Website search results

Waikato to be second site for Integrated Safety Response pilot


The Government has announced that Waikato will be the second site for the Integrated Safety Response pilot. The pilot, also being run in Christchurch, brings together different agencies involved in family violence to support victims and their...

MSD and ACC consulting on primary prevention of family and sexual violence


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) are inviting people with an interest in the primary prevention of family and sexual violence to meetings regarding the primary prevention work that is being...

Social security legislation rewrite and family violence


Social security issues have been highlighted as the Government revises social security legislation. The Government is currently rewriting the Social Security Act 1964 (SSA) under the Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill.  In March 2016, the...

Kathryn's Story: Report highlights violence, relationship status and benefit fraud


A recent report has highlighted issues around violence, relationship status and benefit fraud, using the story of a woman being pursued for benefit debt. Kathryn's story: How the Government spent well over $100,000 and 15 years pursuing a...

Consultation open on Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework


The Ministry of Justice is seeking feedback on a draft framework which provides guidance to effectively identify, assess and manage the risks of family violence.   Identifying risk and intervening as early as possible are essential in preventing...

Update on Ministerial Group on Family and Sexual Violence work programme


Updated information on the Ministerial Group on Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme is available on the Ministry of Justice website, including a Cabinet paper from April 2016. The cross-government work programme is “currently focused...

Survey finds significant number of NZ women experience online harassment


Cyber security software company Norton by Symantec has published a report about New Zealand women's experience of online harassment. The report, Online Harassment: The New Zealand Woman’s Experience, summarises findings from an online survey of 536...

New international resources: ending violence against children and enhancing resilience


The World Health Organization, as part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, has developed a guide outlining seven strategies to end violence against children. The document, INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against...

Classification Office consulting on sexual violence in entertainment media


The Office of Film and Literature Classification is consulting on sexual violence in entertainment media such as films, television and games. The initial part of the consultation is focused on hearing feedback from young New Zealanders. Focus groups...

New website 'Em' provides information and resources for young women around sexual harm


Em is designed to embrace, empower and provide empathy for young women in relation to sexual harm in any form. Em ( was developed by Auckland HELP, a specialist support organisation for sexual abuse survivors, with social change...

New data summaries published: 110,114 Police family violence investigations in 2015


Family violence data summaries 2016 have been published by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC).   The data summaries are a collation of family violence statistics from government and non-government agencies and research studies.  ...

Report highlights issues with media reporting of violence against women


Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and Our Watch have published a report investigating how Australian media reports on violence against women, one of the largest international studies of its kind. The Media...

VAWnet resources: economic abuse; forced marriage; adults exposed to childhood violence


In 2016, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has updated or published new online resources on a range of topics. These include: recovering from economic abuse; forced marriage; and supporting adults who were...

Government submits latest CEDAW report


Minister for Women Louise Upston has submitted the Government’s latest report on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Minister Upston said “The report responds to specific issues...

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: Te reo Māori in the NZFVC library


Did you know that Māori search terms can now be used to search for research and resources in the Clearinghouse library? Items which may be particularly relevant for Māori and people working with Māori now have te reo Māori topic tags in the...

New Privacy Commissioner guidance on information sharing


The Privacy Commissioner has published a guide for multi-agency teams on sharing personal information when working with families and vulnerable children. The new guidance is designed for health and social service agencies and their staff. Sharing...

Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Sexual Violence - Perpetration by Gender


Data Summary 6 Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2017 For more information contact us Downloads Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Sexual Violence- Perpetration by Gender, June 2017 (PDF, 1.25  MB)...

Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2017 Read online below or download For more information contact us Downloads Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee definitions, June 2017 (PDF, ...

Effectively involving men in preventing violence against women - Garth Baker


Download the presentation (PDF, 6 MB) This seminar was held on 5 December 2013 at Tāmaki Innovation Campus, University of Auckland. The seminar is about how we can involve men in preventing domestic and sexual violence. This involves making a...

Child custody evaluations when there are allegations of child abuse and/or intimate partner violence - Robert Geffner


Download handouts (PDF, 893.26 KB) This seminar was held on 11 April 2014 at Te Wharewaka, Wellington and on 16 April 2014 at Tāmaki Innovation Campus, University of Auckland. The procedures, assessment, and ethical practice for child custody...