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Victims of sexual violence and serious crime to receive more support


Justice Minister Simon Power announced more support for victims of sexual violence and serious crime at the Working with Sexual Violence Symposium held in Auckland on Friday 6 May. The new entitlements to be funded are: • A new court attendance...

Public submissions called for on parts of bail system


Justice Minister Simon Power has called for public submissions on a discussion document which reviews parts of the bail system. The review is focused on bail in the period between when a person is charged with an offence and when their trial ends...

Sexual Violence Prevention Fund Now Open


Following the Report of the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence (1), the Government has committed funding for sexual violence primary prevention work. $600,000 is available over two years for a contestable funding round to help providers across...

Crimes Amendment Bill (No.2) introduced


Minister of Justice Simon Power introduced the Crimes Amendment Bill (No2) to Parliament on Tuesday 12th April 2011. The bill will: • Create a new offence of failure to protect a child or vulnerable adult from the risk of death, grievous bodily...

Contestable funding round for sexual violence primary prevention services coming soon


The Ministry of Justice will soon launch a contestable funding round to support sexual violence primary prevention projects across New Zealand. Funding is available in two distinct streams to support: 1. Kaupapa and tikanga Māori driven sexual...

Sex ‘N’ Respect Website for Young People, Promoting Respectful Relationships


Rape Prevention Education has launched a new website called Sex and Respect : working with young people to promote respectful relating. The website provides information focussed on creat ing communities free of sexual violence. The website is...

Government Responds to Sexual Violence Report


The Government has formally responded to the Report of the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence. The response is being jointly led by Justice Minister Simon Power, Social Development Minister Paula Bennett, and Associate Social Development...

New information resources available for victims of crime


A DVD and three new pamphlets offer easy to understand information about the criminal justice system and support that is available for victims of crime. The DVD provides an overview of the criminal justice system and how people affected by crime...

ADFVC Release Special Collection on Same Sex Domestic and Family Violence


The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse has released a special collection focussed on domestic and family violence within same sex relationships. Studies indicate that domestic and family violence occur at relatively the same rate...

Statistics NZ Release Report on Police Apprehensions


Statistics New Zealand’s report, "Patterns in police apprehensions in New Zealand 2005/06 to 2008/09", has been released and provides a picture of who is being apprehended, how they are being dealt with, and the seriousness of their offending. The...

ACC Review Panel Now Receiving Submissions


The ACC Review Panel is now receiving submissions on the impact of the Sensitive Claims clinical pathway for assessing the eligibility of survivors of sexual violence for ACC support. All submissions should be sent to:... hold web seminars on VAW Prevention


Prevention Connection, an online organisation dedicated to the elimination of violence against women is regularly holding web seminars on topics related to the prevention of violence against women. The chosen theme for 2010 web conferences is ‘...

Stock take on Sexual Violence Services Underway


Minister of Justice Simon Power announced last week that a stock take of sexual violence services by Minister of Social Development Paula Bennett is currently underway. The terms of reference for the stock take are due to be announced soon,...

$1 Million Boost to Sexual Violence Services Announced


Minister of Justice Simon Power has announced $1 million of extra funding to sexual violence prevention education programmes over the next two years. This announcement was made during the opening address of last week's conference ‘Working with...

Crime Statistics Show Increase in Reported Violence


Police statistics for the 2009 calendar year show a 9.2 percent increase in violent offending to 65,465 incidents - an increase linked to the greater reporting of family violence which rose 18.6 percent (5,061 offences). A summary of the crime...

Victim Support Offer New Grant for Sexual Violence Survivors


Victim Support is offering a new grant to victims/survivors of sexual violence that occurred on or after 1 January 2010. The grant will provide financial support up to the amount of $250 towards the immediate costs of the crime and investigation....

Sex & Ethics Piloted in Wellington


A new sexual violence prevention programme Sex & Ethics is under way in Wellington with young people which teaches skills in ethical relating and intervening in potentially sexually unsafe situations. The new programme is a move away from...

Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence Report Released


Ministry of Justice has released the report of the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence. The report confirms that sexual violence is one of the most costly crimes for the health, social, and justice sectors in New Zealand. The report includes...

Ministry Releases Sexual Violence Research


The Ministry of Women’s Affairs has released the first two reports from their two year research project titled Restoring soul: Effective interventions for adult victim/survivors of sexual violence. The project is aimed at improving outcomes for...

Child and Family Protection Bill Introduced


The Child and Family Protection Bill was introduced to Parliament last week by Minister of Justice Simon Power. The Bill aims to further protect children and young victims of domestic violence by improving family court processes by: Providing...