Family and Sexual Violence Work Programme update, April 2018
Sun 06 May 2018
The latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme gives information about a number of ...
The latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme gives information about a number of activities. Key points are summarised below.
The update includes information on:
- A speech about the Government's work on domestic and sexual violence from Under-Secretary Jan Logie
- Ministry of Justice receives DVFREE Tick for workplace policy and training
- New Police approach to "family harm"
- Resources to support the Workforce Capability and Risk Assessment and Management Frameworks
- Integrated Safety Response pilot updates - training and evaluation
- Updates on changes related to the Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill
- Aligning Justice and Corrections contracts
- Launch of new Safe to talk - He pai ki te kōrero helpline
Jan Logie, Under-Secretary for Domestic and Sexual Violence speaks about Government work
On International Women’s Day, Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence) Jan Logie spoke to advocates about her vision and the Government's work to tackle domestic and sexual violence. The cross agency update shares comments from Ms Logie:
“As we finalise the priorities for the work programme for this term of Parliament, I am drawing on the knowledge of many and I’m pleased to hear some consistent messages coming through. People are talking with me about the importance of good law, enabling behaviour change so that people know what we need them to do, ensuring government agencies work together, investing in prevention, hearing victims’ voices, kaupapa Māori responses and adequate funding.”
Ministry of Justice receives DVFREE Tick
The Ministry of Justice launched a workplace family violence policy including staff training on family violence in late 2017. The Ministry has just been awarded the Shine DVFREE Tick for this work. The DVFREE Tick recognises that the Ministry has taken steps to create a workplace that is safe and supportive for staff experiencing family violence. The Ministry is the first public sector organisation to receive the award.
By the end of May, all 470 managers will have completed a two-hour training on how to support their staff. The Ministry has also started an in-person family violence awareness programme for all 3800 employees.
For more information about the Ministry of Justice programme and related employer programmes, see the media links below. Also see out previous story on Westpac first employer to receive Shine's DVFREE Tick.
Police launching new approach to "family harm"
Acting Superintendent Bronwyn Marshall, Safer Whānau Business Change Manager, said the new Police approach to "family harm" involves "new language, new mobile and desktop technology, new risk measures, and safety tools, all of which contribute to carrying out a quality family harm investigation at the scene - now known as a 5F."
The new approach is expected to launch this May and is part of the wider Police Safer Whānau work programme. This programme aims to reduce harm to families by transforming the Police response and partnering with iwi, community and other agencies in working with the "most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities exposed to family harm."
Resources to support the Workforce Capability and Risk Assessment and Management Frameworks
In March, the Government's Multi-Agency Team (MAT) hosted a co-design workshop with some family violence network coordinators, community educators and good practice leaders. The workshop was focused on ways to get started with the Workforce Capability Framework. Resources will be developed from ideas suggested during the workshop.
Work has also started to develop and test products that would align the Framework to a workplace learning programme. The programme will contribute to the New Zealand Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (Applied) Level 5. MAT is working with Careerforce, the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the social service and wellbeing sectors.
Careerforce is developing an interactive graphic of Kia Puawai, with Shayne Walker outlining the kaupapa and principles of the Framework and its domains. The goal is to help people get familiar with the Framework and how to use it. The programme is expected to be available mid-2018. For background information see our previous story on the launch of the framework.
Integrated Safety Response pilot updates - training and evaluation
A new Integrated Safety Response (ISR) training programme is scheduled to start in early June 2018. The training programme is for people working in government agencies, non-government organisations and ISR staff. The programme will include:
- "a series of five e-learning modules introducing the key concepts and knowledge on ISR eg. Introduction to ISR and Risk Assessment modules
- a series of 7 one-hour workshops led by ISR site Specialist Practice Leads eg. ISR and our community and Leading Family Safety Plans
- a Performance Support tool based around the ISR process, for learners to access key information ‘in moment of need’
- coaching and support from experts and people leaders."
Once finalised, some of the training material will be available on the ISR website. For more information about ISR, see the Police website.
The second phase of the evaluation of the Integrated Safety Response (ISR) pilot has begun. It will be the final evaluation of the pilots in Christchurch and Waikato. The purpose is to provide advice to Ministers on the future of integrated and crisis response practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. The evaluation will also look at the responsiveness of the ISR to whānau Māori. At the end of April, work will start on designing a kaupapa Māori evaluation with a group of experts in whānau-centred evaluation. The final evaluation report is expected in June 2019. This follows the first evaluation report released in August 2017.
Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill
The update states that the timing for the passage of the Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill and its entry into force are "subject to Parliamentary decisions." The Minister responsible under the new government is Justice Minister Andrew Little. While this is happening, work has started on new court processes and ways of working in anticipation of changes from the proposed legislation. In support of these changes, the Ministry of Justice is working to simplify and align protection order application forms and Care of Children Act (COCA) forms.
Aligning Justice and Corrections contracts
The Ministry of Justice and the Department of Corrections are working to align their contracts for family violence perpetrator non-violence programmes starting from 1 July 2018. According to the Ministry of Justice website:
"The changes include enabling family violence programmes for low to medium risk perpetrators to be slightly shorter, which is expected to improve completion rates. Also, service specifications will be more flexible, so providers can tailor programmes to specific groups."
A separate process is also happening for Ministry of Justice safety programmes for adult and child victims of domestic violence. Both agencies require specialist framework programmes for Māori, and specific population groups including Pasifika, Asian/Indian/African/Middle Eastern and Chinese.
New Safe to Talk helpline for sexual violence
The new national helpline, Safe to talk - He pai ki te kōrero, has been launched to support people affected by "sexual harm" and sexual violence. It is available 24/7 for free and confidential support to people affected by sexual violence. For more information see our story "Safe to Talk" sexual harm and violence helpline launched nationwide.
More information about the Government's Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme
To receive the full update and future work programme email updates, contact You can also find past updates on the Ministry of Justice website.
For more information about the work programme see the pages on the MSD website and the Ministry of Justice website.
Also see our story on the previous Family and sexual violence work programme update in February 2018.
Selected media
Crime victims need a clearer, kinder support system say advocates, One News, 07.05.2018
Ministry of Justice awarded workplace domestic violence prevention tick, Stuff, 18.04.2018
Gaps found in domestic violence programme, Radio NZ, 09.04.2018
Aviva ditched family violence pilot involving 30,000 people, citing strain on staff, 21.03.2018
Domestic violence programme tackles few cases, Radio NZ, 20.03.2018
Fonterra launches family violence program, Human Resources Director NZ, 27.11.2017
SKYCITY puts spotlight on domestic violence, Press Release: SKYCITY, Scoop, 24.11.2017
Image: Pixabay