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Report explores victim-survivor needs for longer-term support


The report, Victim-Survivor Perspectives on Longer-Term Support After Experiencing Violence and Abuse (2020), was commissioned by the Ministry of Social Development to inform the Whānau Resilience work programme. It calls for urgent change to...

Joint Venture Work Programme update, August 2020


In the August 2020 update, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues Jan Logie discusses recent work including the Budget 2020 announcements, the impact of COVID-19, and progress on the Joint Venture’s work programme to...

Ministry of Health launches Māori and Pacific health action plans


Whakamaua is the implementation plan for He Korowai Oranga, New Zealand’s Māori Health Strategy. The plan outlines actions to collectively help achieve four high-level outcomes. These four outcomes are: "Iwi, hapū, whānau and Māori communities...

Auditor-General to look at Family Violence and Sexual Violence Joint Venture


The Auditor-General's website states that the audit will consider three questions: "Are the role, mandate, objectives, and accountabilities of the joint venture understood and communicated to those working on reducing family violence and sexual...

Report recommends changes to realise disability rights, including addressing abuse


The report, Making Disability Rights Real, Whakatūturu Ngā Tika Hauātanga (2020), calls for government action to ensure disabled people are able to participate equally in society.  The introduction of the report states: "Many disabled people are...

Shama launches videos to help ethnic communities talk about sexual violence


Let’s Talk is a multi-language, multi-media community project with a vision to increase how often people talk with each other about sexual violence, and to make sure people are able to access help. The brief videos focus on six messages about...

Review of NZ Defence Force 'Operation Respect' published


The Independent Review on the New Zealand Defence Force's progress on the Action Plan for Operation Respect (2020) notes some positive achievements, including: Establishment of the Sexual Assault Response Team and Sexual Assault Prevention Response...

Results from second Aotearoa New Zealand gender attitudes survey


The survey asks New Zealanders about their attitudes around gender roles at home, at school, at work and in the community. It is designed to be a nationally representative sample of the New Zealand adult population. More than 1200 people completed...

Hague Convention: Court of Appeal takes into account mother's experience of violence; new Good Practice Guide


Hague Convention: Court of Appeal takes into account mother's experience of violence The mother is a New Zealand citizen. She was living in Australia with a violent partner, the father of the child. In 2017, the mother and child returned to New...

Government launches new multi-disciplinary hub and new prevention frameworks


Multi-disciplinary hub Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern opened Te Taanga Manawa in Manukau on 7 July 2020. Te Taanga Manawa is a new multi-disciplinary family violence hub. It will house representatives from 13 government, Māori and community agencies...

Law Society consultations on access to justice and lawyers conduct rules


The Law Society is running a consultation on the rules related to lawyers' conduct and a consultation on access to justice. Feedback on rules related to lawyers’ conduct The Law Society is inviting public consultation on proposed changes for the...

Whare Māori portal aims to increase support for Māori communities


The circumstances created with by COVID-19 and social isolation has highlighted the importance of providing a dedicated platform for Māori communities to ensure their voices are heard. Keeping whānau and communities safe, informed and talking to...

New Curriculum Leads on mental health and healthy relationships


Associate Education Minister Tracey Martin said: “For too long, as identified in the last two ERO reports, a number of schools have struggled in this area of teaching. The Curriculum Leads, a new type of role based in regional Ministry of Education...

Budget 2020 key areas, including changes to Family Court


The Government made a pre-Budget announcement of $183 million dollars of funding for family and sexual violence. (See the summary of initiatives from the Joint Venture for the breakdown of this funding.) The announcement also included $19.9 million...

New funding available for organisations that support women and girls


The deadline to apply for the COVID-19 Community Fund is 15 June 2020. The new $1,000,000 fund is part of the Government’s COVID-19 response. The Fund is for organisations that provide services or support to women and girls, and have an increased...

Budget 2020: Funding for family violence services


The funding announced is: $183.0 million over the next four years for the Ministry of Social Development to ensure continued access to specialist family violence services, including: Services supporting victims of family violence ($142.0 million)...

Community engagement on a National Strategy and Action Plans


The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse website is bringing together information related to family, whānau and sexual violence during COVID-19. Ngā Wai a te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre is working to bring together information and...

Resource collection on strength, wisdom and wellness for advocates


The bundle, Smiles for the Soul: The Advocate’s Scrapbook of Strength, Wisdom & Wellness (2019) features resources and personal stories from advocates and survivors. The bundle highlights eight key resources freely available online. These...

News from MSD - It's Not OK seed funding and updates on commissioning of services


Seed funding for ideas addressing family violence The It’s Not OK Campaign is calling for "exciting or ground-breaking ideas" that could help reduce family violence in New Zealand. The campaign has new seed funding that is available for financial...

International Women's Day 2020 - resources and national action plans addressing violence against women


Resources and reports A new report Women's Rights in Review: 25 years after Beijing (UN Women, 2020) takes stock of how the landmark gender equality plan, the Beijing Platform for Action, is being implemented. UN Women’s Executive Director Phumzile...