Website search results

Organisations and sectors remain in spotlight on workplace harassment and assault


With ongoing public attention on sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, organisations and sectors remain in the spotlight. In May, the Government released the report from an independent review of the Human Rights Commission. The Law Society...

Government starting work to develop Child Wellbeing Strategy


The Government has begun work on developing a Child Wellbeing Strategy. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Children’s Minister Tracey Martin held a forum in Wellington on 24 May 2018 with representatives from community groups to discuss children’s...

Budget 2018: Funding for family and sexual violence response, central agent


Budget 2018 was announced on 17 May 2018. The Budget included funding for a new national agent to lead and coordinate the family and sexual violence system and some increased funding for sexual violence services. Additional funding for family...

Social media policy


This policy outlines NZFVC’s approach to social media and moderation. It applies to all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Our specific Facebook terms of use are included at the end of this...

What's the connection? Reading list on abuse/violence, mental health and addiction


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has published a selected bibliography (reading list) on mental health, addiction, trauma, violence and abuse. The research can be used to support your submissions to the Government Inquiry into Mental...

New Government funding for family violence services


The Government has announced additional funding for family violence services for the first time in 10 years. The additional $76.157 million will be spread over four years. It will primarily go to direct family violence service providers funded by...

MSD announces work to strengthen funding and delivery of family violence services


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) email update on "sexual harm" service development is now called the Family Violence and Sexual Violence Service Provider Update. These regular emails provide an update on MSD work to further develop...

Family and Sexual Violence Work Programme update, April 2018


The latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme gives information about a number of activities. Key points are summarised below. The update includes information on: A speech about the...

Backbone Collective releases new report on Lawyer for Child


The Backbone Collective has released a fifth report on the Family Court, focussed on the Lawyer for Child. The report, Seen and not Heard: Children in the New Zealand Family Court - Part Two: Lawyer for Child? (2018), examines how the Lawyer for...

Spotlight remains on legal profession's responses to harassment, abuse and assault


The spotlight on the legal profession's responses to domestic violence, sexual harassment and assault has continued. Investigation of lawyer's comments about judge's decision in domestic violence case Concerns have been raised about the New Zealand...

'Safe to Talk' sexual harm and violence helpline launched nationwide


A new helpline has been launched to support people affected by 'sexual harm' and sexual violence. Safe to talk - He pai ki te kōrero launched nationwide on 16 April 2018. The helpline provides 24/7 access to free and confidential information and...

Gender Equal NZ publishes results from first gender attitudes survey


Results have been published from the first survey of gender attitudes in Aotearoa New Zealand. Gender Equal NZ, led by the National Council of Women, commissioned Research New Zealand to design and conduct the survey. The Gender Attitudes Survey...

Law Commission consulting on abortion law reform


The Law Commission is asking for views on Aotearoa New Zealand's abortion laws, as it develops advice to government. Your views can be provided until 18 May 2018. In February 2018, the Minister of Justice Andrew Little advised that the Government is...

Law Commission seeking submissions on Evidence Act


The Law Commission has started its five yearly review of the Evidence Act 2006. The Commission has released an issues paper and is asking for feedback on a number of issues including giving evidence in sexual and family violence cases. The...

MSD "sexual harm" update: service evaluation, reporting guide and more


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development covers: the evaluation of sexual harm services, a reporting guide, the national helpline and the service guidelines. Evaluation of services This update...

"Parental alienation” and family courts: A conversation on research and practice


Watch the video recording (YouTube) Download the slides:Elizabeth Sheehy (PDF, 255 KB)Deborah Mackenzie (PDF, 1.5 MB) This event was held on 20 March 2018 at Tāmaki Campus, University of Auckland.  Presenters Professor Elizabeth Sheehy from the...

Victoria launches family violence Industry Plan and workforce capability frameworks


The Government in Victoria, Australia has launched a 10-year industry plan and two workforce capability frameworks on family violence and violence against women. The industry plan outlines the long-term vision and plan for the workforce. The...

Sexual harassment and assault highlighted on International Women's Day


Growing numbers of people are speaking publicly about sexual harassment and assault in Aotearoa New Zealand. This follows media outlet Newsroom breaking the story of sexual assault and harassment allegations at law firm Russell McVeagh and the...

Submissions invited on employment relations bill; pay equity updates


The Employment Relations Amendment Bill has been referred to the Education and Workforce Select Committee. Submissions are now being accepted on the bill until 30 March 2018. This bill would amend the Employment Relations Act 2000. The focus of the...

MSD "sexual harm" update: ACC tender, feedback on guidelines, helpline and more


The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development covers: a new ACC tender, feedback requested on service guidelines, progress on the national helpline, progress on service gaps register of interest and an...