Timeline - Pasifika
Moui Olaola : National Niue Wellbeing Plan 2023 - 2025 (Pasefika Proud) launched
First National Pacific Practitioners’ Fono held
Six health strategies to deliver Pae Ora | Healthy Futures for all New Zealanders published by Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health:
- New Zealand Health Strategy
- Pae Tū: Hauora Māori Strategy
- Te Mana Ola: The Pacific Health Strategy
- Health of Disabled People Strategy (Provisional)
- Rural Health Strategy, and
- Women’s Health Strategy
Tamaiti ole Moana 2033: Towards 2033 – a 10-year action plan (Moana Connect, 2023) published
Kāiga Tokelau Wellbeing: National Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026 (Pasefika Proud, 2022) launched
Pacific Wellbeing Strategy | Weaving of All-of-Government | Progressing Lalanga Fou launched
Le Va Upstander Programme launched
Lalawa Ni Tiko Vinaka: National Fijian Wellbeing Plan 2022 - 2025 (Pasefika Proud, 2022) launched
Three 5-year frameworks for the prevention of family violence covering the three Ministry of Social Development campaigns launched:
- E Tū Whānau Mahere Rautaki – Framework for change, 2019-2023
- Pasefika Proud – Pathways for Change, 2019-2023
- Campaign for Action on Family Violence – Framework for change, 2019-2023
Te Olaga Ola Filemu - A life embarked with peace and wellbeing: Tuvalu Family Violence Prevention Plan (Pasefika Proud, 2019) published
Translations of standard family violence terms for interpreters (Ministry of Justice) published
Atu-Mai, a five year, $5.9 million, national violence prevention programme for Pasifika young people led by LeVa working with ACC and Synergia launched
Pacific family violence research series (Pasefika Proud, 2018) published
ACC invests $1.3m funding over 3 years in Gandhi Nivas to support counselling expertise in working with men who are perpetrators of family violence
Pasefika Proud Nga Vaka Family Violence Training Programmes commence
Pasefika Proud online Pacific service directory launched
The profile of Pacific peoples in New Zealand (Pasefika Proud, 2016) and infographics: Understanding Who We Are (Pasefika Proud, 2016) and Understanding Family Violence (Pasefika Proud, 2016) published
Sexual and reproductive health and sexual violence among New Zealand secondary school students (Youth '12, AHRG, 2016) published
Pacific Island Safety and Prevention Project closed
Boutokaan o te mweeraoi: a conceptual framework for enhancing I-Kiribati wellbeing launched
A malu i 'āiga, e malu fo'i i fafo: Protection for the family, protection for all: Samoan people's understanding of primary prevention of violence against women (Ministry for Women, 2015) published
UN Women toolkit supports Pacific region to end violence against women and girls
- Pasefika Proud Family Violence Research Plan launched
Pasefika Proud campaign - building violence free families - launched
- Breaking the silence but keeping secrets: what young people want to address sexual violence (Woodley, Davis & Metzger. Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation in partnership with Tu Wahine Trust, 2013) published
Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu, the Pacific Conceptual Framework launched. A cultural framework for addressing family violence in seven Pacific communities in New Zealand
NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NZ Police and the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) agreed that the Pacific Prevention of Domestic Violence Programme (PPDVP) would provide a second phase of delivery to 30 June 2016
- Changes to improve access to the Victims of Domestic Violence (VDV) immigration policy announced by Department of Labour
- Programme of Action for Pacific Peoples 2008 and Beyond strategy launched
- Sexual violence and Pacific communities scoping report (Tiatia. Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, 2008) published
Pacific Prevention of Domestic Violence Programme (PPDVP), an initiative of the New Zealand Agency for International Development (New Zealand Aid Programme), New Zealand Police (NZPOL) and the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) begins first 5 year phase
Strong Pacific Families strategy (in Te Rito News, Issue 1, July 2005) implemented in four regions (2005 - 2007)
Victims of Domestic Violence immigration policy first implemented by Department of Labour. Criteria enhanced in 2009
Tangata Pasifika Women's Refuge (Women's Refuge, 2015) established
- Attitudes to Family Violence: A Study Across Cultures (McNeill et al. FVPCC 1988) published