Website search results

International Women's Day 2022: exploring the intersections of gender, racism and colonisation


What is ‘Intersectionality’? American legal scholar Kimberlé W. Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality " describe the double bind of simultaneous racial and gender prejudice," specifically highlighting the compounding discrimination and...

Submissions open on Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Bill


The proposed legislation would apply to people convicted of certain offences including sexual violence, but not to people who have breached protection orders or restraining orders. The closing date to make a submission is 29 March 2022. The Firearms...

Changes to legislation: Sexual Violence Legislation Act 2021


The Sexual Violence Legislation Act 2021 passed its third reading in Parliament and on 20 December 2021 received Royal Assent. The Act amends the Evidence Act 2006, Victims’ Rights Act 2002, and Criminal Procedure Act 2011. The purpose of the...

Office for Seniors announces grants for elder abuse prevention


The new Elder Abuse Prevention Fund is accepting applications for grants to fund projects that focus on violence prevention among older people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The closing date for applications is 1 April 2022. Announcing the new Elder Abuse...

Submissions open on bill to partially repeal Oranga Tamariki subsequent-child provisions


The bill would amend the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 by partially repealing the subsequent-child provisions. It would also repeal a redundant information-sharing provision and amend technical errors and ambiguities. The closing date for submissions on...

Updates on research and information on COVID-19 and violence


Researchers and advocates have been exploring and documenting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to victim/survivors, to staff and advocates, and to organisations working to address violence. There is a growing amount of new research, guides and...

Kids and gender toolbox to support parents


The Kids and Gender toolbox is designed for parents to support children who challenge gender norms. White Ribbon worked with Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura – Outing Violence and Rainbow Hub Waikato to develop the new toolbox. White Ribbon Manager Rob...

Feedback invited on NZ's draft Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms


Netsafe is leading the development of the Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms. The closing date to give feedback on the draft Code is 2 February 2022. The Code is being designed for information and communication...

Call for Nominations for the Tangata Whenua Ministerial Advisory Group


The formation of this rōpū was announced on the 7th of December 2021 at the launch of Te Aorerekura, the national strategy to eliminate family violence and sexual violence.   The overarching purpose of the Tangata Whenua Ministerial Advisory Group...

NZFVC wishes you a safe and happy break, reopening 10 January 2022


Support services for people experiencing violence will still be available over the Christmas break. Contact details for support services are provided on our website. The It's Not OK Campaign has information about how to help including danger signs...

MOJ call for proposals to develop training package for justice workforce


The RFP 25240272, Family Violence and Sexual Violence Response Training Package, is inviting proposals to develop a training package for the justice workforce on responding to family violence and sexual violence. The closing date to submit a...

Te Aorerekura strategy and action plan launched, changes to Joint Venture


National Strategy and Action Plan Te Aorerekura is the National Strategy and Action Plan that sets out a new collective path for government, tangata whenua, specialist sectors, and communities to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in...

Consultation on Oranga Tamariki oversight, repeal of subsequent child bill and new report on systemic racism


Submissions open on Oranga Tamariki oversight legislation The Social Services and Community Committee is calling for submissions on legislation proposing changes to the monitoring and oversight of Oranga Tamariki, including changes to the Office of...

NZFVC welcomes new Directors and Advisory Groups


Following a national recruitment process, we are very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Terry Dobbs as our Academic Director - Māori, and Professor Nicola Gavey as our Academic Director - Tauiwi.  We are also pleased to announce that...

Submissions open on Crimes (Child Exploitation Offences) Amendment Bill


Update: The Crimes (Child Exploitation Offences) Amendment Bill received Royal Assent on 12 April 2023. The Crimes (Child Exploitation Offences) Amendment Act 2023 comes into force the day after receiving Royal Assent. The Crimes (Child Exploitation...

White Ribbon 2021 and 16 days of activism against gender based violence


The White Ribbon NZ campaign this year is Whiti te rama - Shine a light on what works in violence prevention in our communities. The campaign is focused on highlighting stories of change to inspire people who are currently experiencing violence....

New reports, government strategy and consultation on prison


New reports, government strategy and consultation on prison The Department of Corrections has announced a new women's strategy. The strategy was launched alongside the public release of three reports from the independent Corrections Inspectorate...

New ministry announced as part of disability system transformation


The Government announced a number of initiatives, including: establishing a Ministry for Disabled People (the name of the new ministry has not been determined) implementing the Enabling Good Lives approach to Disability Support Services nationally...

Govt accepts recommendations from Ministerial Board on Oranga Tamariki, gives $25.9 million for South Island Iwi led prevention


In September 2021, the Government released the report from the Ministerial Advisory Board which was set up to look at the child care and protection system. The report, Hipokingia ki te Kahu Aroha Hipokingia ki te Katoa: initial report of the Oranga...

New research on the health impacts of adverse childhood experiences


Using data from the 2019 New Zealand Family Violence Survey, University of Auckland researchers Ladan Hashemi, Janet Fanslow, Pauline Gulliver and Tracey McIntosh, looked at whether ACEs affected mental health, physical health and disability in...