook, Schouten, Donald & Atefi, 2020) published
Elder abuse in Aotearoa: The role and current state of MSD's Elder Abuse Response Services (Ministry of Social Development, 2019) published
Elder abuse helpline launched 1 July 2017
Healthy Ageing Strategy (Ministry of Health, 2016) released
Measuring elder abuse in New Zealand: Findings from the New Zealand Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Waldegrave, 2015) published
- Relationships in Later Life, an online resource developed by Relationships Aotearoa and Age Concern New Zealand
- Financial abuse of older people in New Zealand: a working paper (Davey & McKendry, 2011) published
- The Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing established "for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons" by UN General Assembly resolution
- Preventing elder abuse and neglect, a fact sheet (Families Commission, 2008) published
- Elder Abuse and Neglect – exploration of risk and protective factors (Peri et al. Families Commission, 2008) published
- Family violence intervention guidelines: elder abuse and neglect (Glasgow & Fanslow, Ministry of Health, 2007) published
- First World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (15 June) marked
- Report on elder abuse & neglect prevention service (Age Concern, 2005)
- Beyond zero tolerance: Key issues and future directions for family violence work in New Zealand (Fanslow. Families Commission, 2005) published
- The Toronto Declaration on the Global Prevention of Elder Abuse (WHO, University of Toronto and Ryerson University, INPEA, 2002)published
- Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing declaration made at the Second World Assembly on Ageing held in Madrid in April 2002
- UN adopts Principles for Older Persons