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Sexual Assault Awareness Month; complex trauma and sexual victimisation; EU survey findings


The US annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) takes place in April.  The 2014 campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and young people. SAAM campaign resources and materials on healthy adolescent sexual development, and engaging youth in sexual...

Learnings in developing government policy on preventing gender-based violence


The Asia Pacific group 'Partners for Prevention', which incorporates UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV, have published a report describing the process that led to the development of the first ever example of a whole-of-government policy on gender-based...

Select Committee reports back on Vulnerable Children Bill


The Social Services Select Committee has reported back on the Vulnerable Children Bill. The Committee recommends by majority that the Bill be passed with amendments. Read the Select Committee's report. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says...

Changes to domestic violence programmes by Ministry of Justice, Department of Corrections


Changes to domestic violence programmes are being undertaken by both the Ministry of Justice and Department of Corrections. Below is a brief overview of Ministry of Justice changes to funded domestic violence programmes, and a new domestic violence...

Family Court changes in effect from 31 March 2014


Changes to the Family Court resulting from the Government's reforms came into effect on 31 March 2014. These include requiring most parents to attend the new Family Dispute Resolution service, restricting access to legal representation in many cases...

VAWnet updates teen dating violence resource collection


The US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has updated their Special Collection Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence. Special Collections collate selected resources on a specific topic and provide...

Discontinued funding to Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga raises concerns for Māori research


The Tertiary Education Commission's decision to not renew Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funding to Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga has raised concerns about the marginalisation of Māori research. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga was not shortlisted by the...

Clearinghouse report on family violence data sources released


A report by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse assessing the suitability of national administrative data sets to measure family violence trends has been released. The Families Commission has also published a four page summary report on...

New schools-based healthy relationships programme announced by ACC


ACC has announced the development of a pilot programme on healthy and respectful relationships for secondary school students, to prevent sexual and dating violence. ACC has recently made sexual violence prevention part of its core business and is...

UN 'HeForShe' campaign launched; CSW discusses Millenium Development Goals


International Women's Day, marked on 8 March each year, celebrates the progress, achievements, courage and struggles of women in global communities. This year, UN Women launched a new equality branding campaign, HeForShe, which encourages men all...

Safe, stable and nurturing relationships explored in special compilations


A special issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, "Examining the Role of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships in the Intergenerational Continuity of Child Maltreatment" has been published. It is the result of a collaboration between the US ...

Bill to establish family court in Samoa passes second reading


In Samoa, a bill to establish a court to hear family matters has been through its second reading in parliament. The bill has been referred to a parliamentary committee and public consultation. Media: Samoa parliament supports legislation to...

Victims' Orders, Victims' Code and Welfare Fraud Bills pass second reading


Three Bills relevant to family violence have passed their second reading in Parliament: The Victims’ Orders Against Violent Offenders Bill would prevent serious violent and sexual offenders from coming into contact with their victims. Background...

Family violence statistics - international


This page provides links to: Global reports on the prevalence and perpetration of violence against women and children Australian family violence data sources Pacific nations - replications of the WHO multi-country study on women's health and...

Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare's Law) launched in Britain


A new British law allowing people to find out whether their partner has a domestic violence conviction was launched on International Women's Day (8 March). The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) was piloted over 14 months (July 2012 to...

Government responds to Health Committee Inquiry into child health outcomes


The Government has responded to Parliament's Health Committee Inquiry into practical health and social interventions to promote children's wellbeing, prevent child abuse and break cycles of disadvantage. The response outlined government "acceptance...

Legal options for immigrant women in abusive relationships


Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley has provided information on legal options for people in violent relationships when immigration status appears to be a reason to stay in the relationship. Victims of domestic violence may stay in abusive...

Child harm prevention orders "off the table"


Plans to introduce a new Child Harm Prevention Order as part of the Vulnerable Children's Bill have been taken "off the table" by the government. If implemented, High and District Court judges would have been able to impose restraining orders on...

UNICEF Information Sheet: section 59 and physical punishment of children


UNICEF has produced an Information Sheet: Physical Punishment of Children in New Zealand – An Update. This follows concerns over Conservative Party leader Colin Craig's election promise to change Section 59 of the Crimes Act. Craig told Radio Live...

Review of Police highlights need for victim service improvement


The annual government Performance Improvement Framework review of New Zealand Police has highlighted the need to reinforce a victim focus and improve the treatment of victims. The review cited the recent 'Roast Busters' case, saying "Public concern...