Family and sexual violence work programme update
Sun 18 Feb 2018
The latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme gives information about a number of ...
The latest update from the Government’s cross-agency family violence and sexual violence work programme gives information about a number of initiatives.
Parliamentary Under Secretary to the Minister of Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence)
As announced in 2017, Jan Logie, Green Party MP, has been appointed to the position of Parliamentary Under Secretary focused on domestic and sexual violence. The update says "She will lead the Government’s work on the design of an integrated and responsive family violence system, engagement with the sector, responses to the Law Commission report on justice responses to victims of sexual violence, and the implementation of new family violence law." You can contact the Under Secretary’s office at
Changes at the Multi-Agency Team
Sarah Holden has been appointed the new Manager of the Multi-Agency Team for Family and Sexual Violence (MAT), and Hannah Cranston is the new Programme Manager.
Integrated Safety Response pilot evaluation
The Multi-Agency Team is leading the final evaluation of the Integrated Safety Response (ISR) pilots. The update notes "The scope of the final evaluation is still under development, but is intended to build on our understanding of the outcomes achieved for people and families / whānau who have gone through the ISR process and associated services." For more information or if you would like to be involved in the evaluation, contact Superu completed the first evaluation in August 2017.
Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill
The Ministry of Justice is the lead agency for the implementation of the Family and Whānau Violence Legislation Bill. Timing for the passage of the Bill has not yet been confirmed. The update provides a brief overview of ongoing work streams related to the legislation:
Risk and needs assessment for perpetratorsThe legislation provides for a risk and needs assessment service for perpetrators of violence who are subject to Police Safety Orders. The team working on this service is exploring the potential for more referral pathways from other parts of the family violence system, including self and whānau or community referrals.
Including the voice of people who engage with Courts in legislative changesThis work is focused on making sure the voices of people who use Court services are a primary consideration in the legislative changes. Feedback is initially focused on three areas:
- "The safety of victims (including children) in family violence bail decisions,
- Simplifying the protection order application form, and
- Improving system responses to a protection order being issued."
More information will be provided when additional feedback is invited from community stakeholders.
New resources for victims of sexual violence
The Ministry of Justice is developing online guidance about what to expect in the court process for victims of sexual violence. The guide is intended to reduce the trauma and secondary victimisation associated with the judicial process. For more information contact: The update also notes the coming pilot launch of the national helpline for people affected by sexual harm. For more information about the helpline and other sexual violence activities, see the latest Ministry of Social Development (MSD) update on the "sexual harm" service.
Justice & Corrections align contracting
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Department of Corrections are aligning their procurement and contracting processes for family violence perpetrator programmes and safety programmes for adults and children. The joint MOJ and Corrections Request for Proposals is open for responses until 27 February 2018 on GETS.
Workforce capability
The MAT developed the Workforce Capability Framework and the Risk Assessment Management Framework last year. The team is now working with "early adopters" of the frameworks to develop guidelines for users. The team is also developing proposals to help organisations build their capabilities, through:
- "Partnerships with organisations to enable the development of training materials, qualifications, practice guidelines, organisational policies and other ‘infrastructure’ necessary to build the capability of their workforces in support of an improved family violence system.
- Support for platforms, resources, and networking initiatives to connect organisations and workers to share best practice approaches
- Practical advice and support to organisations and FV networks for them to build organisational and workforce capability."
To learn more, contact the MAT at
Other updates highlight a community project in Wairoa inspired by E Tū Whānau, including a marae-based tane group and wahine group.
For questions about this work or to receive the work programme email updates, contact You can also find past updates on the Ministry of Justice website.
For more information about the work programme see the pages on the MSD website and the Ministry of Justice website.
Related news
The Ministry of Justice has developed a workplace family violence policy including staff training on family violence.
Selected media
Gaps found in domestic violence programme, Radio NZ, 09.04.2018
Aviva ditched family violence pilot involving 30,000 people, citing strain on staff, 21.03.2018
Domestic violence programme tackles few cases, Radio NZ, 20.03.2018
Speech to the SHINE and SAFEINET International Women’s Day event, Beehive Press release, 08.03.2018
Image: Pixabay