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Calls for compulsory consent education in all schools continue


High school students, advocates and academics are continuing to call for mandatory education in schools focused on consent and healthy relationships. The calls for mandatory consent education are in response to a series of recent comments supportive...

Wānanga: Primary prevention of family and sexual violence - from theory to practice


This regional wānanga was held on 24 March 2017 at Hoani Waititi Marae, Oratia. It was an opportunity for participants to learn more about the theory behind primary prevention and experience some great examples of it in action. An action of the...

Privacy Commissioner's report criticises MSD collection of individual client level data


The Privacy Commissioner has published his report examining the Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) requirement for NGOs to provide individual client level data (ICLD). The Commissioner has criticised MSD's approach as "excessive and inconsistent...



Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Intervention     Information on these pages focuses on intervention once violence has occurred: Intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect  - Child abuse and neglect- Parenting, child...

New resource for whānau and takatāpui rangatahi (sexuality and gender diverse youth)


Dr Elizabeth Kerekere, Tīwhanawhana Trust and RainbowYOUTH have produced a resource to provide support and information for takatāpui rangatahi (youth) and their whānau. The resource, Growing up Takatāpui: Whānau Journeys, draws on interviews with...

Gendered analysis


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Conceptual models: Gendered analysis   Overview Feminist movement Power and control Coercive control Intersectionality Political economy Masculinities, gender roles Gender and data Women’s use of...

MSD update on sexual violence services - consultations open


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) recent update on sexual violence services announces that consultations are open on the development of Sexual Violence Crisis Support Services and the National Sexual Violence Helpline. You can give feedback...

Ministers to host family violence summit in Wellington


Justice Minister Amy Adams and Social Development Minister Anne Tolley will be hosting a national summit on family violence in Wellington on 7 June 2017. Minister Adams said “Across New Zealand there are large numbers of people working hard every...

Intervention by sector


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Intervention by sector   Health Justice Education Health Aotearoa New Zealand Fanslow, J. L., & Kelly, P. (2016)Family violence assessment and intervention guideline: Child abuse and intimate...

Intervention by population group


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Intervention by population group   Tangata whenua Pacific communities Asian communities Young people – relationship violence Rainbow communities Disabled people Elder abuse and neglect Men Tangata...

Integrated family violence system


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Integrated system This section contains information on building an integrated system to respond to intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect, as opposed to fragmented and isolated...

Intervention - intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Intervention: Intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect     Overview Child abuse and neglect Parenting, child abuse and intimate partner violence Intimate partner violence – victim/...

Primary prevention


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Primary prevention aims to stop violence before it occurs, for example by promoting respectful, non-violent relationships and changing the social and cultural norms that support violence. It is...



Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Evaluation   Aotearoa New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)Making a Difference: Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Toolkit (website)An online toolkit on sexual violence primary...

Risk and protective factors


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Risk and protective factors (What 'causes' family violence?) Child abuse and neglect Intimate partner violence Elder abuse Public health approaches seeks to identify "risk and protective factors"...

Tangata whenua


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Conceptual models: Tangata whenua   Pihama, L., Te Nana, R., Cameron, N., Smith, C., Reid, J., & Southey, K. (2016)Māori cultural definitions of sexual violenceSexual Abuse in Australia and New...



Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Statistics     Overview Child abuse Intimate partner violence - victimisation Intimate partner violence - perpetration Violence against disabled people Rainbow (LGBTIQ+) communities This section...



Recommended reading on family and whānau violence Definitions   Ministry of Women's Affairs (2013)Current thinking on primary prevention of violence against womenWellington: Ministry of Women's Affairs.Provides a list of commonly used definitions...

'What works' reports


Recommended reading on family and whānau violence 'What works' reports     This section contains reports which review research: on different types of violence, the impacts of violence and evidence-informed strategies to prevent and respond to...

Temporary reprieve for sexual violence services on individual client level data


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has advised that specialist sexual violence services will be exempt from collecting and providing individual client level data (ICLD) for at least 12 months. This is to allow time for the Ministry to look at...