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About this timeline


Return to timeline Introduction The Clearinghouse has compiled this timeline to document progress and setbacks on the journey towards the prevention and elimination of family, whānau and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. Developments it...

New Zealand Police definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2017 Read online or download For more information contact us Downloads New Zealand Police definitions, June 2017 (PDF,  648 KB) New Zealand Police...

Ministry of Health definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, July 2016 Read online below or download For more information contact us Downloads Ministry of Health definitions, July 2016 (PDF, 154 KB) Ministry of Health...

Legal definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2013 Read online or download For more information contact us Downloads Legal definitions, June 2013 (PDF, 130 KB) Legal definitions, June 2013 (Word...

District Court definitions


Definitions Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence ClearinghouseUniversity of Auckland, June 2017 Read online below or download For more information contact us Downloads District Court definitions, June 2017 (PDF, 445 KB) District Court...

Data Summaries


  These data summaries are a collation of publicly available information about family violence. The most recent data summaries are available from this page. Previous data summaries can be found under archived material.   Data Summaries...

Pānui | Newsletters


*** NEW *** The Clearinghouse published the first Hei Oranga mō Tātou pānui in Kōanga | Spring 2023. This pānui is focused on work and information we think will be particularly useful for kaimahi Māori. We plan to publish Hei Oranga mō Tātou...

Auckland public forum 'Safe at Home, Safe at Work: Domestic violence and the workplace'


Auckland public forum: Tuesday 6 November, 6-8pmAuckland Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn At this public forum, Ludo McFerran will speak about her experience developing the very successful 'Safe at Work, Safe at Home' project based at...

Gendered analysis (tau iwi)


"To progress in reducing this highly prevalent and impactful form of abuse, we must acknowledge the clear and consistent evidence for IPV being both examined and addressed as a gender-based issue. Women and girls are more likely to be killed by male...

Ethnic communities


Domestic violence "Dynamics of Domestic Violence in API [Asian and Pacific Island] Families Domestic violence is a universal problem, but its cultural expressions differ. Drawing attention to such differences can serve to confirm stereotypes because...

Elder abuse and neglect


Definition Elder abuse and neglect are defined as "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person." WHO/INPEA. 2002...



Intimate partner violence "What is abuse? All relationships run into difficulty at some time, but sometimes one partner becomes abusive. The abusive partner chooses to have power and control over the other person. This is not a relationship issue,...

Disabled people


Domestic and sexual violence "Disability is related to sexual and domestic violence in two ways.  1)         Disabled people are more likely to be abused both as children and adults than non-disabled people. It is not possible to give reliable...



Family violence "Definitions and their significance The seven ethnic-specific Conceptual Frameworks highlight the complex nature of meanings and definitions within and across cultures. Meanings are multidimensional, in that no one concept or...

Tangata whenua


Family violence, whānau violence, violence within whānau Definitions “The Taskforce understands whānau violence as the compromise of te ao Māori values. Whānau violence can be understood as an absence or a disturbance in tikanga. Tikanga is defined...

Sexual violence - World Health Organization & legal definitions


World Health Organization Sexual violence The World Health Organization (Krug et al, 2002) defines sexual violence as “any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed...

Family violence - Policy and legal definitions


Note: This page was created as pre-reading for the Auckland Regional Networking Meeting, Family and Sexual Violence held at Western Springs in September 2012. Policy Te Rito, New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy (Ministry of Social...

Auckland Regional Networking Meeting, Family and Sexual Violence - Western Springs, September 2012


Background In March 2012, an Auckland Regional Hui on family and sexual violence prevention was held (more information here). Following the hui, in consultation with the family and sexual violence sectors, Council Officers drafted a series of short...

Elder abuse and neglect: a selected bibliography


Selected bibliography Prepared by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse,The University of Auckland, August 2012  Read online below or download For more information, please contact the Information Specialist< Downloads   Elder abuse...

Our work


  Clearinghouse publications and work can be accessed by following the links on this page   Information service Information services provided by New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse Data summaries Data summaries are a collation of...