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Mental Health Needs of Children Exposed to Violence


A report titled 'The Mental Health Needs of Children Exposed to Violence in their Homes' has been published by the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.  The report presents a summary of literature, and findings from...

Collection: Domestic Violence and Gender


The website XY has produced a collection of articles addressing the persistent debate, in both community and academic circles, regarding domestic violence and gender, and in particular, whether women's domestic violence against men is as common or...

Where Men Stand: Men’s Roles in Ending Violence Against Women


This report, Where Men Stand: Men's roles in ending violence against women was launched in Australia on November 25th 2010, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the focus of the White Ribbon Campaign.  The report...

Amnesty to Launch 16 Days of Activism With Soloman Islands Focus


Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Solomon Islands and a human rights defender in Guatemala will be the focus of Amnesty International's 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence this year. Kicking off on White Ribbon Day on 25...

VAWNET: Changing Perceptions of Sexual Violence Over Time


VAWNET, a National Resource Center on Domestic Violence in the US has published an applied research paper titled 'Changing Perceptions of Sexual Violence Over Time' by Sarah McMahon, in consultation with Karen Baker. The purpose of this paper is to...

UNITEC Students Ask R U OK?


Over 400 Unitec staff and students have shown their support for the 'It's Not OK' campaign by creating a photo mosaic, spelling out 'R U OK?' Using photos submitted by staff and students, Unitec has created a visible symbol of the institute of...

New Research: Intimate Partner Violence and Emotional Abuse


Dr Janet Fanslow and Dr Elizabeth Robinson at The University of Auckland have released a paper on the relationship between intimate partner abuse and emotional abuse.  'Sticks, Stones or Words? Counting the Prevalence of Different Types of Intimate...

Australian National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women & Children


The Australian Government has released a nation plan that provides the framework for action by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to reduce violence against women and their children. The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women...

Global Update on Violence Against Children


A new report titled 'Five Years On: An Global Update on Violence Against Children'  has been released by the NGO Advisory Council for Follow up to the UN Study on Violence Against Children.  This report summarizes the state of violence against...

TED: Tony Porter 'A Call to Men'


In this short video via TED, community activist Tony Porter makes a call to men everywhere: Don't "act like a man." Telling powerful stories from his own life, he shows how this mentality, drummed into so many men and boys, can lead men to...

UK Research Highlights Prevalence of Sexual Harassment in Tertiary Institutions


A report titled 'Hidden Marks: A study of women students’ experiences of harassment, stalking, violence and sexual assault' has just been released.  This report outlines findings from a survey carried out by the National Union of Students in the...

Marae Investigates Male Sexual Assault


TVNZ Maori affairs program Marae which screened on Channel 1 on the 28th August  2011 took a specific focus on male sexual abuse.  The program interviewed a victim of sexual abuse who has chosen to break a lifetime of silence to warn others to seek...

New Zealand Police Release Annual Statistics 2010-2011


The New Zealand Police have released their annual statistics for the fiscal year 2010-11 ending 30th June 2011.     Key family and sexual violence related statistics: Crime decreased 5.8% nationally Crime dropped substantially in Canterbury,...

Amnesty International Release Report on Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the Pacific


Amnesty International have released a report titled 'Where is the dignity in that? Women in the Solomon Islands slums denied sanitation and safety' to coincide with the hosting of the Pacific Island Forum in Auckland last month. Thr report...

Minister Uses Valedictory Speech to Call for Debate Sexual Violence


Hon Minister Simon Power challenged Politicians to be bold in having debates on  tough issues like sexual violence.     In his speech to Parliament, Minister Power said that "It's our job to tackle the tough issues, the issues the public pays us to...

Ethical Bystander Initiative Launches for Rugby World Cup


An ethical bystander initiative seeking to encourage people to intervene in sexual assaults has been launched by a collaborative group of Wellington agencies prior to the Rugby World Cup.  The Wellington police, Wellington Sexual Abuse Network, Tū...

‘Partner abuse common' in Report on disadvantaged youth


A new piece of research from the University of Bristol has highlighted higher than expected levels of violence within intimate relationships among youth outside the mainstream education system. The research was commissioned by UK based children’s...

New Research on Children’s Experience of Violence


A new piece of research has been released looking at New Zealand children’s experience of violence.  ‘Children’s Perceptions of Violence:  the Nature, extent and impact of their experiences’ by Dr. Janis Carroll-Lind, Associate Prof Juliana...

United Nations Report on Status of Women Released


A report on the progress of the world’s women was released by UN Women New Zealand in Wellington on 24 July 2011. UN Women New Zealand are calling for action on New Zealand’s high rates of maternal mortality and intimate partner violence. In the...

Funding Round for Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence Services closes 20 May 2011


$600,000 is available over two years for a contestable funding round to help providers across New Zealand deliver sexual violence primary prevention services. This funding round closes on Friday 20th May, 2011 at 5pm. Previous NZFVC news on this...