Further update on cross-government work programme on family and sexual violence
Tue 10 Jan 2017
The Government has provided an update on the cross-government family and sexual violence work programme (December 2016). The full update is ...
The Government has provided an update on the cross-government family and sexual violence work programme (December 2016).
The full update is available on the Ministry of Justice website. To subscribe to receive the updates directly, email familyandsexualviolence@justice.govt.nz
Brief information on each area of work is provided below, with links for further information.
The work programme brings together a range of government agencies including the ministries of Social Development, Justice, Health and Education, NZ Police, ACC, Department of Corrections and others. It seeks to work closely with NGOs, service providers, community providers and people who need support from the system. The programme is overseen by a ministerial group, co-chaired by the ministers of Justice and Social Development, so it is officially referred to as the Ministerial Work Programme on Family Violence and Sexual Violence.
For more information about the programme, see Family violence and sexual violence work programme.
Risk Assessment and Management Framework
The Risk Assessment and Management Framework (RAMF) is a project led by the Ministry of Justice. A round of consultation was held in August-September 2016. The Government says there was "overwhelming support for what the RAMF is trying to achieve and there's clearly a need for it" however there is also significant work to do to develop a RAMF that is fit for purpose. As a result, work to develop and implement the RAMF will now proceed in two phases: reworking the draft into a principles-based overarching framework, then developing sector-specific practice guidance, risk assessment tools and training material.
For further information, see the update and Risk assessment and management framework consultation. This includes a summary of submissions and a consultation workshop summary report.
Workforce Capability Framework
The draft Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau Workforce Capability Framework sets a vision for excellence in the family violence and sexual violence workforce. This project is led by the Ministry for Social Development. Consultation on this document is now open and has been extended to 7 February 2017.
For further information, see the update and Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau Workforce Capability Framework: Consultation on the Draft Framework.
Integrated Safety Response (ISR) pilot
The ISR pilots (currently in Christchurch and Waikato) focus on the joined-up support and services that families, including victims and perpetrators, receive following family violence reported to NZ Police and high risk prison releases. It is led by NZ Police.
For more information, see the ISR newsletter (December 2016) and Integrated Safety Response (ISR) pilot.
Sexual violence service development update
This work programme focuses on further developing sexual violence services, including:
- First Response Sexual Violence Services
- The Sexual Violence Information and Support Service
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Services
- Services for male survivors of sexual abuse.
It is led by the Ministry for Social Development.
For further information, see the December 2016 update.
To subscribe to receive regular updates, updates, email CI_Sexual_Violence_Services@msd.govt.nz.
Sexual violence prevention
ACC is the coordinating agency for the primary prevention of sexual violence. ACC has provided a second stakeholder update. It includes information on information sharing / sector engagement sessions held in 2016, the Sexual Violence Prevention Advisory Board and how to be involved.
To subscribe to receive the updates, include the word 'REGISTER' in the subject line of an email addressed to SVPrevention@acc.co.nz.
Background information
See the previous NZFVC story, Update on Ministerial Group on Family and Sexual Violence work programme (August 2016)
Image: iStock