Website search results

New report and government initiatives to address gangs


The Government has published a new report and announced two initiatives addressing gangs. The report, Adult gang members and their children's contact with Ministry of Social Development service lines, provides information about gang members’...

New tool on serving survivors with disabilities; NZ Disability Action Plan and Strategy updates


The Vera Institute of Justice’s Center on Victimization and Safety (USA) has developed a tool to support organisations that address domestic and sexual violence to track their progress in serving survivors of domestic and sexual violence who have...

Online learning


Please note that course listing does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, as we are not able to review the training provided. New Zealand Trauma-informed care This content has been developed by Whāraurau, a...

Training providers


  This page lists organisations and individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand that provide training relevant to family violence and sexual violence. Training may be offered in-person or online. Training providers may schedule regular training and/or...

New report on Samoan understandings of primary prevention of violence against women


The Ministry for Women has published a report on some New Zealand-based Samoan people's understandings of primary prevention of violence against women. The report, A malu i 'āiga, e malu fo'i i fafo: Protection for the family, protection for all,...

Law Commission publishes report on justice response to victims of sexual violence


The Law Commission has published its work on improving the justice response for victims of sexual violence. The report, Justice Response to Victims of Sexual Violence: Criminal Trials and Alternative Processes, acknowledges the significant under-...

Social Services Committee releases report into sexual violence service funding


The Social Services Select Committee has released its report into the funding of specialist sexual violence services. The Committee's terms of reference were to inquire (1) whether the state of services reflects an integrated approach to service...

New Zealand's Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security


The New Zealand Government has published a National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security for the period 2015-2019. The New Zealand National Action Plan for the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, including 1325, on...

Consultation open on the Education Act


The Government is carrying out consultation on how to improve the Education Act 1989. Consultation closes on Monday 14 December 2015, 5pm. In November 2013, the government established the independent Taskforce on Regulations Affecting School...

Review finds media frequently distort violence against women


Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) has published a Landscapes State of Knowledge paper on media representations of violence against women. Media representations of violence against women and their children: State...

Inaugural Chief Victims Advisor appointed


Dr Kim McGregor, QSO, has been appointed in the role of Chief Victims Advisor to Government. The new role of Chief Victims Advisor will be responsible for providing the Government with independent advice on legislative, policy and other issues...

White Ribbon promotes 'respectful relationships' in November 2015


White Ribbon Day, 25 November, is the internationally recognised day when men wear a white ribbon to show they do not condone violence towards women. The global White Ribbon campaign is led by men who condemn violence against women and want to take...

Law Commission seeks submissions on improving law for victims who commit homicide


The New Zealand Law Commission is calling for submissions on improving the law relating to victims of family violence who commit homicide. Consultation closes on 18 December 2015. In an issues paper Victims of Family Violence Who Commit Homicide,...

Consultation open on the draft NZ Health Strategy


The Ministry of Health is consulting on the draft update of the New Zealand Health Strategy. Consultation opened on 27 October 2015 and closes on 4 December 2015, 5pm. The draft strategy presents a view of New Zealand's future health system over the...

App Safety Centre provides information for survivors and advocates


The United States National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) has launched an online center which provides information and resources for the safe development and use of smartphone apps which address domestic violence, sexual assault, dating...

Sustainable Development Goals seek to strengthen interpersonal violence prevention


Governments around the world formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York between 25-27 September 2015. The Summit asked countries to adopt the new universal Agenda...

Warehouse Group establishes workplace protections for victims of family violence


The Warehouse Group has launched a new initiative supporting employees who are victims of family violence. The Family Violence - It's Not OK initiative provides for up to 10 days paid leave per year for victims of family violence. This is in...

New project on partner and sexual violence in rainbow communities


A new project which aims to prevent partner violence and sexual violence within rainbow communities has launched a website. Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence focuses on building Rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand free of partner and...

Bill introduced to establish sex offender register


A Bill to enable the establishment of a child sex offender register was introduced to Parliament by Social Development Minister Anne Tolley on 13 August 2015. The Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Register) Bill "aims to reduce sexual reoffending...

ACC releases evaluation summary from Mates and Dates pilot


ACC has released a summary of the evaluation of its healthy relationships programme, Mates and Dates. Mates and Dates is designed to prevent sexual and dating violence by teaching relationship skills and behaviours. It is about all kinds of...