Timeline - Research
He Waka Eke Noa project findings launched
2019 NZ Family Violence Study | He Koiora Matapopore, initial findings published
Whakamanahia Te Tiriti, Whakahaumarutia te Tangata | Honour the Treaty, protect the person and Whakamahia te Tūkino kore Ināianei, ā Muri Ake Nei | Acting now for a violence and abuse free future (Human Rights Commission, 2021) published
The use of restorative justice in family violence cases with a focus on the possibility of victims being coerced or controlled to participate by the persons who harmed them (Paulin, Paipa & Carswell, 2021), research for the Chief Victims Advisor published
Experiences of the family violence system in Aotearoa: An overview of research 2010 to early 2020 (Carswell, Paulin, Kaiwai, Donovan , 2020) for the Office of the Auditor-General published
Measuring the impact of Whiria Te Muka: Evaluation report (Schulze & Hurren, Berl, 2021) published
Gender Attitudes Survey 2021 (Research NZ, 2021) completed. Previous surveys were conducted in 2019 and 2017.
Haha-uri, haha-tea: Māori Involvement in State Care 1950–1999 (Ihi Research, 2021), published
Youth19: Safety & violence brief (Fleming, et al, AHRG, 2021) published
Te Mātātaki 2021: Findings from the 2019/2020 survey of tamariki and rangatahi in care (Oranga Tamariki Voices of Children and Young People Team, 2021) published
Young Pacific people’s understandings of family violence (MSD, 2021)
The prevention project: Supporting whānau and reducing baby removals (Keddell, Fitzmaurice & Cleaver, University of Otago, 2021) research report published
Intergenerational disadvantage: Why maternal mental health matters (Low, Gluckman & Poulton, 2021) published
Shifting the line: Boys talk on gender, sexism and online ethics (Gavey, et al, 2021) project report published
Talking about early brain development in Aotearoa New Zealand: Deepening understanding of bran development and how to support it (Child, Youth and Wellbeing, 2021) published
Kaupapa Māori Online Kōrero series of webinars from Ngā Wai ā te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre produced
Prism : human rights issues relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in Aotearoa New Zealand - A report with recommendations (Human Rights Commission, 2020) published
Making Disability Rights Real, Whakatūturu Ngā Tika Hauātanga (Independent Monitoring Mechanism 2020) published
Independent Review on the New Zealand Defence Force's progress on the Action Plan for Operation Respect (Teale & MacDonald, 2020) published
2019 Gender Attitudes Survey (Gender Equal NZ, 2020) published
NZFVC and Ngā Wai a Te Tūī launch the COVID-19 and Te Whare Māori portals to provide information on preventing and responding to family, whānau and sexual violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
What counts as consent? Sexuality and ethical deliberation in residential aged care (Henrickson, Cook, Schouten, Donald & Atefi, 2020) published
Te Taniwha I Te Ao Ture-ā-Whānau, Whānau Experience of Care and Protection in the Family Court (Boulton, Wikaira, Cvitanovic & Williams, 2020) published
Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 family law reforms: Parents' and caregivers' perspectives - Part 2 (Taylor & Gollop, 2020) published. Part 1 published in 2019
Te Kuku O Te Manawa: Moe ararā! Haumanutia ngā moemoeā a ngā tūpuna mō te oranga o ngā tamariki (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2020) published, the second and final report by the Children’s Commissioner into the removal of pēpi by Oranga Tamariki
He Take Kōhukihuki | A Matter of Urgency (Office of the Ombudsman, 2020) published, part of the investigation into the removal of newborn pēpi by Oranga Tamariki
Improving outcomes for tamariki Māori, their whānau, hapū and iwi | Te whanake i ngā hua mō ngā tamariki Māori, ō rātau whānau, hapū, iwi anō hoki : Section 7AA report (Oranga Tamariki, 2020) published
Indicative estimates of the size of cohorts and levels of abuse in state and faith-based care -1950 to 2019 and Economic cost of abuse in care final report. Scoping of approach and high level estimate (MartinJenkins, 2021) report for Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions published
Relentless not romantic: Intimate partner stalking in Aotearoa New Zealand (Thorburn & Jury, 2019) published
Elder abuse in Aotearoa: The role and current state of MSD's Elder Abuse Response Services (Ministry of Social Development, 2019) published
E Tū Wāhine, E Tū Whānau: Wāhine Māori keeping safe in unsafe relationships (Wilson, 2019) published
Attrition and progression: Reported sexual violence victimisations in the criminal justice system (Ministry of Justice, 2019) published
Counting ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand (Transgender Research Lab, University of Waikato, 2019) published
Whakamana tangata: Restoring dignity to social security in New Zealand (Report of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group, 2019) published
He ara uru ora: Traditional Māori understandings of trauma and wellbeing (Te Atawhai o Te Ao: Independent Māori Institute for Environment & Health, 2019) published
He rau murimuri aroha: Wāhine Māori insights into historical trauma and healing (Te Atawhai o Te Ao: Independent Māori Institute for Environment & Health, 2019) published
New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey, first results from new survey published
What makes a good life? Children and young people's views on wellbeing (Office of the Children’s Commissioner & Oranga Tamariki, 2019) published
The second review of the Evidence Act 2006: Te Arotake Tuarua i te Evidence Act 2006 (Law Commission, 2019) published
Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976: Te Arotake i te Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (Law Commission, 2019) published
Adverse childhood experiences and school readiness outcomes: Results from the Growing Up in New Zealand study (Walsh, Joyce, Maloney & Vaithianathan, 2019) published
Pacific family violence research series (Pasefika Proud, 2018) published
The 2017 Gender Attitudes Survey (Gender Equal, 2018) published
Every 4 minutes: A discussion paper on preventing family violence in New Zealand (OPMCSA, 2018) published
State of care 2018: Maiea te Tūruapō. Fulfilling the vision : supporting young people with at-risk behaviour to live successfully in their communities (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2018) published
Family Violence Death Review Committee: Fifth report data: January 2009 to December 2015 (HQSC, 2017) published
Tū Mai te Rangi! Report on the Crown and disproportionate reoffending rates (Waitangi Tribunal, 2017) published
State of care 2017: A focus on Oranga Tamariki's secure residences (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2017) published
Six reasons we cannot be effective in reducing intimate partner violence or child abuse and neglect unless we address both together (Family Violence Death Review Committee, 2017) published
Fulfilling the vision : improving Family Group Conference preparation and participation (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2017)
Investigating Māori approaches to trauma informed care (Pihama, et al., 2017) published
Family Violence Death Review Committee - fifth report, January 2014 - December 2015 (HQSC, 2016) published
Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano research: A background paper report (Pihama & McRoberts, n.d.) exploring Māori views and understandings of sexual violence, available online
Kathryn's story: How the Government spent well over $100,000 and 15 years pursuing a chronically-ill beneficiary mother for a debt she should not have (MacLennan, 2016) published
Non-Government Organisations (NGO) Study Awards – Exploring the impact on social work students and social service organisations (Yeung, Mooney & English, 2016) report published
State of care 2016: What we learned from monitoring Child, Youth and Family (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2016) published
Sexual and reproductive health and sexual violence among New Zealand secondary school students (Youth '12, AHRG, 2016) published
Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence (Dickson, 2016), released, part of the Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence project
A malu i 'āiga, e malu fo'i i fafo: Protection for the family, protection for all: Samoan people's understanding of primary prevention of violence against women (Ministry for Women, 2015) published
Measuring elder abuse in New Zealand: Findings from the New Zealand Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Waldegrave, 2015) published
Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence (Hann & Trewartha, 2015) NZFVC Issues paper no.8 published
An outcome evaluation of Police Safety Orders (Mossman, Kingi & Wehipeihana, 2015) published
First annual report State of care 2015: What we learned from monitoring Child, Youth and Family (Office of the Children's Commissioner, 2015) published
'Hooked up': Te hononga whaiāipo: Reducing and preventing violence in taitamariki Māori intimate partner relationships (Eruera, 2015) PhD thesis completed
Family Violence Death Review Committee - fourth annual report, January 2013 - December 2013 (HQSC, 2014) published
Glenn Inquiry final report, The People’s Blueprint published
Intimate partner violence and the workplace (Rayner-Thomas, Fanslow & Dixon, 2014) NZFVC Issues paper no. 7 published
The People's Report: the people's inquiry into addressing child abuse and domestic violence (Glenn Inquiry, 2014) published
Measuring the economic costs of child abuse and intimate partner violence to New Zealand - report commissioned by the Glenn Inquiry (Kahui & Snively, 2014) published
The way forward: An integrated system for intimate partner abuse and child abuse and neglect in New Zealand (Herbert & Mackenzie, Impact Collective, 2014) published
Productivity gains from workplace protection of victims of domestic violence (Kahui, Ku & Snively, PSA 2014) published
Kaupapa Māori wellbeing framework: The basis for whānau violence prevention and intervention (Dobbs & Eruera, 2014) NZFVC Issues paper, no. 6
Family Violence Death Review Committee - third annual report: December 2011 to December 2012 (FVDRC, 2013) published
- The hidden abuse of disabled people residing in the community : an exploratory study (Roguski. Tairawhiti Community Voice, 2013) published
Preventing sexual violence : a stocktake of Tauiwi & bicultural primary prevention activities 2013 (Dickson. Tauiwi Prevention Project, TOAH-NNEST, 2013) published
- Women moving away from violence : planning it - doing it (Crichton-Hill. Te Awatea Violence Research Centre, Christchurch Women's Refuge, 2013) published
Family violence indicators: Can national administrative data sets be used to measure trends in family violence in New Zealand (Gulliver & Fanslow. Superu, 2013) published
- Effectiveness of relationship education programmes in schools for years 7-13 : a rapid literature review (SuPERU, Families Commission, 2013) published
- Breaking the silence but keeping secrets: what young people want to address sexual violence (Woodley, Davis & Metzger. Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation in partnership with Tu Wahine Trust, 2013) published
- Lightning does strike twice: preventing sexual victimisation (Ministry of Women's Affairs, 2012)
- Early Start: Nine year follow-up (Fergusson, Boden & Horwood. MSD, 2012) published
Whānau Ora research website launched
- New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse relaunched, based at The University of Auckland, Tāmaki Campus
- Financial abuse of older people in New Zealand: a working paper (Davey & McKendry, 2011) published
- Confrontational crime in New Zealand : findings from the 2009 Crime and Safety Survey (Minstry of Justice, 2011) published
- Research (bibliography and case studies) on family violence prevention and intervention with migrant and refugee communities (Levine et al. MSD & MWA, 2011 and Levine & Benkert. MSD & MWA, 2011) pubiished
Family Violence Death Review Committee - second report for period October 2009 to November 2011 (FVDRC, 2011) published
- Traditional Māori parenting : an historical review of literature of traditional Māori child rearing practices in pre-European times (Jenkins & Harte. Te Kahui Mana Ririki, 2011) published
- National stocktake of kaupapa and tikanga Māori services in crisis intervention, long term recovery and care in sexual violence October 2008 - April 2009 (Hamilton-Katene. Te Puni Kōkiri, 2010) published
- Tiaki tinana: a case study on creating conversations about sexual violence (Te Puni Kōkiri, 2010) published
Research on the impact of the 'It's Not OK' campaign published
Safe[at]home evaluation (Martin & Levine. MSD, 2010) published
- Family Violence Death Review Committee - first report for period October 2008 to September 2009 (FVDRC, 2010) published
- Māori Research agenda on Family Violence | Rangahau Tūkino Whānau (Te Puni Kōkiri, 2010) published
- Arotake Tūkino Whānau: Literature review on family violence (Te Puni Kōkiri, 2010) published
- Family Violence Interagency Response System (FVIARS) evaluation (Carswell et al. MSD, 2010) published
- Recognising and responding to child neglect in New Zealand (MSD, 2010) published
- Responding to sexual violence: Attrition in the New Zealand criminal justice system (Triggs et al. Ministry of Women's Affairs, 2009) published
- 'It's not OK' : New Zealand's efforts to eliminate violence against women (Fenrich & Contesse. Leitner international Center Law and Justice, 2009) released. Leitner Report on domestic violence as a human rights violation in NZ
- A Mana Tane Echo of Hope (Ruwhiu et al. Amokura, 2009) published
- Violence Against Women in Aotearoa New Zealand: the case for an integrated plan of action (Herbert, Hill & Dickson. Roundtable on Violence Against Women, 2009) published
Young people and violence (Clark et al. The University of Auckland). Findings from the Youth '07 Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand published
- Sexual violence and Pacific communities scoping report (Tiatia. Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, 2008) published
- Elder Abuse and Neglect – exploration of risk and protective factors (Peri et al. Families Commission, 2008) published
- Unreasonable force: New Zealand's journey towards banning the physical punishment of children (Wood, Hassall, Hook. Save the Children, 2008) published
- Preventing physical and psychological maltreatment of children (MSD, 2008) literature review published
- The scale and nature of family violence in New Zealand: a review and evaluation of knowledge (Lievore & Mossman. Crime and Justice Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2007) published
- Living at the cutting edge: Women's experiences of protection orders (Robertson et al. University of Waikato, 2007) published
- New Zealand Crime & Safety Survey 2006 published
- Lives cut short: child death by maltreatment (Connolly & Doolan. Dunmore Publishing, 2007) published
- Sexual coercion among gay men, bisexual men and takataapui tāne in Aotearoa/New Zealand (Fenaughty et al. University of Auckland, 2006) published
- Family violence and the pro-arrest policy: a literature review (Carswell. Ministry of Justice, 2006) published
- An agenda for family violence research: volumes 1 & 2 (NZFVC, 2006) published. Updates 1998 report, and includes annotated bibliography to 2006
- Safety of children in hospital report (Office of the Commissioner for Children, 2006) published
- New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse established in Christchurch. See Anderson, 2005 on the establishment of the Clearinghouse as part of the Te Rito New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy. The Clearinghouse is now based at The University of Auckland
- Child Protection Capacity: Building Strength in the Non-Government Sector (CAPS, 2005) published
- Beyond zero tolerance: Key issues and future directions for family violence work in New Zealand (Fanslow. Families Commission, 2005) published
First baseline report from the Healthcare Responsiveness to Family Violence Project, conducted by the Interdisciplinary Trauma Research Centre (ITRC) (formerly ITRU), published
First findings from the New Zealand Violence Against Women Study (Fanslow & Robinson, NZMJ, 117(1206), 2004) published
- The Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 (Hann. NICWR, 2004) published
- Transforming Whānau Violence (Kruger. Second Māori Taskforce on Whānau Violence, 2004) published
- Silencing talk of men’s violence towards women (Towns, Adams & Gavey. In: Thiesmeyer (ed.). Discourse and silencing. John Benjamin Publishing, 2003) published
- Te Awatea Violence Research Centre at the University of Canterbury (see Te Awatea Review, 1(1), 2003) established
- Whānau Violence: A Māori Conceptual Framework report (Kruger et al. Second Māori Taskforce on Whānau Violence, 2002) published
- Free from abuse (Hand et al. Public Health Promotion Unit, 2002) published
- Improving Outcomes for Women and Children Using Refuge Services (PriceWaterhouseCoopers. NCIWR, 2000) published
- Domestic Violence Act 1995: Process evaluation (Barwick, Gray & Macky. Ministry of Justice, 2000) published
- Family violence: The health care response: an annotated bibliography (Elvidge. Public Health Promotion, 2000) published
- "If I really loved him enough, he would be okay": Women’s accounts of male partner violence (Towns & Adams, Violence against Women 6(6), 2000) published
- Māori Women and Work: The Effects of Family Violence on Māori Women's Employment Opportunities (Pouwhare. National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, 1999) published
- Māori Family Violence in Aotearoa (Balzer, et al. Te Puni Kōkiri, 1997) published
- Victims of Crime: Women’s Safety Survey (Morris, NZLJ, 1997) published
- First national survey of crime victims (Young, Morris, Cameron and Haslett 1997) published
- The Economic Cost of NCIWR Refuge Services (Snively. NCIWR,1996) published
- Hitting Home survey (Leibrich, Paulin & Ransom, Department of Justice in association with AGB McNair, 1995) published
- Report on lesbian violence : the hidden face of domestic violence (Brown, 1995). Prepared for National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, Family Violence Unit, Department of Social Welfare and Sociology Department, University of Canterbury
- New Zealand Economic Cost of Family Violence (Snively. Family Violence Unit, Department of Social Welfare, 1994) published
The Measurement of Family Violence: A Critical Review of the Literature (Lapsley. Social Policy Agency, 1993) published
Violence in New Zealand (Ritchie & Ritchie, 1993) 2nd edition published
- Protection from family violence, an abridged report on Protection Orders (Busch, Lapsley & Robertson. Victims Task Force, 1992) published
- Treasure the Child, a report on children living in Refuges (NCIWR, 1991) published
- Violence in New Zealand (Ritchie & Ritchie, 1990) published
- Attitudes to Family Violence: A Study Across Cultures (McNeill et al. FVPCC 1988) published
- A Socio-economic Assessment of Women’s Refuges (Synergy. NCIWR, 1983) published