Recommended reading on family and whānau violence

Top five reads
UN Women (2016)
Package of essentials for addressing violence against women
Concise, user-friendly briefs:
- 10 essentials for addressing violence against women
- 10 essentials for prevention of violence against women
- 10 essentials for service provision to survivors of violence against women
- Ending violence against women key reference documents
Kruger, T., and others (2004)
Transforming whānau violence: A conceptual framework
Wellington: Second Māori Taskforce on Whānau Violence.
An updated version of the report from the former Second Māori Taskforce on Whānau Violence.
Family Violence Death Review Committee reports
The focus of the Family Violence Death Review Committee (FVDRC) is to reduce family violence deaths by: reviewing and reporting family violence deaths to the Health Quality & Safety Commission and developing strategies to reduce family violence.
Response based practice (website)
The Centre for Response Based Practice aims to provide and promote socially just and effective responses to violence and other forms of oppression and adversity. Areas of interest include:
- Close analysis of interaction, especially in cases of violence
- Language in colonial discourse and in therapy
- The functional links between colonialism and western mental health traditions
- Developing effective responses to violence through therapy, research advocacy and analysis
- Brief, systemic, collaborative, feminist, and other social justice informed therapies
- Countering academic and professional views of victims and perpetrators of violence that are too monadic (individualistic and psychological) and lack appreciation of social interaction and social context.
Fanslow, J. (2005)
Beyond zero tolerance: Key issues and future directions for family violence work in New Zealand
Wellington: Families Commission.
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