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Risk assessment: What is it and how can it be applied in family violence?


 Issues Paper 9, October 2015 Authors: Pauline Gulliver1, PhD and Janet Fanslow2, PhD 1 Research Fellow, New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse 2 Associate Professor, Social and Community Health, School of Population Health, University of...

Pacific Island Safety and Prevention Project closed


The Pacific Island Safety and Prevention Project ("the Project") has closed. Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency Pasifika Futures is working in partnership with the organisation to ensure that all families who were engaged with the organisation under...

Productivity Commission releases final report on social services


The Productivity Commission released its final report on improving how government agencies commission and purchase social services on 15 September 2015. The Commission was briefed by the government in June 2014 to examine ways to "improve...

Victims Code launched


Justice Minister Amy Adams launched a new Victims Code at the Red Raincoat Trust's annual victims conference in Napier on 19 September 2015. The Victims Code seeks to better support victims of crime. Amendments to the Victims Right Act 2002 in...

Report on the first phase of Whānau Ora released


Te Puni Kōkiri has released a report on the first phase of Whānau Ora (2010-2015). The report, Understanding whānau-centred approaches: Analysis of Phase One Whānau Ora research and monitoring results says that the first phase has focused on...

Panel releases interim report on Child, Youth and Family


Social Development Minister Anne Tolley released an interim report of the panel established to review Child, Youth and Family, on 24 September 2015. The report, Modernising Child, Youth and Family, concludes that "While there are pockets of good...

Postgraduate biostatistics scholarship offered by i-safe project


A Centre for Interdisciplinary Trauma Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Biostatistics is being offered by i-safe and Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Auckland University of Technology (AUT).  The scholarship is for one year full-...

Sustainable Development Goals seek to strengthen interpersonal violence prevention


Governments around the world formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York between 25-27 September 2015. The Summit asked countries to adopt the new universal Agenda...

Warehouse Group establishes workplace protections for victims of family violence


The Warehouse Group has launched a new initiative supporting employees who are victims of family violence. The Family Violence - It's Not OK initiative provides for up to 10 days paid leave per year for victims of family violence. This is in...

Submissions open on Child Sex Offender Register


The Government is seeking public feedback on the establishment of a Child Sex Offender Register. The Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Register) Bill passed its first reading in Parliament on 15 September 2015. The Bill "aims to reduce sexual...

New project on partner and sexual violence in rainbow communities


A new project which aims to prevent partner violence and sexual violence within rainbow communities has launched a website. Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence focuses on building Rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand free of partner and...

UN Women toolkit supports Pacific region to end violence against women and girls


UN Women have published a toolkit which seeks to support Pacific Island countries in creating and implementing effective projects to end violence against women and girls. Prevalence studies in the Pacific region report up to two in three women...

Applications for the 2016 Social Work Study Awards open


Applications for the 2016 NGO Social Work Study Awards opened on 3 August 2015 and will close on Friday 9 October 2015. Funded and administered by the Ministry of Social Development's Community Investment, the Study Awards intend to build the...

A memorial to Brigitte Nimmo


Brigitte Nimmo was the National Family Violence Manager at New Zealand Police from 2009-2014. Brigitte passed away on 9 April 2015. A memorial to Brigitte has been collated, containing messages from Brigitte's colleagues, friends and family. The...

Community mobilisation symposium - materials now online


Presentations from the community mobilisation symposium hosted by the Clearinghouse on 19 August 2015 are now available online. Community mobilisation is an approach to preventing violence which enables and builds local community ownership....

Bill introduced to establish sex offender register


A Bill to enable the establishment of a child sex offender register was introduced to Parliament by Social Development Minister Anne Tolley on 13 August 2015. The Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Register) Bill "aims to reduce sexual reoffending...

ACC releases evaluation summary from Mates and Dates pilot


ACC has released a summary of the evaluation of its healthy relationships programme, Mates and Dates. Mates and Dates is designed to prevent sexual and dating violence by teaching relationship skills and behaviours. It is about all kinds of...

Court information sharing rules changed to support family violence decisions


Justice Minister Amy Adams has announced new information sharing rules between the family and criminal courts, to support Judges' decisions in relation to family violence. Under the new rules, Judges will have access to more information including...

Approved Information Sharing Agreement (AISA) signed


An agreement has been signed which clarifies what information government agencies can share about children at risk of harm and their families. The Approved Information Sharing Agreement (AISA) is a legal framework which "provides clarity and...

Pilot provides Judges with defendant's family violence history


Judges making bail decisions will be provided with the defendant's family violence history under a new initiative being piloted in the Porirua and Christchurch District Courts. The three month pilot, beginning 1 September 2015, will automatically...