Website search results

2016 Budget: No new family violence money, Family Violence Networks refunded


The 2016 Budget was announced on 26 May, with no new funding for family violence services. However funding for the Family Violence Networks (formerly Te Rito networks) was provided for another 12 months. The Ministry of Social Development announced...

Australian campaign calls for family law reform to prioritise safety


Women's Legal Services Australia is leading a campaign calling on political parties to reform Australian family law to prioritise the safety of women and children. In a radio interview, Rosie Batty, domestic violence and family law reform advocate,...

New report on partner and sexual violence in Rainbow communities


A new report on partner and sexual violence in Rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand has been released. The report, Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence (2016) was written by Sandra Dickson and produced as part of...

Lead up to Budget 2016 - Govt announces funding cuts, increases and reprioritising


In the lead up to the 2016 Budget, the Government has announced significant changes to community funding and programmes. Many changes have been announced as new allocations or increased funding for programmes, however a number reflect transferring...

Family violence researcher Murray Straus dies


Professor Murray Straus, "founder of the field of family violence research" passed away on 13 May 2016 at the age of 89. An obituary highlighting his life and work has been posted on the University of New Hampshire website. There is also a memorial...

Inquest into youth suicides finds exposure to family violence


Coroner Carla na Nagara has released findings from a joint inquest into the suicides of four 15 year old girls between July 2013 and August 2014 in the Hawke's Bay suburb of Flaxmere. Coroner Nagara said a striking feature of the cases was that all...

Consultation open on first NZ Health Research Strategy


The Ministry of Health, the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment are leading the development of New Zealand's first health research strategy. The strategy will set a vision for health...

Standards, resources and tools to support evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand


The Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) has published a set of evaluation standards, and a series of resources and tools to support evaluation. These are designed for: commissioners of evaluations, evaluators conducting evaluations,...

Law Commission recommends law change for victims who commit homicide


The Law Commission has released its final report on the legal response to victims of family violence who commit homicide. The report Understanding Family Violence: Reforming the Criminal Law Relating to Homicide (NZLC R139, 2016) was tabled in...

Government announces future of social sector trials


Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has announced future plans for the 16 social sector trials. The first trials were started in 2011 to explore a "community-based approach aimed at improving the way government plans, funds, and delivers social...

Technology innovations to support victims of violence and abuse


Two domestic violence organisations have teamed up with business partners to develop online tools for victims of violence. Phone app: 1 in 3 Be Free Auckland's Inner City Women's Group has developed a phone app "1 in 3 Be Free" in partnership with...

NZFVC user survey - we want to hear from you!


We are seeking feedback to improve our services through an online survey. We would love to hear from people who have used New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC) services including our website, email alerts, publications and events. The...

Updated Clearinghouse bibliography on working with perpetrators


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse publishes bibliographies which provide a guide to research and publications on key topics related to family violence. The bibliography on working with perpetrators has just been updated. (It was...

Pilot programme giving judges additional information to be expanded


In 2015, the government launched a pilot programme to give judges a defendant's family violence history when making bail decisions. The pilot has been running in Porirua and Christchurch District Courts. Now the pilot will be expanded to Wellington...

"Investment Approach" to Justice outlined - family violence


Justice Minister Amy Adams has outlined how the Government plans to apply the Social Investment approach to the Justice system. Ms Adams said family violence is a "key area where we are actively applying the Investment Approach." Ms Adams said, "The...

CDC publishes strategies for violence prevention based on best available evidence


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed two technical packages to help communities and government agencies take advantage of the best available evidence to prevent violence. The packages focus on sexual violence and...

Joint statement from NZ and Australia police on family violence


New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush has joined Police Commissioners from across Australia in launching a joint Leadership Statement and Policing Principles for Protecting Women and Children from Family Violence in April 2016. The joint...

Update on Police piloting video statements for family violence victims


New Zealand Police in Palmerston North have been piloting recording family violence victims' statements on video using mobile phones. Victims can make statements in their homes rather than being taken to a Police station for a written statement. The...

Public consultation on new Youth Service information sharing agreement


The Ministry of Social Development's Youth Service is expanding to include youth aged 18 and 19. As a result, the Ministry has stated that information sharing arrangements will need to change. The government has drafted an Approved Information...

Consultation open on NZ Disability Strategy


The Office for Disability Issues is leading a process to revise the New Zealand Disability Strategy for 2016-2026. The government is inviting individuals and organisations to have their say about the new strategy. There are a number of ways to give...