Website search results

Consultation on form for applying for family and civil legal aid


The Legal Services Commissioner is seeking feedback about a new form for applying for family and civil legal aid. There are currently five separate forms: civil general application – form 5 family general application – form 6 mental health...

Sexual harm service update - progress on helpline, new services, evaluation


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides a brief summary of progress on the national helpline, services that were out for tender, and service evaluation plans. The national sexual harm...

Netsafe resource for schools on responding to online incidents


Netsafe has published a guide to help schools respond to online digital incidents, such as bullying, harassment, threats or other harmful behaviour. The two-page quick reference guide, Responding to Online Digital Incidents Involving Students, is...

New global health study scores New Zealand in lowest percentile for child sexual abuse


A study comparing global progress on achieving the United Nations' health-related Sustainable Development Goals has scored New Zealand in the lowest percentile for rates of child sexual abuse. The study also scored countries on intimate partner...

Election 2017 - political parties' policies and family and whānau violence


A range of organisations and networks have compared political parties' policies relevant to family and whānau violence ahead of the General Election on 23 September 2017. Tick 4 Kids collated policy measures from its coalition partners and chose the...

Free online course on violence against women


International online learning provider FutureLearn is offering a free online course on violence against women, starting this week. The course, Understanding Violence Against Women: Myths and Realities takes two hours a week for six weeks. The course...

EU and Pacific Islands Forum to address gender inequality and violence against women


The European Union (EU) and the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat have signed a Financing Agreement to address gender inequality and violence against women in the Pacific. The EUR 18 million programme includes EUR 5 million from Australia. The...

NZ Rugby report from Respect and Responsibility Review


NZ Rugby has published findings from its Respect and Responsibility Review. The review was initiated in 2016 after criticism about players harassing and behaving violently towards women and the organisation's response. The review involved looking at...

Grandparents find challenges working with child protection and Work and Income


Research about grandparents' experiences of raising grandchildren in Aotearoa New Zealand has highlighted significant difficulties in accessing support from Work and Income New Zealand and Child, Youth and Family (now the Ministry for Vulnerable...

Le Va launches suicide prevention programme, LifeKeepers


Le Va has launched a new suicide prevention training programme, LifeKeepers. The national training programme is designed specifically for Aotearoa New Zealand communities. LifeKeepers provides free training to help people in the community recognise...

Backbone releases report on Family Court appeals and complaints


The Backbone Collective have released a third report on the Family Court. The report, "Don't tell me your problems": The Family Court complaints and appeals landscape (2017) considers the availability and effectiveness of appeals and complaints...

New movement Gender Equal NZ launched to address sexism and stereotypes


Gender Equal NZ is a movement focused on addressing gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes that persist in Aotearoa New Zealand, preventing women and gender diverse people from achieving their potential. The National Council of Women is leading the...

Online trauma awareness training package being developed


The Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki has partnered with Werry Workforce Whāraurau to develop a trauma awareness training package. The training package includes three modules designed for caregivers and frontline practitioners within...

Ministry of Justice publishes updated restorative justice framework


The Ministry of Justice has published an updated practice framework for restorative justice providers. The Restorative Justice Best Practice Framework sets out a common approach that aims to ensure safe, consistent and robust practice. The framework...

New E Tū Whānau resources - 'Our ancestors'


E Tū Whānau have published a 'Our Ancestors', a series of five resources highlighting how Māori cultural traditions protect wāhine, tamariki and tāne from violence and uphold the mana of all. The information sheets are: Early observations of whānau...

8 Weeks of Humanity campaign starts September 2017


Over the last six months, the Auckland Humanity Project has been collecting and sharing stories from people in the community. Starting Monday 4 September, the project has kicked off an 8 Weeks of Humanity campaign. Through social media, they will...

Funding for sexual violence training for judges and legal professionals


Justice and Courts Minister Amy Adams has announced $1.24 million for new training and education programmes for prosecutors, court staff and the judiciary to better understand the impacts of sexual violence on victims. The purpose is to make victims...

UN Racial Discrimination Committee recommends inquiry into abuse in state care


The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has published its Concluding observations on the combined twenty-first and twenty-second periodic reports of New Zealand. The Committee considered New Zealand’s reports at...

Cabinet paper and updates on development of MVCOT


Minister for Children Anne Tolley has provided updates on the development and implementation of the Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (MVCOT). Cabinet paper A Cabinet paper has been released which outlines progress on designing and...

Corrections launches new strategy for women offenders


Corrections Minister Louise Upston has launched a new approach to managing women offenders. The strategy, Wahine - E rere ana ki te pae hou: Women's Strategy, was launched in Christchurch on 28 August 2017. Ms Upston said "The number of women in...