ADFVC Release Special Collection on Same Sex Domestic and Family Violence

Fri 11 Jun 2010

The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse has released a special collection focussed on domestic and family violence within same ...

The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse has released a special collection focussed on domestic and family violence within same sex relationships.

Studies indicate that domestic and family violence occur at relatively the same rate in same sex relationships as in heterosexual relationships, yet there is limited research conducted around domestic abuse in these relationships, its dynamics, impacts for victims and appropriate responses. This collection, then, provides a valuable gathering of data and research about domestic and family violence affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members of our community.

While victims of same sex intimate partner violence may experience the same forms of abuse that heterosexual victims experience, they may be subject to additional threats and abuse related to their sexuality or gender, such as ‘outing’ to family, friends and others. They may experience specific challenges around help-seeking, such as combating homophobia or a lack of services.

Research and evaluation concerning same sex domestic and family violence are critical to strengthening our understanding and response to these members of the community. In this special collection, you will find research and resources related to:

Service response
Legal and legislative issues
Victims and perpetrators
Online resources
This collection is one of several special collections available via the ADFVC website which groups research and resources in issue areas.

This special collection is available at: