Website search results

NZ Rugby report from Respect and Responsibility Review


NZ Rugby has published findings from its Respect and Responsibility Review. The review was initiated in 2016 after criticism about players harassing and behaving violently towards women and the organisation's response. The review involved looking at...

New movement Gender Equal NZ launched to address sexism and stereotypes


Gender Equal NZ is a movement focused on addressing gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes that persist in Aotearoa New Zealand, preventing women and gender diverse people from achieving their potential. The National Council of Women is leading the...

Online trauma awareness training package being developed


The Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki has partnered with Werry Workforce Whāraurau to develop a trauma awareness training package. The training package includes three modules designed for caregivers and frontline practitioners within...

Ministry of Justice publishes updated restorative justice framework


The Ministry of Justice has published an updated practice framework for restorative justice providers. The Restorative Justice Best Practice Framework sets out a common approach that aims to ensure safe, consistent and robust practice. The framework...

Funding for sexual violence training for judges and legal professionals


Justice and Courts Minister Amy Adams has announced $1.24 million for new training and education programmes for prosecutors, court staff and the judiciary to better understand the impacts of sexual violence on victims. The purpose is to make...

UN Racial Discrimination Committee recommends inquiry into abuse in state care


The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has published its Concluding observations on the combined twenty-first and twenty-second periodic reports of New Zealand. The Committee considered New Zealand’s reports at...

Corrections launches new strategy for women offenders


Corrections Minister Louise Upston has launched a new approach to managing women offenders. The strategy, Wahine - E rere ana ki te pae hou: Women's Strategy, was launched in Christchurch on 28 August 2017. Ms Upston said "The number of women in...

Report on Family Violence Summit and Cabinet paper (April 2017) published


The Multi Agency Team of the Government's Family and Sexual Violence Work Programme has sent out an update. The update includes a report on the views from the Family Violence Summit held in June 2017 and associated online survey. It also includes an...

UN Working Group on discrimination against women visits Samoa


The United Nations 'Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice' has made its first official visit to Samoa. The panel concluded that Samoa has made huge strides forward in tackling a pervasive issue of gender-...

MSD releases documents related to requiring individual client level data


The Ministry of Social Development has released more documents relating to the collection of individual client level data (ICLD), under the Official Information Act. The documents released contain a range of material, including internal emails and...

Role of specialist organisations in ending violence against women


The Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) has produced a short brochure on the unique role of specialist women’s services in ending violence against women. The brochure is based on research AWAVA conducted in 2016 for a policy brief on...

Government announces details of mental health "social investment" package


Social Investment Minister Amy Adams and Health Minister Jonathan Coleman have announced details of the $100 million "social investment" fund for mental health. The fund was announced in Budget 2017. The funding will go to 17 initiatives. One of...

ACC partners with NZUSA on sexual violence prevention in tertiary education


The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has provided $1.4 million for a three year partnership with the New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations (NZUSA) to prevent sexual violence in tertiary education settings. Radio NZ reported that the...

Contract for national sexual violence helpline awarded to Homecare Medical


The contract to develop and operate a 24/7 national helpline for people affected by sexual violence has been awarded to Homecare Medical. Homecare Medical is owned by ProCare and Pegasus Health. It runs the National Telehealth Service which provides...

New website provides information on sexual assault medical services


A new Sexual Assault Assessment and Treatment Service (SAATS) online network has been launched by Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa (MEDSAC). MEDSAC was formerly Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care (DSAC). MEDSAC said that for clinicians, the...

Suicide mortality review committee gains ongoing funding


Health Minister Jonathan Coleman and Associate Minister Peter Dunne have announced that the Ministry of Health will extend funding for the Suicide Mortality Review Committee (SuMRC). SuMRC was established under the New Zealand Suicide Prevention...

Tū Pono: Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau launched to address family violence


Tū Pono: Te Mana Kaha o te Whānau is focused on enabling a stronger Māori response to family violence, by asserting the whānau voice as fundamental to reducing and eliminating harm. In 2016, Tā Mark Solomon, then Kaiwhakahaere of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi...

Tenders open and updates on sexual violence service development


The Ministry of Social Development has opened two new tenders for sexual violence services. The tenders are listed on GETS, the Government Electronic Tenders Service, along with MSD's responses to questions. The first tender is for specialist sexual...

Online resource on links between housing and domestic and sexual violence


The US-based Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium has launched a website about the links between domestic and sexual violence and safe, affordable housing. The website, called Safe Housing Partnerships, provides information...

New handbook on primary prevention from Australia


Our Watch, a violence prevention organisation in Australia, has published a handbook on the primary prevention of violence against women. The handbook provides advice for practitioners and communities. The Handbook, Putting the prevention of...