Website search results

Classification Office consulting on sexual violence in entertainment media


The Office of Film and Literature Classification is consulting on sexual violence in entertainment media such as films, television and games. The initial part of the consultation is focused on hearing feedback from young New Zealanders. Focus groups...

New website 'Em' provides information and resources for young women around sexual harm


Em is designed to embrace, empower and provide empathy for young women in relation to sexual harm in any form. Em ( was developed by Auckland HELP, a specialist support organisation for sexual abuse survivors, with social change...

New data summaries published: 110,114 Police family violence investigations in 2015


Family violence data summaries 2016 have been published by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC).   The data summaries are a collation of family violence statistics from government and non-government agencies and research studies.  ...

Report highlights issues with media reporting of violence against women


Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and Our Watch have published a report investigating how Australian media reports on violence against women, one of the largest international studies of its kind. The Media...

VAWnet resources: economic abuse; forced marriage; adults exposed to childhood violence


In 2016, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has updated or published new online resources on a range of topics. These include: recovering from economic abuse; forced marriage; and supporting adults who were...

Government submits latest CEDAW report


Minister for Women Louise Upston has submitted the Government’s latest report on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Minister Upston said “The report responds to specific issues...

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: Te reo Māori in the NZFVC library


Did you know that Māori search terms can now be used to search for research and resources in the Clearinghouse library? Items which may be particularly relevant for Māori and people working with Māori now have te reo Māori topic tags in the...

New Privacy Commissioner guidance on information sharing


The Privacy Commissioner has published a guide for multi-agency teams on sharing personal information when working with families and vulnerable children. The new guidance is designed for health and social service agencies and their staff. Sharing...

UN Women accepting submissions to Commission on the Status of Women


UN Women is accepting complaints, appeals or petitions related to violations of human rights that affect the status of women in any country.  The claims will be considered at the next session of the Commission on the Status of Women in March 2017. ...

NetSafe appointed as key agency for online harassment; information and support for victims


NetSafe has been appointed as the Approved Agency under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015. This gives NetSafe a statutory role in preventing and addressing online harassment under the new civil enforcement regime. Specifically, NetSafe's...

Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano research: Māori views and understandings of sexual violence


In 2009, Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned work to explore Māori views and understandings of sexual violence. Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano is a background paper summarising this research, written by Dr Leonie Pihama and Huriana McRoberts, Māori and...

2016 Budget: No new family violence money, Family Violence Networks refunded


The 2016 Budget was announced on 26 May, with no new funding for family violence services. However funding for the Family Violence Networks (formerly Te Rito networks) was provided for another 12 months. The Ministry of Social Development announced...

New report on partner and sexual violence in Rainbow communities


A new report on partner and sexual violence in Rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand has been released. The report, Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence (2016) was written by Sandra Dickson and produced as part of...

Lead up to Budget 2016 - Govt announces funding cuts, increases and reprioritising


In the lead up to the 2016 Budget, the Government has announced significant changes to community funding and programmes. Many changes have been announced as new allocations or increased funding for programmes, however a number reflect transferring...

Family violence researcher Murray Straus dies


Professor Murray Straus, "founder of the field of family violence research" passed away on 13 May 2016 at the age of 89. An obituary highlighting his life and work has been posted on the University of New Hampshire website. There is also a memorial...

Inquest into youth suicides finds exposure to family violence


Coroner Carla na Nagara has released findings from a joint inquest into the suicides of four 15 year old girls between July 2013 and August 2014 in the Hawke's Bay suburb of Flaxmere. Coroner Nagara said a striking feature of the cases was that all...

"Investment Approach" to Justice outlined - family violence


Justice Minister Amy Adams has outlined how the Government plans to apply the Social Investment approach to the Justice system. Ms Adams said family violence is a "key area where we are actively applying the Investment Approach." Ms Adams said, "The...

CDC publishes strategies for violence prevention based on best available evidence


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed two technical packages to help communities and government agencies take advantage of the best available evidence to prevent violence. The packages focus on sexual violence and...

Joint statement from NZ and Australia police on family violence


New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush has joined Police Commissioners from across Australia in launching a joint Leadership Statement and Policing Principles for Protecting Women and Children from Family Violence in April 2016. The joint...

Government announces new multi-agency family violence pilot in Christchurch


Justice Minister Amy Adams has announced the launch of an Integrated Safety Response pilot. The pilot will start 1 July 2016 in Christchurch. The response team will bring together Police, Child, Youth and Family, Corrections, health, specialist...