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Women's Refuge wins contract for National Home Safety Service


The Ministry of Justice has expanded the National Home Safety Service, awarding the national contract to a partnership between National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges (NCIWR), Shakti New Zealand and the Pacific Island Safety and...

Redesigned ACC sensitive claims service launched; increased prevention funding


ACC formally launched its new support service for sensitive claims in Wellington on 2 March 2015. ACC Minister Nikki Kaye also announced increased investment in sexual violence prevention. The ACC Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC)...

NZ Police look at response to family violence


New Zealand Police are embarking on an internal change programme to improve the way they respond to family violence. This will include utilising external experts and community groups for advice. Interviewed on Radio New Zealand, Superintendent Tusha...

Prize offered for graduate student essay on gender-based violence in Aotearoa NZ


The Women's Studies Association Aotearoa New Zealand has announced that entries are open for the 2015 Women's Studies Journal Graduate Prize for a Feminist Essay. Essays of 4000-5000 words are invited to be submitted on the 2015 theme: gender-based...

OAG releases fourth monitoring report on Police conduct


The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) has released its Fourth Monitoring Report relating to the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct (2007). The Fourth Monitoring Report follows the Police response to the five recommendations...

Practice Guide assists representation of battered mothers under Hague Convention


The Hague Domestic Violence Project have released a Practice Guide to assist attorneys/lawyers and domestic violence advocates in representing battered mother respondents. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ("...

UK research project reports on impact of perpetrator programmes


A UK project has published research findings on domestic violence perpetrator programmes. Project Mirabal, initiated by Respect, a national umbrella organisation for perpetrator programmes and allied services, was conducted by Durham University's...

UK toolkits provide guidance on investigating consent in sexual violence cases


The UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have published new guidance on investigating consent when prosecuting rape, launched at the first National CPS/Police Rape Conference on Rape Investigations and Prosecutions. The guidance directs prosecutors to...

2015 marks Beijing+20 and International Women's Day


2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action signing at the Fourth World Conference on Women in September 1995. The conference produced a landmark blueprint for advancing women's rights, including the...

Treasuring our Tamariki: Children's Day 2015


The annual national Children's Day, Te Rā O Te Tamariki, will take place on Sunday 1 March 2015, with the theme 'Treasure Our Children'. Children's Day encourages families and communities to come together in honouring children by doing something...

New training resource on barriers and enablers to leaving a violent relationship


Homeworks Trust has produced a board game for use in training on the barriers of leaving a violent relationship. Ups and Downs - what helps and what hinders women leaving an abusive relationship is a board game based on traditional Snakes and...

Resources on external and self-evaluation


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has collated some resources on evaluation relevant to family and whānau violence services. 2015 has been declared the International Year of Evaluation by EvalPartners, a global movement to strengthen...

Are falling crime rates real? Salvation Army looks at data


The Salvation Army's 2015 State of the Nation report raises questions about drops in the recorded crime rate. The report, A Mountain all can climb: A State of the Nation report from the Salvation Army notes the drop in overall recorded crime in the...

Superu hosts family violence Knowledge Exchange Forum


Superu (the Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit, formerly the Families Commission) hosted a Knowledge Exchange Forum on family violence on 16 September 2014. A report of the forum is now available on the Superu website. The aim of Knowledge...

Mangere College says It's Not OK; resources for working with schools


South Auckland school Mangere College and the It's Not OK campaign teamed up to address family violence in 2014. Mangere College student leadership and the It's Not OK champion Jude Simpson began the school campaign following a strategic planning...

Research and resources to prevent and respond to digital stalking


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has collated some research and resources for supporting people experiencing stalking, and organisations working to address domestic violence and stalking. Stalking generally involves a pattern of...

Child abuse statistics and policy change


The Government has released child abuse statistics for the year ending June 2014, reporting a decrease of 12% (2,306 children) of substantiated abuse from the previous year.  The Ministry of Social Development reports, "During the year to June 2014...

Large Australian private sector employer introduces domestic violence leave


Australian telecommunications company Telstra has announced a new policy which provides staff who are victims of domestic violence ten additional paid leave days a year. The Family Violence Support Policy was launched on 24 November 2014 to coincide...

UK to criminalise coercive, controlling and psychological abuse


The UK Home Office has announced a new domestic violence law will be introduced, criminalising patterns of coercive, controlling and psychological abuse. The offence, which carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a fine, outlaws "...

RFP to fill gaps in acute crisis sexual violence services


The Government has announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be put out to fill identified gaps in coverage of acute crisis sexual violence services. In 2014, the Government announced a funding boost of $10.4 million over two years to stablise...