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Government introduces Bill to reform family violence laws


The Government has introduced its Bill to reform family violence laws. The Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill was introduced to Parliament today. The Bill includes changes to both civil and criminal law. It amends the Domestic Violence Act...

Latest Better Public Service data - increase in reported violent crime


The Government has released the latest results from the Better Public Service (BPS) goals. Targets include reducing reported violent crime by 20% and reducing the number of children with substantiated findings of physical abuse by 5%, both by June...

Pilot of supervised handover service for children


The Government announced a new pilot to reduce exposure to family violence and abuse when handing over children for care or contact. The pilot will provide a safe environment where parents can hand over children without having to meet ex-partners....

Concerns and public meeting on NGOs and provision of individual client level data


A range of groups and individuals have spoken publically about concerns at the Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) plan to require individual client level data from non-government social services. Rape Crisis has said it will not accept contracts...

Launch of Auckland Humanity Project and Regional wānanga on preventing violence


An Auckland-based collective of service providers, communities and government agencies launched a new initiative on 1 March 2017. The Auckland Humanity Project is a crowd-sourced social media campaign. The website explains: Auckland is a vast,...

Children's Day 2017 - Tools for preventing school, dating and youth violence


Children’s Day – Te Rā O Te Tamariki will be celebrated on 5 March 2017 (first Sunday of March). Children’s Day has been running since the early 2000s and includes events around the country. To mark Children's Day – Te Rā O Te Tamariki, we have...

MSD update on sexual violence services - frameworks to be drafted


The latest update from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) on the development of sexual violence services is now available. Initial consultations on the Sexual Violence Crisis Support Services (previously referred to as the First Response...

Human Rights Commission calls for inquiry into abuse of people in state care


The Human Rights Commission has issued an open letter asking the Government to initiate an independent inquiry into the abuse of New Zealanders held in state care. The letter has been signed by the Chief Human Rights Commissioner and all other Human...

Additional Government funding for police, courts and corrections


The Government has announced additional funding for police, courts and corrections. In his State of the Nation speech on 2 February 2017, Prime Minister Bill English announced $503 million for a Safer Communities package. Part of the funding will...

International resources on primary prevention of violence against women and their children


A number of resources have been published by the United Nations and violence prevention organisations in Australia and the United States, focused on the primary prevention of violence against women and their children. These include frameworks as...

Police release summary of report on Livingstone filicides-suicide


In December 2016, the Otago Daily times (ODT) received a summary of the NZ Police report on the employment investigations into the Police officers who dealt with Edward Livingstone. The Otago Daily Times wrote that the report, The Livingstone Family...

New Healthy Ageing Strategy released; related resources


The Ministry of Health released its Healthy Ageing Strategy in December 2016. The Strategy updates and replaces the Health of Older People Strategy 2002, and seeks to align with the New Zealand Health Strategy 2016. The Healthy Ageing Strategy...

Further update on cross-government work programme on family and sexual violence


The Government has provided an update on the cross-government family and sexual violence work programme (December 2016). The full update is available on the Ministry of Justice website. To subscribe to receive the updates directly, email ...

Working together to achieve whānau wellbeing in Waitematā


A project exploring how to increase community-led primary prevention of family and sexual violence has been carried out in Waitematā, Auckland. The project was a collaboration between the Waitākere, North Shore and Rodney family violence networks,...

Consultation open on family, whānau and sexual violence workforce capability framework


Updated: Consultation extended to 7 February 2017. The Ministerial Group on Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme is inviting consultation on a draft "Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau Workforce Capability...

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Disability Strategy launched, new resources


December 3 marks the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The United Nations theme for this year’s International Day is “Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want” which relate to the United Nation's 17 Sustainable...

New resources to support dads talking about respectful relationships with their sons


White Ribbon has created a toolbox for dads and short videos that focus on the top five tips for dads. This is to give New Zealand fathers the confidence and skills to talk about respectful relationships and respectful sexual relationships with...

White Ribbon NZ campaigns on respectful relationships in 2016


White Ribbon Day, 25 November, will be marked in New Zealand in 2016 with a range of activities. 25 November is also the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based...

Māori intergenerational trauma and healing research presentations now online


Video recordings and Powerpoint presentations from recent seminars on the research programme "He Kokonga Whare: Māori Intergenerational Trauma and Healing" are available online. The major research programme has been carried by Te Atawhai o Te Ao...

More Pasefika Proud Fono held: "Our Families, Our People, Our Responsibility"


Pasefika Proud has published a report of a two-day Fono held in Wellington in September, "Our Families, Our People, Our Responsibility." The Fono was hosted by the Ministry of Social Development. It built on the Pasefika Proud National Fono for...