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Oranga Tamariki: legislative updates, new reports and new resources


Updates Legislative updates Oranga Tamariki is looking at changes to the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 and the Residential Care Regulations 1996. These changes will be contained in an amendment Bill called the Oranga Tamariki (Residential Care and Other...

Community surveys inviting feedback


Community surveys The following surveys designed by and for communities are inviting feedback on: police responses to victim-survivors Takatāpui and Rainbow elders life experiences and needs.   Survey on police responses to family and sexual...

Research and resources supporting tamariki healthy intimate partner relationships


Research and resources for tamariki healthy relationships The Harmonised Healthy Relationship Project was initiated as part of a response to tamariki Māori requesting better accessible information about intimate partner relationship well-being. The...

Submissions open on accessibility legislation


Submissions open on accessibility legislation The Social Services and Community Committee is calling for public submissions on the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill. The closing date to make a submission is 7 November 2022. According to the call...

ACC calls for Kaupapa Māori providers for design panels


The ROI 26223851 from ACC is inviting registration of interest from Kaupapa Māori providers including people who have expertise in sexual violence. This includes providers, researchers, subject matter experts or programme designers. The closing date...

Join the team at NZFVC


We are excited to announce that the team at NZFVC is about to grow. We are looking for a Kaupapa Māori Research Lead and a Project Support Coordinator to support our work.  Kaupapa Māori Research Lead This is a permanent part time (24 hours per week...

New online tool to check relationship for abuse


MSD has launched a new online Check it out relationship tool. People can use the online tool to check if they are experiencing abuse in their relationship. It asks questions about a partner's or ex partner's behaviours in the relationship. For each...

Submissions open on Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill


The Justice Committee is calling for submissions on the Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill. The closing date for submissions is 14 September 2022. The Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill proposes to create a...

Auditor-General looking at how public sector meets needs of people affected by violence


The 2022/23 Annual plan for the Controller and Auditor-General | Tumuaki o te Mana Arotake includes plans to audit how well government agencies are working together with non-governmental organisations and with others to understand the needs of those...

International resources highlight Pacific approaches to addressing violence


Pacific Partnership resource on ending violence against women and girls The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Social Citizenship Education programme, as part of the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls, published a paper on What works...

Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People launched


Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People launched Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni and Minister for Disability Issues Poto Williams announced the new ministry, including two of the new ministry’s official names: Whaikaha...

Tangata Whenua Ministerial Advisory Group for Family Violence and Sexual Violence Announced


The group will advise the Government directly on best-practice solutions and approaches for working with, and for Māori whānau. In announcing the group, the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, Marama Davidson commented: "As we...

Celebrating Matariki, resources for healing


Matariki Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars that rises in midwinter and signals the start of the Māori new year. Starting in 2022, a public holiday will mark Matariki in June or July each year. This year, the public holiday is on 24...

Consultations: personal grievance for sexual harassment, surrogacy, and gender/sex self-identification process


Submissions open on bill to extend time to raise a personal grievance for sexual harassment The Parliamentary Education and Workforce Committee is asking for submissions on the Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual...

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022, new prevention projects, recent research


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day World Elder Abuse Awareness Day takes place every year on 15 June. As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Minister for Seniors Dr Ayesha Verrall announced 11 new elder abuse prevention projects funded through the...

7th report on family violence death review calls for duty to care


Family Violence Death Review Committee seventh report A duty to care | Me manaaki te tangata, is the seventh report of the Family Violence Death Review Committee. The report focuses on a duty to care and "...explores factors that have pushed...

Govt launches new family violence workforce capability frameworks


New family violence workforce capability frameworks Two new frameworks have been launched: Specialist Family Violence Organisational Standards Entry to Expert Family Violence Capability Framework. The frameworks set standards and essential knowledge...

Budget 2022: Overview from the NZFVC


Budget 2022 The Government made a pre-Budget announcement of $114.5 million over 4 years for family violence and sexual violence initiatives. This funding is focused on implementing Te Aorerekura – the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence...

Consultation on access to civil justice


Consultation on access to civil justice The Chief Justice and Secretary for Justice have convened a working group to invite feedback on a draft strategic framework called Wayfinding for Civil Justice. The focus of the framework is on improving...

Consultation on legislative proposal to address slavery and worker exploitation


Consultation on modern slavery and worker exploitation MBIE is seeking feedback on a proposed legislative response to modern slavery and worker exploitation. The closing date to make a submission is 7 June 2022. According to the MBIE consultation...