Website search results

Researchers recommend principles for governance of indigenous health data


A team of researchers from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and Canada have recommended principles to govern the use of data related to indigenous health. The principles were utilised during a project linking health administrative data to First...

Postgraduate violence prevention studies 2018 - University of Auckland and AUT


The University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will both offer postgraduate violence prevention studies again in 2018. Tertiary study is an opportunity to further knowledge and gain a qualification. Courses are designed for...

Launch of national 'sexual harm' helpline pushed out until 2018


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has announced that the launch of the national sexual harm helpline, "Safe to Talk," will be pushed out until 2018 to allow for piloting.  The helpline was originally scheduled to launch on 1 December 2017....

Individual client data, social investment, Whānau Ora & more - new government policy directions


The new Government has made some announcements about policy directions related to family and whānau violence. The Speech from the Throne to open Parliament highlighted priorities for the Government including: Increased funding for family violence...

Prof Linda Waimarie Nikora appointed new Co-Director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga


Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora has been appointed to Co-Director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga and Professor of Indigenous Studies at the University of Auckland. Professor Nikora (Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, Tūhoe) was welcomed into her new role at Waipapa...

MSD sexual harm update - Kaupapa Māori tender awarded, ongoing service development


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides brief updates on the Kaupapa Māori Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service Pilot tender recipient and progress on the national helpline, as well as other...

2017 White Ribbon Campaign launches 8 Nov with film and workshops


This year the Aotearoa New Zealand White Ribbon campaign will launch on 8 November with the premier of a new film Raise Our Men.  The film showcases interviews with New Zealand men about their experience of male socialisation. It is based around...

Ministry of Health Annual Report and Statement of Strategic Intentions


The Ministry of Health has published both its Annual Report 2017 and Statement of Strategic Intentions 2017-21. The Annual Report provides an overview of the Ministry’s activities in the 2016-17 financial year to achieve the goals set out in the...

WHO releases new tools and guidelines on violence and abuse


The World Health Organization (WHO) has released two new tools addressing global violence prevention and child sexual abuse. Global violence information WHO has released an interactive website on violence prevention, Violence Info. It provides...

Review and consultation on relationship property law


The Law Commission is reviewing and consulting on the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (PRA). Public meetings are currently being held around the country. The PRA governs how property is divided when couples separate or one of them dies, including...

UN Rapporteur calls for global implementation plan to address violence against women


A recent report from the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Dubravka Šimonović, has explored the gaps and adequacy of current international frameworks for addressing violence against women (VAW). This included...

New Government Ministerial positions announced


Following the formation of the Labour, New Zealand First and Green Party Government, Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern has announced Ministerial portfolio responsibilities. Jacinda Ardern said "I am proud of my Ministers. The team well knows the...

Professor Tracey McIntosh awarded Te Rangi Hīroa Medal


Professor Tracey McIntosh (Ngāi Tūhoe) has been awarded the Te Rangi Hīroa Medal by the Royal Society Te Apārangi for her research on social injustices. Professor McIntosh's research is focused on stopping the intergenerational transfer of social...

NZ On Air funds sexuality education web series by Lizzie Marvelly


Lizzie Marvelly and Jo Raj have received funding to produce a web series on sexuality education. The web series is aimed at young people age 13 to 18. Its aim is to provide young people with reputable, evidence-based information on topics such as...

Westpac first employer to receive Shine's DVFREE Tick


A DVFREE Tick programme has been developed by Shine to support and recognise employers who have made significant efforts to address domestic violence by creating a supportive workplace. Specifically, the DVFREE Tick recognises "... a workplace that...

Coroner finds exposure to domestic violence major stressor in teen's suicide


The Coroner's report from an inquiry into the suicide of a 15 year old girl in 2013 has been released. The inquiry examined the stressors leading to Alatauai Sasa's death and the involvement of support agencies. Coroner Peter Ryan concluded that "...

New online guide on developing impactful social media campaigns


The US National Resource Center on Domestic Violence has published new online guidance on developing impactful social media campaigns. Developing Social Media Campaigns for Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a Technical Assistance (TA) Guidance...

Samoa's national inquiry into family violence holds public hearings


Samoa's Ombudsman launched an inquiry into family violence at the beginning of 2017. The inquiry has just completed several weeks of public hearings, including hearing testimonies from victim/survivors. Radio NZ reported that Ombudsman Maiava Iulai...

Research explores sexual violence and tertiary education settings


A survey carried out by Thursdays in Black Aotearoa New Zealand has explored students' experiences of sexual violence prior to and while enrolled in tertiary education. The report, In Our Own Words: Student experiences of sexual violence (2017) was...

Additional resources and reports on partner and sexual violence in Rainbow communities


Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura – Outing Violence has published additional fact sheets and summary reports from their research about violence in Rainbow communities. The project asked people from the Rainbow community about partner and sexual violence in...