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Family Court definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2017 Read online below or download For more information contact us Downloads Family Court definitions, June 2017 (PDF, 541 KB) Family Court definitions...

Report finds social service providers significantly underfunded, over-reliant on philanthropy


Social Service Providers Aotearoa (SSPA) commissioned the study and report Social Service System: The Funding Gap and How to Bridge It (2019), by independent consultants MartinJenkins. The study found that the government funds social service...

Government launches Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy


The development of the strategy also involved hearing from over 10,000 New Zealanders, including 6,000 children and young people, and working with a reference group. The purpose of the strategy is to: "Set out a framework to improve child and youth...

Understanding family violence statistics


At present, New Zealand does not have a data source dedicated to identifying and recording all forms of family violence in our communities. Researchers have conducted a number of population-based and smaller surveys that identify how many people...

Additional government agency data


Ministry of Justice New Zealand Police Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children Ministry of Health Statistics New Zealand  Te Mana Whakamaru Tamariki Motuhake | Independent Children's Monitor Office of the Auditor-General (NZDF survey, 2022)...

Population-based research


Population-based research provides the most reliable source of prevalence data available and provides information about victims and perpetrators of family violence. You will find population-based data on family and sexual violence in New Zealand in...

Ethnic and community specific data


The reports and journal articles listed on this page focus on data broken down by ethnicity or community. Findings from He Koiora Matapopore | 2019 NZ Family Violence Study provide intimate partner violence prevalence rates for Māori, Pacific, Asian...

Family violence statistics at a glance


For quick summaries of key statistics and infographics see: Our Frequently Asked Questions page ('What are the latest family violence statistics?') Key findings and policy and practice implications from He Koiora Matapopore | The 2019 New Zealand...

Ethnic perspectives on family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand


Issues Paper 14, April 2019 Author: Rachel Simon-Kumar1, PhD  1 Associate Professor, Social & Community Health, School of Population Health, University of Auckland Downloads   Ethnic perspectives on family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand (...

Kaupapa Māori


Information and research relating to family violence and sexual violence for kaimahi Māori is available in various places on our website. Hei Oranga mō Tātou Hei Oranga mō Tātou pānui is a quarterly pānui focused on work and information we think...

Evaluation of sexual violence pilot court; changes to be permanent in Auckland and Whangārei


The District Court has released the evaluation report for the sexual violence court pilot in Auckland and Whangārei. The findings from the evaluation confirm a number of successful outcomes, including shorter wait times for cases to go to trial and...

Submissions open on abortion law reform bill


Submissions are open on the bill to reform abortion law. This includes changes to the Crimes Act 1961 and the Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977. The deadline to make a submission is 19 September 2019. The omnibus Abortion...

Reports find criminal justice system failing victims/survivors of crime


Chief Victims Advisor Dr Kim McGregor has released two reports related to strengthening the criminal justice system for victims/survivors of crime. The first is the results from a survey of victims/survivors of crime which was carried out in...

Māori Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki: Next phase, call for feedback


The next phase of the national Māori Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children is a hui on Monday 19 August 2019 in Hamilton. Whānau Ora announced this will be to confirm the scope and purpose of the inquiry. Following this, the...

Family violence and sexual violence service provider update - MSD, August 2019


The latest Ministry of Social Development (MSD) email update for family violence and sexual violence service providers covers a number of areas of work. You can view the updates online and subscribe to receive them to your inbox. The August 2019...

Continued reports of sexual harassment, assault and bullying at work; steps towards change


Media has continued to highlight ongoing reports of sexual harassment and assault and bullying in workplaces, sporting organisations, universities and other organisations around the country. These are summarised below, followed by steps being taken...

Report from Hui Māori: Ināia Tonu Nei - criminal justice reform


A report summarising the discussion and kōrero from Hui Māori: Ināia Tonu Nei has been released. The Hui Māori was held in April 2019 in response to calls for more Māori involvement in the Government's work on criminal justice reform.  The report...

Frequently Asked Questions


If you don’t find the answer to your question below, please contact the Information Specialist What’s the definition of family violence? The Clearinghouse uses family violence as an umbrella term including intimate partner violence (including...



A range of terms are used to describe violence within families and relationships in Aotearoa New Zealand. Definitions of family and whānau violence may vary depending on the context or purpose, for example policy, legal or research. Below are links...

Te Reo Māori Quick Topic Search


Te Reo Māori Quick Topic Search will take you to material in the library that is by at least one Māori author and/or has a significant amount of content related to Māori. You can search Ngā Upoko Tukutuku for the meaning and scope of terms used. Ngā...