Recommended reading on family and whānau violence

Intervention by sector
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fanslow, J. L., & Kelly, P. (2016)
Family violence assessment and intervention guideline: Child abuse and intimate partner violence
(2nd ed.). Wellington: Ministry of Health.
Glasgow, K., & Fanslow, J. L. (2007)
Family violence intervention guidelines: Elder abuse and neglect
Wellington: Ministry of Health.
National Institute for Public Health & Mental Health Research, Auckland University of Technology
Violence Intervention Programme (VIP) evaluations (webpage)
García-Moreno, C., Hegarty, K., d'Oliveira, A. F. L., Koziol-McLain, J., Colombini, M., & Feder, G. (2015)
The health-systems response to violence against women
The Lancet, 385(9977), 1567-1579.
Family law
Naughton, C.M., O'Donnell, A.T., Greenwood, R.M., & Muldoon, O.T. (2015)
‘Ordinary decent domestic violence’: A discursive analysis of family law judges’ interviews
Discourse & Society, 26(3), 349-365.
Hayes, B.E. (2015)
Indirect abuse involving children during the separation process
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Advance online publication, 27 July 2015.
Wilcox, K. (2012)
Family law and family violence: Research to practice
Research & practice brief 2
Sydney, NSW: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Elizabeth, V., Gavey, N., & Tolmie, J. (2012)
He's just swapped his fists for the system: The governance of gender through custody law
Gender & Society, 26(2), 239-260.
See also other publications from this study on women’s experiences of the Family Court
Hester, M. (2011)
The three planet model: Towards an understanding of contradictions in approaches to women and children’s safety in contexts of domestic violence
British Journal of Social Work, 41(5), 837-853.
Protection orders
Ministry of Justice (2011, videos published to YouTube 2019)
Talking about family violence
Robertson, N., Busch, R., D’Souza, R., Sheung, F. L., Anand, R., Balzer, R., Simpson, A., & Paina, D. (2007)
Living at the cutting edge: Women's experiences of protection orders: Volume 1: The women's stories
Hamilton: University of Waikato.
Robertson, N., Busch, R., D’Souza, R., Sheung, F. L., Anand, R., Balzer, R., Simpson, A., & Paina, D. (2007)
Living at the cutting edge: Women's experiences of protection orders: Volume 2: What's to be done? A critical analysis of statutory and practice approaches to domestic violence
Hamilton: University of Waikato.
Criminal justice
Thinking differently in order to see accurately: Explaining why we are convicting women we might otherwise be burying
Professor Julia Tolmie (2019)
Inaugural Lecture, University of Auckland
Family Violence Death Review Committee (2016)
Family Violence Death Review Committee: Fifth report: January 2014 to December 2015
Wellington: Health Quality and Safety Commission.
See pages 91-99 and previous annual reports
Centre for Innovative Justice (2015)
Opportunities for Early Intervention: Bringing Perpetrators of Family Violence into View
Melbourne, Vic: RMIT University.
Bonomi, A. E., Gangamma, R., Locke, C. R., Katafiasz, H., & Martin, D. (2011)
"Meet me at the hill where we used to park": Interpersonal processes associated with victim recantation
Social Science & Medicine, 73(7), 1054-1061.
Restorative justice
Heilman and others (2016)
Whose Justice, Whose Alternative? Locating Women’s Voice and Agency in Alternative DisputeResolution Responses to Intimate Partner Violence
Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women, Center for Domestic Violence Prevention & Beyond Borders.
Busch, R. (2002)
Domestic violence and restorative justice initiatives: Who pays if we get it wrong?
In: Strang and Braithwaite (Eds.), Restorative justice and family violence
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For further reading see Intimate partner violence intervention - perpetrators
Ministry of Education. (2020)
Relationships and Sexuality Education – A guide for teachers, leaders, and boards of trustees
Wellington: Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Education
Vulnerable Children Act 2014 – requirements for schools and kura (webpage)
Ministry of Education (2015)
Relationship education programmes: Guide for schools
Wellington: Ministry of Education.
Flood, M., Fergus, L., & Heenan, M. (2009)
Respectful relationships education: Violence prevention and respectful relationships education in Victorian secondary schools
Melbourne, Vic: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
For further reading see Young people - relationship violence
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