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Te Whānau o Waipareira trust launches research unit


Te Whānau O Waipareira trust has established a new research unit, Wai-Research. Radio New Zealand reported that the unit aims to find out from the community how to address social problems such as domestic violence and poverty. The Wai-Research team...

Buddy Day 2014: Every adult has a role in preventing child abuse


The 2014 Buddy Day will take place on 14 November in Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Tauranga. Buddy Day, organised by Child Matters, involves school children decorating a lifesize cardboard "buddy" for adoption by influential business people,...

UK consults on criminalising coercive control


The UK Home Office has carried out consultation on whether the current law on domestic abuse needs to be strengthened to offer better protection to victims. The consultation, which closed on 15 October 2014, focused on whether a specific offence is...

Amalgamation to create new entity for the community sector


The Association of Non-Governmental Organisations of Aotearoa (ANGOA) and Social Development Partners (SDP) have proposed amalgamating to form a new community sector entity. Both organisations seek to support, inform and advocate for community...

UK to develop national database of child sexual abuse images


The UK is developing a national database of child sexual abuse images and trading websites. The Child Abuse Image Database (CAID) is part of an international effort to classify images and find victims. Currently, the growth in the number of images...

'Yes means yes': Affirmative consent law passed in California


A 'yes means yes' affirmative consent requirement has been introduced for Californian university campuses. The new bill stipulates that affirmative consent, or voluntary agreement rather than a lack of resistance, is required for consensual sexual...

Expert Advisory Group supporting Children's Action Plan implementation


A Children's Action Plan Expert Advisory Group has been established to support the implementation of the Children's Action Plan. Members of the Expert Advisory Group were nominated by the Vulnerable Children's Board agencies and selected using the...

Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police conference discusses family violence


The annual Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) conference was held in Auckland on 14 October 2014, chaired by New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush. Twenty Chiefs of Police from around the Pacific discussed family violence, as well as other...

Concerns raised about family violence and FDR; UK research finds screening practices inadequate


Women's Refuge, some family lawyers and chair of the Glenn Inquiry Bill Wilson QC have raised concerns about the impact of family court reforms on women and children experiencing violence. These include the risk of women facing abusive partners in...

Christchurch Police and Aviva sign Letter of Agreement


Christchurch Police and Aviva Family Violence Services (formerly Christchurch Women's Refuge) have signed a Letter of Agreement to work together to reduce family violence. The initiative, which is unique to Christchurch, engages with men that have...

Productivity Commission invites submissions in inquiry into social services


The Productivity Commission has invited submissions to its inquiry into improving outcomes from social services. The due date for submissions has been extended to 2 December 2014. The Commission has released an issues paper. This outlines the...

Te Pou Matakana calls for Collective Impact for Whānau Expressions of Interest


The North Island Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency, Te Pou Matakana, has called for Expressions of Interest in Collective Impact for Whānau. One of three recently appointed commisioning agencies, Te Pou Matakana has taken over responsbility from Te...

New Ministerial roles announced


Prime Minister John Key has announced the new Ministry of the National-led Government. The following have been appointed into Ministerial roles particularly relevant to family and whānau violence. Minister for Social Development: Anne Tolley Justice...

Resources for supporting transgender victims of relationship violence and sexual assault


Like all victims of violence, transgender victims want and need to be respected, heard, supported and believed. However transgender victims of violence can experience additional barriers when trying to access support and safety compared to non-trans...

Ministry of Social Development restructure creates "Community Investment"


As part of a Ministry of Social Development restructure, a new business group, Community Investment, has been launched today, 2 October 2014. Community Investment brings together what was the funding and contracting functions of Family and Community...

Police release crime stats, new family violence dataset "to be launched soon"


New Zealand Police have released crime statistics for the year ending 30 June 2014. In relation to family violence offending, Police said: "A new monthly crime dataset will soon be launched on the Statistics NZ website. The Recorded Crime...

Family Violence Death Review Committee calling for nominations


The Health Quality & Safety Commission Board is seeking new members for the Family Violence Death Review Committee. There are up to three vacancies available for membership. In particular, they are looking for the following: Māori members with...

Addressing high risk family violence; intimate partner homicide prevention


A forum on addressing high risk family violence through an integrated service response has been held in Victoria, Australia. Both keynote speakers emphasised focusing on managing the response to the perpetrator and holding the perpetrator...

Visual online tool on women's rights globally


The Guardian has created a visual online tool showing women's rights country by country. Created using data from the United Nations and the World Bank, the categories included in the snapshot are: domestic violence legislation, harassment, abortion...

World Health Organization urges strengthening of health system responses to violence


The World Health Assembly (WHA) (the decision-making body of the World Health Organization) (WHO) has called for states to strengthen the role of the health system in addressing violence, in particular against women and girls, and against children....