Website search results

Judge's comments and discharge without conviction draw criticism


A judge has attracted criticism for comments and decision to discharge a man without conviction after he assaulted his partner, daughter and a man he believed she was romantically interested in. In his comments in the Queenstown District Court,...

Iwi launch or involved in initiatives to address family and whānau violence


Iwi are developing or involved in new programmes to address family violence and whānau well-being in various parts of the country. A few projects have recently been highlighted in the media. Whiria te Muka - Weaving the Strands  The Whiria te Muka...

Backbone Collective releases report on children's experiences of the Family Court


The Backbone Collective has released another report on the Family Court, this time focusing on the experiences of children. The report Seen and not Heard: Children in the New Zealand Family Court. Part One – Force is based on a survey of 291 women...

New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse: Overview and Highlights


The Clearinghouse has published a report on our activities in 2016-17. New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse: Overview and Highlights 2016-17 highlights the continuing growth and reach of the services provided by the Clearinghouse. Almost 70,000...

New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse support moves to the Ministry of Justice


The service provided by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse to policy makers, service providers and researchers has been confirmed for another three years. The University of Auckland will continue to provide the Clearinghouse for the next...

MSD sexual harm update - crisis support contracts and new tender


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" has an update on contracting crisis support services in geographical areas with service gaps. MSD ran a tender process to meet gaps in crisis support services earlier this...

Government to remove "vulnerable" from Ministry for Children, Oranga Tamariki


The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced at a press conference that Cabinet has agreed to change the name of the Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki to Oranga Tamariki, the Ministry for Children. Ms Ardern said the name change...

Children's Commissioner report calls for improvements in Family Group Conferences


The Office of the Children's Commissioner (OCC) has released a new report about Family Group Conferences (FGCs). It found that "practices varied hugely across different sites" and "that as part of the transformation of CYF into Oranga Tamariki,...

New White Ribbon film 'Raise our men' now available online


A new film by the White Ribbon Campaign is now available online. The 35-minute film Raise Our Men features interviews with New Zealand men talking about being socialised as boys and their experiences as men. The film is available as a resource for...

Waitematā report recommends support for primary prevention of family and sexual violence


A progress report from the Working together to achieve whānau wellbeing in Waitematā project has recommended a backbone type of support for the primary prevention of family and sexual violence. The project was a collaborative effort to look at ways...

CDC launches online training on links between different forms of violence


The US-based Veto Violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a new online training tool, Connecting the Dots. The training looks at the links between multiple forms of violence and opportunities for prevention....

16 days of activism against GBV: UN call to action and new WHO resources


The 16 days of activism against gender-based violence (GBV) 2017 is underway. The 16 days of activism runs from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) until 10 December (Human Rights Day) each year. The 2017...

Samoa develops family violence prevention campaign; Tonga trials helpline


The Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development in Samoa is launching a campaign to address family violence. The campaign has four themes: Zero Tolerance of violence; creating Safer Homes; Changing Lives by changing behaviour; and Our...

MSD sexual harm update - helpline, tenders and evaluation progress


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides brief updates on progress on the national helpline, tender for gaps in crisis support services, evaluation of sexual harm services and more. The...

Updated legal aid application form published


The Ministry of Justice has published a revised application form for family and civil legal aid. The revised form combines a number of different forms in to one application. The form was revised after consultation.  The new application form for...

Submissions open on mandatory registration of social workers


Submissions are open on a bill to introduce mandatory registration of social workers. The Social Workers Registration Legislation Bill is an omnibus bill. The Bill proposes amendments to the Social Workers Registration Act 2003. Those amendments...

MVCOT report finds higher rates of harm among children in care


The Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (MVCOT) has published a new report about children being harmed while in state care. The report Understanding harm experienced by children and young people in care during 2015/16 found higher...

Predictive risk modelling trialled for child protection intake decision-making


In October, The Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (MVCOT) released documents relating to the Enhancing Intake Decision-Making Project under the Official Information Act (OIA). The project was commissioned by the Minister for Social...

NZ monitoring group publishes report on international rights of children


In November, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Monitoring Group released a new report examining how New Zealand has put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC), also known as the Children's Convention, into practice. The...

Ministry of Justice and Corrections roadshows for 2018 programme tenders


The Ministry of Justice and Department of Corrections are currently running roadshows around the country about their plans for services and tenders in 2018. These roadshows are for organisations who have experience delivering non-violence and/or...