Please note that course listing does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, as we are not able to review the training provided.
New Zealand
Trauma-informed care
This content has been developed by Whāraurau, a national workforce development centre for infant, child and adolescent mental health, Uniservices Ltd, at the University of Auckland in collaboration with Oranga Tamariki in July 2017. The fourth eModule was developed in collaboration with the Ngātahi Workforce project in the Hawke's Bay, Dr Leland Ruwhiu from Oranga Tamariki and Associate Professor Nicola Atwool from the University of Otago. The courses are free:
- Childhood trauma: impact on development and behaviour
- Trauma-informed care for caregivers
- Trauma-informed care for the children’s workforce
- Self-care in trauma-informed organisations
Rainbow Safe training - online
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura- Outing Violence offers training and cultural supervision for all those supporting Takatāpui and Rainbow survivors. The training is useful for kaimahi working in specialist services, but also policy makers, service managers and everyone interested in understanding more about how family and sexual violence impacts Takatāpui and Rainbow survivors, and what changes can be made to improve the service they receive.
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura has developed this online training in collaboration with MEDSAC (Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa).
The first interactive module - Family and sexual violence - is 2-3 hours long, and you’ll be able to work through it at a time and place that suits you. You will need to sign up.
Cost: $75 per person - Community organisations; $100 per person - Corporate or government.
Contact Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura about nteractive workshops for community networks or individual agencies in person.
MEDSAC provides comprehensive training for doctors and nurses woringin in sexual abuse assessment and treatment services (SAATS) throughout Aotearoa.
Child protection eLearning
Safeguarding Children offers online self-paced eLearning courses. There is a small fee to enrol for these courses. Safeguarding Children offers other training via webinar and face-to-face training throughout the year.
Child Matters offers three pre-recorded online courses you can access at any time. Fees apply. Child Matters also offers a range of face to face seminars, workshops and courses.
Domestic violence and workplaces
The workplace online learning module was created in collaboration by Westpac and Shine, and updated in 2023. It takes less than 1 hour to complete and provides a introduction to family violence within a workplace context.. This module is free and self-paced (available any time).
Workplace online learning module
Shine also provides DVFREE Workplace Training online or in Auckland on specified dates. there is a charge for this training.
Other online learning opportunities
Many New Zealand organisations now provide online training on specified dates - see our training providers page for details.
The following are courses developed in Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, delivered over the internet. Some are available at set times, others are self-paced and can be completed at any time.
Primary prevention training (Australia)
Safe and Equal's (formerly DVRCV and DV Vic) primary prevention training builds the capability of practitioners to engage in best practice primary prevention of family and gender-based violence, and respectful relationships education work. New Zealand based practitioners may be able to enrol for these courses, provided online on specified dates, fees apply.
kNOwVAWdata training course
The University of Melbourne, in partnership with UNFPA, ANROWS and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) offers the kNOwVAWdata training course, a four-week course for professionals in the Asia-Pacific region seeking to build their skills in measuring the prevalence of violence against women (VAW). While the optimal delivery of the kNOwVAWdata course is in a face to face format over 4 weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and international travel restrictions, the kNOwVAWdata course content has been redeveloped into a self-paced, online version. Apply now - fees apply.
The VEGA Project
The VEGA (Violence, Evidence, Guidance, and Action) Project at McMaster University has created pan-Canadian, evidence-based guidance and education resources to assist healthcare and social service providers in recognizing and responding safely to family violence. VEGA focuses on three main types of family violence: child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, and children’s exposure to intimate partner violence. The resources are free and self-paced.
VEGA Family Violence Education Resources
Veto violence: Violence education tools online
These online learning courses and other tools are produced by Veto Violence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA).
Sexual violence
Free online self-paced training and webinars provided by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (US) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR). Topics covered include:
Child Sexual Abuse
Housing and Sexual Violence
Sexual Violence Prevention
Sexual Violence Resources in Rural Communities
Sexual Violence and People with Disabilities
Sexual Violence in Latin@ Communities
Sexual Violence in Later Life
Sexual Violence and the Workplace
Understanding Trauma and Sexual Violence
Commercial Sexual Exploitation