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Tools to support multi-agency collaboration


A new resource, 'Tools to support multi-agency collaboration' is now available from the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. This list of articles, reports, and tools is intended to provide readers with helpful tips, tools and strategies...

Pacific conceptual framework for addressing family violence released


Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu, the Pacific Conceptual Framework, was launched today. Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu is a conceptual framework for addressing family violence in seven Pacific communities in New Zealand. It is informed by, and aligned with, seven...

Impact of Police Safety Orders evaluated


A formative evaluation of the first 12 months of Police Safety Orders (PSOs) has just been released. The Key Findings state: "Overall, PSOs have been well received by both police and the community and are generally being executed as intended,...

Men's community outreach service piloted in North Canterbury


Christchurch Women’s Refuge has secured funding to undertake an innovative, new community outreach service for men who have committed, or are considered likely to commit, family violence. The 12-month pilot project, developed in conjunction with...

Recent research highlights the impact of domestic violence on children's brain development


A US-based longitudinal study of children from birth has found that children who have been abused or have witnessed violence against their mother scored lower on cognitive measures, after controlling for other factors. Children were tested at 24, 64...

Specialist domestic violence peer support service being developed in Christchurch


Christchurch Women's Refuge has released their report from phase one of developing a Specialist Peer Support Service. Specialist Peer Support will be a service offered by victims and perpetrators who have overcome family violence to those needing...

Impact of work testing on women escaping violent relationships


The Greens' Jan Logie speaks in Parliament about the impact of work testing for women on the DPB escaping family violence: “The nature of domestic violence, which we know affects one in three women in this country, means that its female victims are...

Post-earthquake stress increases the demand for anger management counselling in Canterbury


Counsellors in Canterbury are experiencing increased demand for anger management counselling services as post-earthquake stressors take their toll in Christchurch and across Canterbury.  Kathryn Ryan, Radio New Zealand, talks to Jo Westbury,...

Expat New Zealander highlights interagency coordination for domestic violence prevention


Graham Barnes, a world recognised authority on domestic violence prevention, is back in New Zealand speaking on the effectiveness of a coordinated interagency approach to domestic violence prevention.  He was interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on Radio New...

Submissions on alternative proposals for sexual violence trials close soon


Submissions to the Law Commission on alternative proposals for sexual violence trials close on Friday 27 April. Background information is available in our previous news item here. Sexual violence agencies have broadly supported the Law Commission’s...

Masculinity, ‘weakness’ and men’s use of violence


NZ Herald reports on research into masculinity, ‘weakness’ and men’s use of violence. "An Auckland woman researching the behaviour of abusive men has found many of them want to love and care for their wives and partners but suppress the desire in...

Sexual violence primary prevention funding round open


The Ministry of Justice’s contestable funding round to help providers across New Zealand to deliver sexual violence primary prevention services is now open. Funding is available for general sexual violence primary prevention initiatives for up to 12...

Comment on release of 2011 crime statistics


In an interview on 2 April 2012, Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Bush indicated that 2011 crime statistics show a “levelling off” of family violence reports (listen here). If this in fact reflects a reduced level of family violence in the community...

Postpartum depression and domestic violence linked


Mothers with postpartum depression are more likely to be in a violent relationship than mothers without depression, and new mothers in abusive relationships are more likely to suffer postpartum depression, according to a new survey of women with...

Update: Health Select Committee Inquiry. Submissions now close 4 May 2012


Public submissions are now being invited on the Inquiry into preventing child abuse and improving children's health outcomes. The closing date for submissions has been extended from Thursday, 5 April 2012 until Friday, 4 May 2012. Read more...

Research underlines strong link between animal cruelty and family violence in New Zealand


One in three women surveyed in a recent groundbreaking New Zealand study reported delaying leaving violent relationships because they feared their pets and other animals would be killed or tortured. Of these, one quarter said their children had...

"It's not OK" in Hawera


Hawera Rape Crisis and the Hawera Rotary Club are running a month-long campaign in the Hawera Town Square to spread the "It's not OK" message. Increased reporting of family violence is putting pressure on the services provided by Taranaki Women's...

Under development – a primary prevention toolkit for rural communities


In Australia the National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC) is leading the Community Leadership in Primary Violence Prevention project. The NRWC and the Australian Violence Women Alliance (AWAVA) are working with the Queensland Centre for Domestic and...

Crimes Act strengthened to better protect children, now in force


The Crimes Amendment Act (No 3) 2011, which strengthens provisions in the Crimes Act 1961 particularly in relation to violent and sexual offending, came into effect on 19 March 2012.  The Act: creates a new offence of failure to protect a child or...

Reducing the number of assaults on children among 10 challenges for public service


Reducing the number of assaults on children and reducing the rates of total crime, violent crime and youth crime are among ten challenges for the public service.  Prime Minister John Key has set 10 challenging results for the public sector to...