Website search results

Sexual violence counselling costs to be fully covered by ACC


ACC has announced it will provide full funding for survivors of sexual violence to access counselling as part of an overhaul of the sensitive claims system. The changes follow a highly critical independent review in 2010 and six month and 18 month...

Solomon Islands theatre engages community in awareness of violence


A Solomon Islands theatre project is using performance to celebrate women and publically discuss violence and its impact on all of the island nation's society. The theatre project, Stages of Change, encompasses a Survivors of Violence workshop which...

Select Committee hears oral submissions in inquiry on sexual violence services funding


The Social Services Select Committee is currently hearing oral submissions in the inquiry into the funding of specialist sexual violence services. Sexual violence agencies and support groups say the sector is in crisis, experiencing increased demand...

TV series Womenpower returns in April


The 2014 series of Womenpower returns in April, screening on Tuesdays at 7.30pm, repeated at 12.30pm on Thursdays on Face TV. Presented by Catriona MacLennan, Womenpower investigates a range of issues affecting women in Aotearoa New Zealand,...

Concern over selected leadership of North Island Whānau Ora


A new branch of the National Urban Māori Authority (NUMA), Te Pou Matakana, has been granted leadership of Whānau Ora in the North Island. Whānau Ora distributes funding for health and social services at the community level, with a primary focus on...

Research evidences cost of domestic violence to employers


Supporting those experiencing domestic violence in the workplace has been highlighted through the recent release of research by the Public Services Association (PSA) and proposed new Member's Bill. Commissioned by the PSA, the report Productivity...

Police release crime statistics; family violence information expected 'later this year'


Police have released crime statistics for the year ending 31 December 2013, showing a drop in recorded crime by 5% per head of population. In relation to family violence data, Police provided the following information: "These statistics include...

Sexual Assault Awareness Month; complex trauma and sexual victimisation; EU survey findings


The US annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) takes place in April.  The 2014 campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and young people. SAAM campaign resources and materials on healthy adolescent sexual development, and engaging youth in sexual...

Select Committee reports back on Vulnerable Children Bill


The Social Services Select Committee has reported back on the Vulnerable Children Bill. The Committee recommends by majority that the Bill be passed with amendments. Read the Select Committee's report. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says...

Family Court changes in effect from 31 March 2014


Changes to the Family Court resulting from the Government's reforms came into effect on 31 March 2014. These include requiring most parents to attend the new Family Dispute Resolution service, restricting access to legal representation in many cases...

VAWnet updates teen dating violence resource collection


The US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has updated their Special Collection Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence. Special Collections collate selected resources on a specific topic and provide...

New schools-based healthy relationships programme announced by ACC


ACC has announced the development of a pilot programme on healthy and respectful relationships for secondary school students, to prevent sexual and dating violence. ACC has recently made sexual violence prevention part of its core business and is...

Victims' Orders, Victims' Code and Welfare Fraud Bills pass second reading


Three Bills relevant to family violence have passed their second reading in Parliament: The Victims’ Orders Against Violent Offenders Bill would prevent serious violent and sexual offenders from coming into contact with their victims. Background...

Responding to intimate partner violence in home visitation programmes


The potential of home visitation programmes for preventing and responding to intimate partner violence (as well as child abuse and neglect) is highlighted in resources from US-based Futures without Violence. Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: A Train the...

ACC and Labour developing plans to prevent sexual violence


The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and the Labour Party have both announced plans to prevent sexual violence. ACC is developing a three year sexual violence prevention programme. Strategy Manager Emma Powell says the campaign aims to...

Conversations count - preventing sexual violence against young people


Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP, with the support of Tu Wahine, has developed a new social media campaign called Conversations Count. HELP says, "Conversations Count aims to put the spotlight on conversations young people are having around potentially...

New research finds Fiji’s rates of violence against women and girls among the highest in the world


The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) has published the findings from a national survey on violence against women and girls. FWCC replicated the survey approach developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for its Multi-country Study on Women’s...

Police release fifth phase review of Commission of Inquiry into police conduct


The fifth phase review into New Zealand Police's progress in response to the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Police Conduct has been released. Police Commissioner Peter Marshall conceded that while police have come a long way in the treatment and...

Briefing paper finds violence a major alcohol-related harm experienced by women


Alcohol Healthwatch and Women's Health Action have released a policy briefing paper to address the knowledge gap on women and alcohol consumption. The research, commissioned by the Ministry of Health, reviewed literature on women and alcohol and...

PSA negotiates special clauses to support workers experiencing family violence


The Public Service Association (PSA) is working to include special family violence clauses in collective employment agreements to provide victims with additional supports. The PSA highlighted the importance of treating family violence as a workplace...