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Fourth round of Capability Investment Resource open; resources on NGO collaboration and learning


The fourth round of the Capability Investment Resource (CIR4) will open for applications between 24 November 2014 and 30 January 2015. The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is intending to release the CIR4 Guidelines for Applicants in early...

Attitudes to gender equality and VAW in Australia - report


An Australian study has highlighted a range of concerning attitudes in relation to gender equality and violence against women. VicHealth has released the findings from their 2013 National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (...

Gender, Sexism and Social Activism: A Youth Workshop Resource


A resource for facilitating workshops on 'everyday sexism' has been produced by the Sexual Politics Now project at the University of Auckland. The workshops draw on a range of critical and embodied techniques to support participants to analyse and '...

Campus-based sexual violence prevention resources


In the US, the White House has launched a public awareness campaign to prevent sexual assaults on campus. The campaign, called It's on us, follows the establishment of a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, the "1is2many"...

Productivity Commission to investigate improving the delivery of public services


The Government has asked the Productivity Commission to investigate ways to improve the delivery of public services in New Zealand. The Productivity Commission website says: "This new inquiry will focus on ways to improve productivity and generate...

Child protection policies and safety checks required under Vulnerable Children Act


The Children's Action Plan has produced a fact sheet and frequently asked questions on the Vulnerable Children Act and associated legislation. These passed into law on 1 July 2014. Changes under the Act include the following: Certain state services...

Political debate on family violence available online


The video of a political debate on family violence hosted by the Dunedin Collaboration Against Family Violence has been made available online. Representatives of four political parties participated in the debate, which was held on 5 September 2014:...

March calls for end to sexual and domestic violence


Hundreds of people joined a march to Parliament calling for better systems, resources and laws to address sexual and domestic violence today. The New Zealand Herald reported, "Those participating in the lunchtime march included social workers,...

Third Children's Team established in Horowhenua and Ōtaki region


New Zealand's third Children’s Team was officially launched on 8 September 2014, in the Horowhenua and Ōtaki region. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett said, "The new Levin/Ōtaki-based team, to be known locally as ‘Tamariki te Tuatahi’ (...

Election 2014: Political parties on family violence


With the election drawing near, we have compiled the political parties' policies on family violence. (At the bottom of the page are links to an upcoming political debate on family violence and a march on Parliament.) In brief The National Council of...

Applications now open for NGO social work study awards


Applications are now open for the 2015 application round of the NGO social work study awards. They will close on Friday 10 October 2014. These awards, offered every year, are to assist employees of non-government organisations (NGOs) to study part-...

Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 includes actions on violence, abuse and neglect


The Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 has been developed collaboratively by government agencies and representatives from Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). The plan prioritises actions to advance implementation of the United Nations Convention...

European Convention on violence against women comes into effect


A European Convention obligating countries that ratify it to prevent, protect, prosecute and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence came into effect on 1 August 2014. The Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women...

Information sought from NGOs on cross-border recognition and enforcement of protection orders


The Hague Conference on Private International Law is exploring the development of a new international treaty (i.e. a new Hague Convention) on the cross-border recognition and enforcement on protection orders. This would seek to ensure victims of...

Government response to UPR recommendations collated; tools to support NGO engagement


The New Zealand Government's response to the 155 recommendations made under the United Nations' Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has been collated by UPR Info. UPR Info is an NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland which aims to raise awareness of the UPR...

New sexual violence prevention video developed for teenagers


Rape Prevention Education has developed a new video to support teenagers to prevent sexual violence. The five minute video seeks to provide 15-18 year olds with ways to safely "step up and speak out" when they see something that isn't OK. It was...

E Tu Whānau launches new Charter of Commitment


E Tu Whānau has launched a new Charter of Commitment. It represents a public, formal and collective stand against violence and uses Māori cultural and spiritual strengths as the foundation for change. The Charter states: "We acknowledge that all...

Proposed family violence cross-agency work plan 2014/15 released by Government


The Government has publicly released its proposed 2014/15 cross-agency work programme to strengthen the family violence system. This is part of a Cabinet paper Family violence: Achieving intergenerational change by Associate Minister for Social...

Government action plan on gangs includes measures to address family violence


An action plan on gangs announced by the Government this week includes measures on family violence. Police and Corrections Minister Anne Tolley announced "a multi-agency approach involving intelligence-gathering, enhanced law enforcement, prevention...

Child sex offender register to be established


Cabinet has signed off on a decision to establish a child sex offender register, to be available to police and other agencies but not to the public. If National is returned to government at September's election, Police and Corrections Minister Anne...