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1000 hours of communications expertise to help stop child abuse


Advertising agency DraftFCB is donating 1000 hours of their time in communications expertise to help stop child abuse in New Zealand. The 1000 Hours Project is looking to support an "existing, dedicated, long-term organisation". The time could be...

Sexual violence sector funding review underway


Lead Minister for Sexual Violence Services Paula Bennett says she is working with a range of government agencies on a review of funding for sexual violence response agencies. The review will look at: the efficiency of funding provision what drives...

Rotorua Children's Team working with first children


The Rotorua Children's Team started working with the first children and families this week, said Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett. The Children’s Team is made up of a group of Rotorua-based senior professionals representing health,...

Private Member's Bill would make domestic violence an aggravated factor in sentencing


Labour MP Sue Moroney today launched a Private Member's Bill that would make domestic violence an aggravating factor in sentencing. Women's Affairs Spokesperson Sue Moroney said, "This kind of offending is complex and its long term impacts on...

Applications for the Lottery Community Sector Research Fund now open


Applications for the Lottery Community Sector Research Fund are now open.  The fund provides for research and evaluation "by the community, with the community, for the community". The Fund states, "Research is the use of a systematic process to...

Judith Collins: Family Dispute Resolution going ahead in Family Court reforms


Justice Minster Judith Collins said today that plans to implement the Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) mediation model will go ahead, as part of the Government's Family Court reforms. The use of mediation has been criticised by domestic abuse...

New national Australian foundation to prevent violence against women and girls


A new national Australian foundation is being launched today to prevent violence against women and girls. It will undertake prevention and early intervention programmes through schools, communities and the media, host forums and conferences, and run...

Ngāti Porou and CYF sign child protection agreement


Ngāti Porou and Child, Youth and Family have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on child protection. The agreement includes a commitment to "undertake early and open discussions, and to share responsibility around decisions which impact on...

New Christchurch alliance plans co-location to enhance support services


Six Christchurch NGOs plan to co-locate services to enhance their support for people affected by family violence. The alliance, which include He Waka Tapu, Aviva Family Violence Services (formerly Christchurch Women's Refuge), Barnardos, Family Help...

TV3 looks at dowry abuse in New Zealand


TV3 has highlighted the story of a young woman left unable to speak, eat or drink after she alleges her husband forced her to swallow drain cleaner in a case of dowry abuse. Shila Nair, Senior Advisor and Counsellor at Shakti said that with dowry, "...

Applications for the ISO Capability Investment Resource funding open


Applications for the second distribution of the Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) Capability Investment Resource funding are now open. This is part of Investing in Services for Outcomes (ISO), which aims to improve outcomes for children,...

New Special Collection addresses domestic violence in LGBTQ communities


A new Special Collection on preventing and responding to domestic violence within Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ) communities has been published by VAWnet, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence against Women. It was...

Gender-neutral approach to violence 'masks the reality'


Auckland University Associate Professor Peter Adams has written on gender neutral approaches to violence in the NZ Herald. He writes, "We have watched politicians and officials taking a gender-neutral stance about violence in the home for decades....

Glenn Inquiry review: 23 recommendations made


Heather Henare and Kim Workman have completed their review of the Glenn Inquiry processes for handling confidential information. In a media statement, Kim Workman said, "We were asked to review the processes for the collection, collation, storage...

Hauraki locals get involved in community family violence and sexual abuse projects


Community projects from Hauraki showcase the family violence prevention and intervention work taking place across the region. The Right2BSafe campaign, developed by Hauraki Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) and funded by the Ministry of Justice...

Understanding statistics in the family violence field


Two recently released Australian papers seek to increase understanding of statistics in the family violence field. An Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Research and Practice Brief, Reading Statistics: A Guide for Professionals...

New funding model for Whānau Ora


A new funding model for Whānau Ora has been announced by Minister Tariana Turia. From 2014, responsibility for awarding contracts will be held by three non-governmental commissioning agencies, to be set up from within the community sector. Minister...

Review of CYF social worker caseloads and complexity


Labour Party Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern has called for a 'baseline review' of Child, Youth and Family (CYF) to address systemic problems. After delayed responses to critical child abuse cases, she said, "Given mounting evidence...

Fears, constraints and contracts in the community and voluntary sector


A study has been conducted in response to indications of a lack of independence of New Zealand's community and voluntary sector from the state. Fears, constraints, and contracts: The democratic reality for New Zealand’s community and voluntary...

Trauma-informed domestic violence services; Child maltreatment, victimisation and trauma


New resources on trauma-informed domestic violence services and child maltreatment and trauma are now available. A compilation of resources on Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services and Approaches to Domestic Violence Interventions has been...