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Judith Collins announces some changes on giving evidence in sexual offence cases


Justice Minister Judith Collins has announced some changes around the giving of evidence in sexual offence cases. These include a requirement that the defence gives notice before a trial begins of their intention to use evidence about a victim’s...

Review looks at 'what works' in schools-based relationship education


A report released by the Families Commission has reviewed research on schools-based relationship education, including its potential to prevent dating and partner violence. Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programmes in Schools for Years 7-13...

Select Committee hears submissions on Vulnerable Children Bill


Parliament's Social Services Select Committee has begun hearing oral submissions on the Vulnerable Children Bill. Media coverage is listed below. Links will continue to be added to the page as they become available. A submission by Bronwyn Kerr of...

Research aims to improve services for young people affected by sexual violence


Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation in partnership with Tu Wahine Trust have released research aiming to improve services for young people who are affected by sexual violence. The research report, Breaking the silence but keeping secrets: what...

Updated resources for immigrant victims of domestic and sexual violence


The US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has released updated Special Collections on immigrant women and domestic and sexual violence. Special Collections are peer-reviewed organised lists of select resources on...

Health Committee releases report on improving child health outcomes


Parliament's Health Committee has reported on its inquiry into practical health and social interventions to promote children's wellbeing, prevent child abuse and break cycles of disadvantage. The report Inquiry into improving child health outcomes...

Responses to the 'Roast Busters'


Media reporting on a group of Auckland young men calling themselves the ‘Roast Busters’ has sparked widespread discussion about rape, consent and young people. The responses below highlight issues in the wider culture and systems responses to sexual...

Partner violence and suicidality linked


New Zealand women who have experienced partner violence are more likely to contemplate suicide, according to New Zealand findings published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health last week. Researchers from the New Zealand Family...

Resources to support engaging with the media


"Most New Zealanders get their information and understanding about family violence from the media. The media is a powerful influencer and shaper of public attitudes." - It's Not OK Campaign, 'Speak Up: Use the Media to Prevent Family Violence'....

Imagining the Solution conference 2013 presentations available online


The Tauiwi Caucus of Te Ohaakii a Hine - National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) hosted the second annual national sexual violence prevention hui 'Imagining the Solution' on 9-10 September 2013. The hui focused on the primary...

Agencies express concerns over crime statistics


Annual crime statistics released by Statistics New Zealand have again raised concerns over how family violence is measured. Despite calls for more comprehensive statistics by NGOs, Police have not provided data specifically on family violence....

Australian clearinghouse functions to come under new National Centre of Excellence


From 1 October 2014, Australian domestic and family violence and sexual assault clearinghouse functions will be provided by the new National Centre of Excellence (NCE) to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children. Clearinghouse functions are...

New TV series 'Womenpower' to air from Wednesday 2 October


A new TV series 'Womenpower' begins on Wednesday 2 October at 7.30pm. Presented by Catriona MacLennan, it will investigate a range of issues affecting women in Aoearoa New Zealand, including domestic and sexual violence. Topics that that will be...

Information to assist with submissions on the funding of specialist sexual violence services


Sexual violence services have urged as many people as possible to make submissions to the to the Social Services Committee on the funding of sexual violence services. Wellington Rape Crisis Agency Manager Natalie Gousmett said, "This is a once in a...

New resources on engaging bystanders to prevent sexual violence


A new information packet on engaging bystanders to prevent sexual violence has been published by the US National Sexual Violence Resource Center. The information packet, Engaging Bystanders to Prevent Sexual Violence, provides sexual violence...

Restorative justice standards for family violence and sexual offending


The Ministry of Justice has published standards for restorative justice in family violence and sexual offending cases. The standards include two new principles of practice and details of the service design, specifications and processes required....

TOAH-NNEST launches website


Te Ohaakii a Hine – National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) has launched a website. TOAH-NNEST is a national network of specialist sexual violence prevention and response services, including services for survivors, services for...

Analysis of media reporting on sexual violence in New Zealand


An analysis of media reporting on sexual violence in New Zealand has just been released. Reporting Sexual Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand by the TOAH-NNEST Tauiwi Prevention Project is based on an audit of 6 months of print media in 2012. The...

UN study asks men about violence against women in Asia and the Pacific


One of the first large studies to focus on male perpetrators rather than female victims of intimate partner violence and non-partner rape has been carried out by the UN. The quantitative regional study, Why do some men use violence against women and...

Tonga passes Family Protection Bill


A Bill to address domestic violence has passed its third and final reading in the Tongan Parliament. The Family Protection Bill 2013 was developed by Tonga's Ministry of Education, Women's Affairs and Culture Women's Affairs Division and the...