MSD announces work to strengthen funding and delivery of family violence services
Sun 06 May 2018
The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) email update on "sexual harm" service development is now called the Family Violence and Sexual Violence ...
The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) email update on "sexual harm" service development is now called the Family Violence and Sexual Violence Service Provider Update.
These regular emails provide an update on MSD work to further develop specialist sexual violence services and will now include updates on a new work programme to strengthen family violence services.
This latest update includes information about the new work programme to strengthen funding and delivery of Ministry-funded family violence services:
"As the Ministry is a major funder of family violence services we are keen to build on this momentum. We want to see a future where providers are sustainably funded and services are whānau-centred, outcomes-focused and integrated."
The Ministry will work with providers and communities to develop a Family Violence Funding Strategy for Ministry-funded services.
This will not affect current funding. MSD says "Any changes to the way the Ministry funds family violence services are not going to be immediate, they are about paving the way for the future approach to the funding and delivery of family violence services." (see link to FAQ below)
The first stage of this work has begun. It involves meeting with selected providers to learn more about current service delivery, gaps, effectiveness and outcomes.
MSD will also conduct a confidential anonymous survey to allow all providers of Ministry-funded family violence services to have their say. The survey is expected to be out in May 2018. The analysis of the findings and development of the new funding strategy are then expected to be carried out between July and September 2018.
MSD notes:
"Understanding how the system currently responds to specific population groups will be important to inform MSD’s future funding of family violence services. We have ensured there is a good representation of Kaupapa Māori providers in the sample of providers. We will also be engaging with the sector and services that support Pacific peoples, elderly people, migrant and refugee groups and people living with disabilities."
There is no mention of Rainbow/takatāpui (LGBTTIQ+) people or communities.
MSD currently provides funding to 176 providers, for services for whānau and families, victims and non-mandated perpetrators, with the contracts managed by Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children.
Find more information see MSD's frequently asked questions about the new work programme and find out how providers can get involved or contact
Other updates include:
- The Safe to talk - He pai ki te kōrero helpline to provide free and confidential support to people affected by sexual harm and violence has been launched.
- Efforts are continuing to fill geographical gaps in sexual harm crisis support services with contract negotiations about to start.
- Analysis has been completed of feedback from providers on the Sexual Harm Crisis Support Service Guidelines. MSD will provide an update in the next newsletter and notify contracted providers directly if there are changes to the guidelines. Any changes would take effect from 1 July 2018.
- A Reporting Guide has been published to help service providers answer questions under the Results Measurement Framework.
- Te Ohaakii a Hine - National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) Tauiwi Caucus and Malatest International are running free workshops for sexual violence service providers around the country in May and June 2018. These will cover the ‘Learning Hub,’ Tauiwi pilot crisis support online beginner course and evaluation of specialist sexual harm services.
- Malatest International is continuing work on evaluating sexual violence services. This has included meeting with providers and distributing a workforce survey. Future work will aim to include the client voice. Malatest will provide summary feedback at the TOAH-NNEST workshops.
For more information
Read the 2 May 2018 full update on the MSD website. You can also read all past updates and sign up to receive future updates.
Also see the latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme.
Related news
In Victoria, Australia the Ending Family Violence 10 year plan acknowledges the importance of specialist family violence services. It commits to building the capacity and capability of specialist services and providing effective resourcing. For further information see the previous NZFVC new story "Unprecedented" investment in family violence prevention in Victoria, Australia.
Image: Pixabay