Increasing family violence calls but fewer resolutions: NZFVC data summaries 2015
Tue 30 Jun 2015
The Clearinghouse has released 2015 family violence data summaries. New Zealand Police data shows police are dealing with more family violence, ...
The Clearinghouse has released 2015 family violence data summaries.
New Zealand Police data shows police are dealing with more family violence, but where an offence is reported, fewer cases are being resolved. The data shows:
- Police conducted 101,981 family violence investigations in 2014. In only 37 percent of investigations was an offence recorded. This is down from 47 percent in 2008.
- There were 7163 recorded male assaults female offences in 2014 and 82 percent were resolved (e.g. where one or more offenders were apprehended). This is down from 93 percent being resolved in 2008.
- There were 6103 recorded offences for breaching a protection order in 2014 (an average 17 per day). 83 percent were resolved. This is down from 90 percent being resolved in 2008.
Of the almost 2000 sexual violence offences against adults in 2014, 41 percent were resolved. This is down from 65 percent being resolved in 2008.
The data also shows that on average, the police are issuing 36 Police Safety Orders per day. This equates to over 13,000 Police Safety Orders issued in 2014.
NZFVC Research Fellow Pauline Gulliver says “The Police and the government are encouraging people to report family violence. Once an offence is reported, it is vital that the response is adequate and effective.”
“We are aware the Police have embarked on a significant programme of change in how they respond to family violence. The data suggests that adequate resourcing including investing in staff training, support and culture change will be required for this to be effective.”
Agencies also need to share information so all parts of the response system can work effectively together. This is consistent with the Coroner’s report in the Livingstone case and the recommendations of the Family Violence Death Review Committee.
Women’s Refuge Chief Executive Dr Ang Jury said, “When you think that Police estimate they receive only a relatively small percentage (between 13-20%) of all reported incidents then family violence is a huge concern in this country.”
She also said “We have long standing concerns around the low number of family violence related police investigations that eventuate in an offence being recorded,” says Dr Jury. “The data shows that an offence is recorded in only 37% of investigations and that is very low, especially given that as a general rule, family violence is only self-reported when the offending or threat is perceived to be significant or at the high end of seriousness by the victim.”
The data summaries report family violence statistics from government and non-government agencies. The 2015 data summaries are available on the Clearinghouse website.
Information on the New Zealand Police programme of change around family violence is also available in a previous Clearinghouse news story.
Nelson family violence agencies focus on early intervention, Nelson Mail, 01.07.2015
Why family violence investigations continue to rise, Press Release: Shine, Scoop, 30.06.2015
Family violence increasing - report, Stuff, 30.06.2015
Combating family violence a 'shared responsibility', 3News NZ, 30.06.2015
Family violence figures paint very grim picture - more than 100000 cases last year, TVNZ, 30.06.2015
Data shows more family violence, fewer arrests, Radio NZ, 30.06.2015
Family violence figures paint grim picture, NZCity, 30.06.2015
Women's Refuge: 100000 cases of family violence a year, 3News, 30.06.2015
Police dealing with more family violence, Newstalk ZB, 30.06.2015
Women's Refuge statement about the NZFVCH Data, Press release: Women’s Refuge, Scoop, 30.06.2015
Image: NZFVC logo