Website search results

Court of Appeal ruling finds woman was sexually violated


A recent Court of Appeal decision sets a  precedent for people who unwittingly have sex with a person who is HIV positive to be covered by ACC for mental injury. In 2004 a man was found guilty of criminal nuisance for failing to tell his partner he...

ACC privacy breach


In what may be one of New Zealand's most serious privacy breaches, the ACC sent the details of at least 9000 claimants to an unauthorised recipient in December 2011. The information includes personal information about nearly 250 clients from the...

First Issues Paper focuses on building collaborations to eliminate family violence


The first Issues Paper published by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse focuses on the facilitators and barriers to building collaborations to eliminate family violence. This paper provides a broad perspective on best-practice principles...

Family Violence Networks


2024 report on Strengthening Local and Regional Networks The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse was commissioned by Te Puna Aonui to look at how local and regional family violence and sexual violence networks could be strengthened. The...

'Collins cool on sex crime court reform'


Justice Minister Judith Collins is 'cool' on idea of adapting elements of an inquisitorial system in the prosecution of sexual offences. Click here for a link to Herald article (bottom of page)

The Age series on domestic violence


Victoria's The Age is running a series of articles on domestic violence. Topics include gender inequality as the root cause of domestic violence, rising rates of domestic violence reporting and the precarious situation for domestic violence victims...

Select Committee Inquiry: Preventing Child Abuse and Improving Children's Health Outcomes


UPDATE: The closing date for submissions has been extended from Thursday, 5 April 2012 until Friday, 4 May 2012. The Health Select Committee has initiated an inquiry into preventing child abuse and improving children’s health outcomes. The purpose...

New database to record family violence deaths


The Family Violence Death Review Committee will set up three panels this year, two in Auckland and one Wellington, to begin reviewing domestic homicides. Their purpose is to inform family violence policy and improve the system response. Click here...

Regional Hui on Family and Sexual Violence Prevention - Auckland


Auckland Council and the Ministry of Social Development are co-hosting a hui on Family and Sexual Violence Prevention on 2 March 2012. Information about the hui, including background information and papers, is now available on the Clearinghouse...

Law Commission considers Alternative Trial Processes


The Law Commission is seeking New Zealanders’ views on how criminal trials are conducted and whether there may be better ways to serve the interests of justice – particularly in cases involving sexual offending. The public consultation comes after...

Australian Law Reform Commission recommends reform to improve the safety for victims of family violence


The Australian Government has released the Australian Law Reform Commission’s report on the treatment of family violence across a range of Commonwealth laws. The report contains 102 recommendations for reform of the legal framework to improve the...

Privacy (Information Sharing) Bill referred to select committee


The Privacy (Information Sharing) Bill passed its first reading in Parliament on Thursday (8/2/2012).  This bill amends the Privacy Act 1993. Justice Minister Judith Collins said the bill will improve the rules around the collection, storage, and...

Police to use new family violence risk assessment tools


New Zealand Police has announced that the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) tool will be part of a new family violence situational reporting process which takes an evidence-based approach to information-gathering and risk assessment....

Welcome to our new Manager / Community Lead


Our new Manager/Community Lead, Nicola Paton, started at the Clearinghouse this week. Nicola has worked in family violence and sexual violence services in Australia and New Zealand. She has also worked with refugee and migrant communities and in...

Cost of child abuse and neglect rival other major public health problems in the US


A recent CDC study found the total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect) is approximately US$124 billion. These...

Otago Daily Times takes a closer look at Women's Refuge services


The Otago Daily Times has published two articles regarding the services provided by Women’s Refuge in Dunedin. The first article details the business of the Women’s Refuge in Dunedin and nationwide over the Christmas period, and over the year...

Families Commission releases "Safety of subsequent children" literature reviews


Improved inter-agency information sharing and staying connected to vulnerable families for the long term, are two of the key strategies identified in Families Commission studies that looked at the issue of subsequent children in families where...

TVNZ Close Up focuses on Child Abuse


TV One's Close Up has broadcast two programs relating to child abuse, and child protective services in New Zealand this week. The first programme on Tuesday 24th January focused on the Child Youth and Family service, discussing whether the lack of...

TV One sting exposes dangers of online predators


A number of men were caught in a TV sexual grooming sting when TVNZ producers posed as 14 year old girls on internet chat sites. The operation used internet chat rooms where men initiated contact with what they believed were underage girls, before...

Number of lawyers listed as family legal aid providers decreases


Figures from the Ministry of Justice show 2095 lawyers were listed as providers of family legal aid in June last year. Now there are 1161 listed. The Ministry of Justice  maintains there are still enough lawyers to meet the needs of legal aid...