Collection: Domestic Violence and Gender

Thu 24 Nov 2011

The website XY has produced a collection of articles addressing the persistent debate, in both community and academic circles, regarding domestic ...

The website XY has produced a collection of articles addressing the persistent debate, in both community and academic circles, regarding domestic violence and gender, and in particular, whether women's domestic violence against men is as common or as serious as men's domestic violence against women.

The XY collection of articles are useful contributions to this debate.  While they acknowledge women's domestic violence, they show that the claim of gender symmetry in domestic violence is not supported by the evidence.

XY is a website focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics. XY is a space for the exploration of issues of gender and sexuality, the daily issues of men’s and women’s lives, and practical discussion of personal and social change.

You can read more about XY in their 'about us' section here.

You can access this collection via the XYOnline website here.

Photo Credit: Istock Photo