Trauma-informed domestic violence services; Child maltreatment, victimisation and trauma
Fri 12 Jul 2013
New resources on trauma-informed domestic violence services and child maltreatment and trauma are now available. A compilation of resources on ...
New resources on trauma-informed domestic violence services and child maltreatment and trauma are now available.
A compilation of resources on Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services and Approaches to Domestic Violence Interventions has been published by VAWnet, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women. The collection is a compilation of linked resources reflecting trauma-informed approaches with a domestic violence advocacy lens. The trauma-informed perspective "describe[s] organizations and practices that incorporate an understanding of the pervasiveness and impact of trauma and that are designed to reduce retraumatization, support healing and resiliency, and address the root causes of abuse and violence".
The collection is presented in three parts. Part one, Understanding the Framework and Approach provides an overview of the framework and research supporting trauma-informed approaches to working with survivors and their children. Part two, Building Program Capacity, provides practical tools and resources on building capacity to implement trauma-informed programs. Part three, Developing Collaborations and Increasing Access, provides resources for building collaboration to ensure that survivors and their children have access to culture-, DV- and trauma-informed mental health and substance abuse services.
The Australian Institute of Family Studies: Child Family Community Australia has also published a new paper, Rarely an isolated incident: Acknowledging the interrelatedness of child maltreatment, victimisation and trauma. Authored by Rhys Price-Robertson, Penelope Rush, Liz Wall and Daryl Higgins, it is intended for policy makers, researchers and practitioners. It provides an overview of approaches to conceptualising, recognising and responding to child maltreatment and trauma.
Image: Reaching hand by kibkib Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
Image: kibkib