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White Ribbon announces 2015 campaign "Respectful relationships"


White Ribbon has announced that its 2015 campaign will focus on respectful relationships. White Ribbon says "'Respectful relationships' is a simple description of the positive behaviour we want to be normal for everyone, instead of men’s violence...

Review of family violence laws: Government discussion document released


Update: Submissions now close on 25 September 2015. Justice Minister Amy Adams has released a discussion document on New Zealand's legislative response to family violence. The Clearinghouse has published a reading guide to assist people making...

Ministerial group launches new family violence work programme


Justice Minister Amy Adams and Social Development Minister Anne Tolley have launched a new work programme on family and sexual violence. The work programme is detailed in a Cabinet paper, Progress on the Work Programme of the Ministerial Group on...

Call for inquiry into equality of access to justice


The Green Party has called for the Justice and Electoral Select Committee to initiate an inquiry into equality of access to justice. The Green Party says recent family court and legal aid reforms have resulted in an increase of people unable to...

Harmful Digital Communications Bill passes into legislation


A Bill which seeks to prevent cyberbullying and better support victims passed its third and final reading in Parliament on 30 June 2015. The Harmful Digital Communications Bill introduces measures to address damaging online communications, provide...

Increasing family violence calls but fewer resolutions: NZFVC data summaries 2015


The Clearinghouse has released 2015 family violence data summaries. New Zealand Police data shows police are dealing with more family violence, but where an offence is reported, fewer cases are being resolved. The data shows: Police conducted 101,...

Coroner releases report on Livingstone filicides-suicide


Chief Coroner Judge Deborah Marshall has released her report into the Livingstone double murder-suicide. The inquest into the deaths of Bradley, Ellen and Edward Livingstone was held in April 2015. Bradley, 9, and Ellen, 6, were shot by their father...

Magazine feature draws attention to family violence in high socio-economic households


The It's Not OK campaign and HOME magazine have launched a campaign to increase awareness of family violence within high socio-economic households. The New Zealand Violence Against Women Study found 26% of women living in a household with an income...

Cook Islands launch campaign to eliminate domestic violence


The Cook Islands National Council of Women have launched a national campaign to eliminate violence against women. Funded by the Australian and New Zealand Gender Equality Project and managed by the Cook Islands Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Cook...

MASSIVE hīkoi encourages people to speak out about sexual violence


A 17 day, 420 kilometre hīkoi from Auckland to Cape Reinga has sought to raise awareness and encourage people to speak out about sexual violence. The MAsSiVe (Men Against Sexual Violence) walk was organised and led by Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis...

Bill to make court less traumatic for children and victims of sexual offences


A Bill which aims to make court processes less traumatic for children and victims of sexual offences was introduced by Justice Minister Amy Adams on 27 May 2015. It had its first reading in Parliament on 2 June 2015. The Evidence Amendment Bill 2015...

Revised guidelines on sexuality education in schools released


The Ministry of Education has released a revised guide, Sexuality education: a guide for principals, boards of trustees, and teachers (2015). This is the first time the guide has been revised since 2002. The aim of the guide is to support school...

UN concerned by NZ "lack of proper funding for specialist sexual violence services"


New Zealand's sixth periodic review under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment has again highlighted violence against women and children as issues of concern. The concluding observations of...

New resource and new project for sexuality and gender diverse communities


The It's Not OK campaign and RainbowYOUTH, along with community partner organisations, have collaborated to update a resource on healthy relationships for sexuality and gender diverse communities. Originally produced in 2010, You, Me / Us provides...

Changes signalled to funding of community organisations; Relationships Aotearoa may close


Radio New Zealand has obtained a Cabinet paper by Social Development Minister Anne Tolley, which discusses a new approach to the way it funds community organisations. Radio New Zealand reported this would focus a lot more on achieving results which...

ACE Study connects adverse childhood experiences with health and social problems


A large United States study is studying the links between adverse childhood experiences and health and social problems. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study examines associations between childhood maltreatment and health and wellbeing later...

#thisdoesn'tmeanyes campaign tackles rape myths


A London campaign to create awareness of rape culture has garnered support and encouragement around the world. #thisdoesn'tmeanyes aims to dispel the myth that a women's choice of clothing or the way she behaves are invitations to be raped. The Rape...

Materials from Gendered Violence and Violations conference now available online


The Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN) hosted the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Conference on Gendered Violence and Violations at the University of New South Wales in Sydney on 10-12 February 2015. The conference "combined and expanded...

Govt seeks public consultation on Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan


The government has opened public consultation on New Zealand's draft National Action Plan for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions relating to Women, Peace and Security 2015-2019. The UN Resolution 1325 passed on 31...

Resources for promoting healthy relationships with young people


For updated research and resources see our 2023 news story Relationship and sexuality education: media, research, resources and new campaign. The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has compiled some resources on promoting healthy...