Website search results

NZ Rugby announces review of "respect and responsibility"


NZ Rugby has announced a respect and responsibility programme. The programme will address respectful relationships, including consent, sexual assault and violence prevention. This work includes an "independent review" and the appointment of a...

New sexual violence court process to be piloted in Whangarei and Auckland


The District Court has announced that a new process for sexual violence cases will be piloted in Whangarei and Auckland from December 2016. Under the pilot, these District Courts and their satellite courts will deal with sexual violence cases at a...

Updated and expanded guidelines for sexual violence crisis support services


Te Ohaakii a Hine – National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) has published updated guidelines for mainstream crisis support services responding to survivors of sexual violence. Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence...

MSD update on the development of sexual violence services


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has published its third update on the development of sexual violence services.  The work on service development follows the Government's announcement in May 2016 that $46 million will be invested over four...

Second Integrated Safety Response pilot opens in Waikato


The Government announced the launch of the second pilot site of the Integrated Safety Response (ISR) to family violence in Waikato. An additional $1.4 million from the Justice Sector Fund will go towards supporting the new site in Waikato, as well...

ACC sessions, survey and sector update on sexual violence prevention


ACC will be hosting a series of sexual violence prevention information sharing sessions around the country between 18 October - 7 November 2016. Details are available on the Clearinghouse Events listing. ACC says: "The objectives of these sessions...

UNCROC publishes concluding observations on the rights of the child


The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) has recommended the New Zealand Government adopt urgent measures on: violence, abuse and neglect; children deprived of a family environment; standard of  living; children  belonging ...

MSD to require individual client level data from community agencies


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has stated that future contracts will require community agencies to provide individual client level data. The recently published MSD Community Investment Strategy Update 2016 states "Starting from July 2016,...

ACC launches web-based toolkit on primary prevention of sexual violence


ACC has developed an online toolkit on sexual violence primary prevention activities. The Making a Difference: Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Toolkit provides a wide range of information and resources to support people to plan, implement and...

Progress update on MSD sexual violence service development


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has provided an update on developing sexual violence services. The update details upcoming work to consult with service providers on development of services. This follows the government's previous...

Calls for sanctions to be removed; committee report on Social Security Bill


The Social Services Committee has published a report on their review of the Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill. The Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill was introduced in Parliament to replace the Social Security Act 1964. The bill is...

Six Legal aid offices to be closed


The Ministry of Justice has announced it will close 6 of the 8 legal aid offices in 2017. The announcement said that operations will be based in Wellington and Auckland (Takapuna). Offices will be closed in Waitakere, Napier, Christchurch, Manukau,...

Govt announces proposed changes under legislative review


The Government has announced changes coming out of its legislative review of family violence. The reforms include changes to the Domestic Violence Act, Care of Children Act, Sentencing Act, Bail Act, Crimes Act, Criminal Procedure Act and the...

Debate on changes to improve court processes for victims of sexual assault


Parliament recently debated the Evidence Amendment Bill 2015, which proposes reforms to court processes for victims of sexual assault. The Evidence Amendment Bill 2015 makes a number of small changes to the Evidence Act 2006, which were among those...

Consultation on Health of Older People Strategy; new WHO resource on elder abuse


The Ministry of Health is currently seeking feedback on the draft strategy for the health and wellbeing of older people for the next 10 years. Associate Health Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga said “The first HOP Strategy was released 14 years ago and...

Online survey now open on interventions with family violence perpetrators


An online survey on interventions with perpetrators of family violence is now open. The survey is part of research being carried out under the perpetrator interventions workstream of the Ministerial Work Programme on Family Violence and Sexual...

National study reports on students' experiences of unwanted sexual contact; related resources


A new report from the Adolescent Health Research Group based on the Youth '12 survey documents that 15% of secondary students reported having experienced unwanted sexual contact. Youth’12 is the third Youth2000 national survey of the health and...

Reducing and preventing violence in taitamariki Māori intimate partner relationships


Moana Eruera's PhD thesis on reducing and preventing violence in taitamariki Māori intimate partner relationships is now available online. 'Hooked up': Te hononga whaiāipo: Reducing and preventing violence in taitamariki Māori intimate partner...

Government funding for short term housing for perpetrators of family violence


The Government announced it will provide $500,000 over two years for short-term emergency housing for perpetrators of family violence. The emergency housing will be used when a Police Safety Order (PSO) requires the perpetrator to stay away from the...

New "Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki" to be established


Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has confirmed that a new Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki, will be operational from 1 April 2017. Mrs Tolley will be the Minister for Vulnerable Children. The State Services Commissioner has...